Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time Critic Reviews
9 Total Reviews
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The Digital Fix
November 13, 2019
The Doctor Who fan in me loved his time with this title. From a non-Who fan, video game standpoint though, its negatives weigh heavy on the overall experience. Its short, too easy and sometimes cumbersome. If your a Who fan though you will love parts of it, as I did. Maybe wait for the title to go on sale.
Video Chums
November 21, 2019
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time offers a gripping atmosphere and a great performance from Jodie Whittaker but besides that, it falls flat.
November 26, 2019
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time has some fun ideas and offers fans a great opportunity to go on a time-hopping adventure with the greatest alien hero television has ever seen. Unfortunately, it doesn’t quite feel ready for prime time nor is it optimized well enough on the PlayStation 4.
November 26, 2019
I wanted to love Doctor Who: The Edge of Time, but I was left feeling let down. The periodic injection of obligatory “cheeky quips” from the disembodied voice of Whittaker’s Doctor just felt like another superficial distraction from the fact that, at its core, this is just an ok VR puzzler that wastes its legendary source material. If you’ve always wanted to take the TARDIS for a spin, by all means check it out — but beyond that, temper your expectations.
November 15, 2019
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time has flashes of excellence and, if you’re a hardcore Doctor Who fan, you’ll get something out of it. But for a show that’s had this long a run, there’s really nothing remarkable about Doctor Who: The Edge of Time.
Metro GameCentral
November 19, 2019
There’s moments of greatness, and genuine terror, in this loving homage to everyone’s favourite double-hearted alien, but time and again it’s dragged down by dull puzzles and drab storytelling.
God is a Geek
November 19, 2019
A Doctor Who game set in a virtual world could have been something really special. Unfortunately, the slow movement and generic puzzles don't do much for Maze Theory's game.
Screen Rant
December 9, 2019
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time doesn’t really feel like a 2019 VR game, with simplistic VR tropes and mostly obvious puzzles. As a result, the quality of the experience relies too heavily on its licensing to communicate any significant quality.
Push Square
November 22, 2019
Stepping into the TARDIS is a cool moment, and there are lots of references and encounters that fans will love throughout the short runtime. Unfortunately, that's about as much substance as you'll find. The puzzles themselves are pretty easy, and the environments you find yourself in are underwhelming. Long load times break the flow between each location, movement is slow, and it's not very engaging to play at all. If you're a real Doctor Who aficionado, you may find some enjoyment here, but otherwise, this is a waste of your precious time.