Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Critic Reviews
18 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(100%)
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August 13, 2013
Larger and more intricate than The Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches emerges as one of the finest examples of how to not only expand a blockbuster video game, but also of how to enrich and deepen one.
Game Revolution
August 13, 2013
For 800 MSP ($10.00), The Brigmore Bitches Witches is an adequate addition to the Dishonored universe. I think showing the parallel storyline of Daud has been a great addition. If you have been on the fence about picking up the DLC for this series, I can assure you that the collective price of 1600 MSP ($20.00) is well worth the content you get from Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches.
Gamers' Temple
August 23, 2013
The most disappointing thing about this DLC is that it's the final one.
August 14, 2013
As both the counterpart and conclusion to Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches doesn't innovate as much as its predecessor, choosing instead to sharpen the point and deliver a killer blow for those who have stuck with Dishonored. If you know who Daud is, and what he's capable of, you'll certainly want to see his story through.
Cheat Code Central
August 13, 2013
All three missions contain meaty choices and interesting people to meet.
August 13, 2013
A good finale for a really good DLC run for Dishonored. Arkane closes with expertise the Daud's arc but let us wanting for more of this fascinating world.
August 16, 2013
Those who play the game stealthily and/or replay levels to experiment with different solutions will get more from The Brigmore Witches than those who rush through with a combat heavy approach, but that’s always been the case with Dishonored.
August 19, 2013
The Brigmore Witches is a haunting end to the Dishonored story arc.
August 19, 2013
The Brigmore Witches shares its predecessor's lack of narrative propulsion, but is nonetheless a compelling package that all who own Dishonored should locate and devour. Several new elements expand the core title's already generous gameplay options, and the two conclusions to Daud's bloody saga are both satisfying.
Official Xbox Magazine
August 20, 2013
As a whole, you’ll find the roughly 4 hour Dishonored finale enjoyable, but not quite as thrilling as what came before it.
August 22, 2013
In the end, those who enjoyed Dishonored will probably get a kick out of The Brigmore Witches, and those who got what they needed out of the main game have few new experiences to find here.
Worth Playing
October 7, 2013
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches is a good way for the first game to end properly while still providing enough hints for players to crave a second entry in the world. While the opening stage isn't much, the latter two stages are more indicative of the scope of the previous DLCs.
August 13, 2013
The Brigmore Witches doesn’t break much new ground, but the stealth-or-slaughter gameplay is as compelling as ever, as is exploring each new playground.
August 14, 2013
As with the main game, Brigmore Witches is designed to be replayed, and is most impressive for its ability to generate exciting little moments and stories that stick in the player’s head. This isn’t Dishonored at its best though, and ultimately feels a little constrained by its nature as a downloadable extra chapter. It’s certainly very enjoyable, but bring on Dishonored 2, I say.
August 13, 2013
All of Dishonored's famed hallmarks are there: a beautiful world, intriguing political game-playing, and highly replayable levels. Sadly, chief failings are also on show - high levels of trial and error, overpowered abilities, and the feeling that your first run-through is sure to be nothing more than a glorified trial.
Metro GameCentral
August 14, 2013
A solid slice of DLC with an interesting story to tell and some notable new gameplay extras, although the fate of the protagonist is unfortunately fudged.
God is a Geek
August 16, 2013
The Brigmore Witches is a mostly satisfactory end to one of 2012′s best-loved games, but it could have and should have concluded with more pizazz.