September 7, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt

Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt
Based on 261 Ratings
Based on 7 Reviews
Release date
September 7, 2010


The dreaded Archdemon has been slain and the advance of the darkspawn halted by a lone, heroic Grey Warden. The kingdom rejoices, but at least one question remains: what happened to Morrigan? The sorceress joined the Wardens cause, but it is said her true purpose was not revealed until the eve of the last battle. She vanished into the shadows, and while rumors claimed she crossed over the mountains into Orlais no trace of her path could be found. She was never heard from again... until now. Nearly a year has passed since the Archdemon's death, and word has reached the Wardens that Morrigan has returned to Ferelden. She has been sighted in the southern wilderness where she was first encountered. Is it truly her? If it is, then why has is she here and what secret does she carry with her? The Warden heads into the forest to find out and tie up this last loose end once and for all.

Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt Trailer

Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt Screenshots18

Dragon Age Series Games

November 3, 2009
Dragon Age: Origins
March 8, 2011
Dragon Age 2
September 7, 2010
Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt
July 26, 2011
Dragon Age 2: Legacy
November 18, 2014
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Heroes of Dragon Age

Critic Reviews7

Despite some small bugs and two somewhat open endings, Witch Hunt proves to be a fine DLC that should't disappoint any fan of the series. If you're a fan of the game and look forward to a decent conclusion to the fantasy saga told until now, look no further.
May 20, 2024
The tale of how you find Dragon Age's sparsely clothed mage is a decent one filled with personality and humor, and the combat encounters, as brief as they are, can be fun, but Witch Hunt ultimately doesn't provide enough substance to satisfy.
May 20, 2024
As an excuse to spend another mildly diverting evening in Ferelden, Witch Hunt does its job, but it's a functional offering rather than an inspiring one. Hamstrung by the piecemeal nature of Dragon Age DLC, and squandering a lot of the brilliantly constructed narrative from the full game, it's for completists only.
May 20, 2024

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