December 10, 1993


Based on 1273 Ratings
Based on 73 Reviews


There is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health in campaign mode as you beat back Hell’s raging demon hordes. Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement and an advanced melee system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways. In multiplayer, dominate your opponents in DOOM’s signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. In both classic and all-new game modes, annihilate your enemies utilizing your personal blend of skill, powerful weapons, vertical movement, and unique power-ups that allow you to play as a demon. DOOM SnapMap is an easy-to-use game and level editor that allows for limitless gameplay experiences on every platform. Anyone can snap together and customize maps, add pre-defined or custom gameplay, and edit game logic to create new modes. Instantly play your creation or make it available to players around the world. [ID/Bethesda]

Doom Series Games

Doom II: Hell on Earth
September 30, 1994
Doom II: Hell on Earth
December 31, 1996
Final Doom
Doom 3
August 3, 2004
Doom 3
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
April 3, 2005
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
December 10, 1993
May 13, 2016
DOOM (2016)
October 16, 2012
Doom 3 BFG Edition
November 30, 2017
March 20, 2020
Doom Eternal
March 31, 1997
Doom 64

Doom Trailer

Doom Screenshots

Critic Reviews

  • 80
    Nintendo Force Magazine April 25, 2018
    This is the game I was expecting back in November. Now I can finally recommend DOOM to friends without having to append a mountain of caveats!
  • 75
    CD-Action February 8, 2018
    Technically this port is so impressive that sometimes it’s hard to believe it actually exists. It’s the game itself that I have some issues with, as in my opinion its campaign is encumbered by elements that sometimes unnecessarily slow down Doom’s fantastic pace.
  • 80
    FANDOM December 11, 2017
    It’s not a perfect port. For those looking to play DOOM purely on the big screen, the Switch version’s janky visuals make it difficult to recommend. Yet, if you’re looking for a portable version of one of the best shooters in recent memory, DOOM thoroughly deserves to be the blood-soaked outlier lurking in your Switch library.
  • 80
    NZGamer December 1, 2017
    Despite these bugs, I’m still impressed with the quality of Doom on the Switch. The singleplayer campaign – with it’s replay value and multiple difficulties – easily makes it worth the price tag. It is a must play for Switch owners clamouring for some hyperviolence on their train rides.
  • 94
    Gamers' Temple November 28, 2017
    DOOM left an amazingly good impression, and became my favorite shooter since... hmmm... Black or the Killzone trilogy? That sounds right; first-person shooters or games that are violent simply for violence's sake fell out of my favor in my 20s, so it is rare than one gets anything more than a passing "meh" from me. But DOOM is really something special. It's faster than 95% of the shooters I've played, and more intense than nearly all of them. The exploration, huge stages and mountains of collectibles and upgrades set it aside from the average "kill everything, move on" shooters, and the glory kills make dispatching bad guys as satisfying a treat as it's ever been in any other game before it. The in-game map is a huge pain and the multiplayer is a GB-hogging snoozefest, but those are literally the only downsides I see. Every adult Switch owner except for the most squeamish, should have DOOM in their cartridge slot or installed on their SD card. In a whirlwind year for the Switch and AAA releases, DOOM stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the big boys, and missing out on it would be a crime.