
Ebenezer and the Invisible World Critic Reviews

5 Total Reviews

3 Positive Reviews(60%)
2 Mixed Reviews(40%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameGrin November 3, 2023
A fun and by-the-book metroidvania, Ebenezer and the Invisible World brings my favourite Christmas story to videogames, but perhaps sticks too closely to its genre and avoids innovating a tad much.
Digital Chumps November 2, 2023
Ebenezer and the Invisible World has its moments of fun and rewarding exploration through completing optional sidequests and finding secrets. It looks great, too. However, its big swings in the form of ghost management and stiff traversal/combat lends to a less than stellar experience. May this experience become better in the future with more time and polish? Absolutely, but it’s worth waiting to see what happens.
Hey Poor Player November 10, 2023
Novelty is a steep challenge, and Ebenezer and the Invisible World succeeds admirably at showing us something new and exciting. The game features a cool concept married with challenging and invigorating gameplay. The problem is that it’s still shackled by glitches and occasionally poor game design. While the adventure is expansive and easily could take 10+ hours to get through, it’s a little hard to wholeheartedly recommend until many of the issues mentioned above have been addressed.
Noisy Pixel November 9, 2023
Ebenezer and the Invisible World is a fairly middle-of-the-road metroidvania that, apart from its presentation and premise, doesn’t do much to stand out from the crowd. Its passable combat and exploration achieve the bare minimum, making its subtle flaws more noticeable. Players may find themselves invested in the strong writing of the main story, sidequests, and profiles, but these elements only go so far in an action-adventure game. If you’re eager for a new metroidvania experience, Ebenezer and the Invisible World is an option, but with the genre being so densely populated, your time might be better spent elsewhere.
Shacknews November 2, 2023
Ebenezer and the Invisible World is a run-of-the-mill Metroidvania with the wrong story and outdated design. Except for the beautiful background art and an interesting variety of enemies, the adventure is a short, stodgy, rudimentary affair with weakly executed ideas. On the Christmas table, it’s the dry and underbaked fruitcake that is still technically edible but is surrounded by far too many better options.