Elite: Dangerous Critic Reviews
55 Total Reviews
54 Positive Reviews(98.2%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Eurogamer Germany
December 19, 2014
Elite: Dangerous is not yet where it wants to be. But it knows the way and is going there with pace. For now, I couldn't think of a better place to be than its passenger seat.
Hooked Gamers
December 22, 2014
It may not be perfect, but for something so ambitious it's off to a pretty grand start.
January 20, 2015
The new Elite picks up where the original left and improves its gameplay in every possible way. A great space sim that manages to be deep and complex without becoming too intricate, with room for future improvements. Could be the right reason to plug an Oculus Rift in your PC.
Pelit (Finland)
January 21, 2015
The purity and realism of Elite: Dangerous might be a bit too much for newcomers, but a person willing to learn the ropes and grind away for better ships will eventually be rewarded with a terrific sci-fi experience.
March 11, 2015
Elite: Dangerous requires an investment of time, patience and regular visits to the game’s fan community. The tutorial covers the extreme basis of starship operation, combat, and docking procedures but everything else in between is up to the player to figure out. Get past these hurdles and you’ll find a space simulation experience like no other, filled with gorgeous galactic vistas and the opportunity for fortune and glory.
May 11, 2015
Everyone who played the original game back in the 80's, should be right at home. It's the 21st Century version of "Elite." But newer, uninitiated players may find it strangely desolate and repetitive. A grand space simulation, aimed at the series' hardcore fans.
January 20, 2015
Elite Dangerous successfully takes the original game and turns it into a true 21st century revolution as you explore the furthermost reaches of the universe.
Games Master UK
February 22, 2015
Bold, brave and beautiful - Elite's return aims high and achieves almost all of its grand ambitions.
PC Gamer
December 23, 2014
A great game and, with time, potentially a classic. Much rests on Frontier's ability to build on these broad but somewhat shallow foundations.
December 25, 2014
The biggest fault you can make in Elite: Dangerous is waiting till the game lends you a hand. That is not gonna happen, as this is a sim in which you decide your own fate. So, how you experience this game is totally up to you. This freedom and the fantastic flight model makes the milky way your playground. Lovely.
December 31, 2014
Elite may not be a masterpiece, but it is a great return to a genre that’s been long irrelevant.
January 4, 2015
Elite: Dangerous is a great starting point that needs to be completed and filled with more content.
January 13, 2015
Elite: Dangerous is one of the games with the greatest potential ever seen in the history of this media. At present, we are talking about a title that includes a reproduction in 1: 1 scale of our galaxy, with billions of stars to explore and contents that go far beyond the life expectancy of a human being. In one word: incredible.
IGN Italia
January 26, 2015
Elite: Dangerous is a spectacular space simulation. The galactic vistas are breathtaking and the gameplay is complex and fun. The developers still need to work on the multiplayer and on the narrative aspects, otherwise the game tends to be a very long grind to get new ships.
January 28, 2015
Elite: Dangerous deserves the highest praise for its potential. But you still have to look at a real product available today, and that's not as stellar. After a few months many of the problems will be forgotten, but right now Elite: Dangerous is a very young, a bit prematurely issued game full of imperfect features. And at the same time it shines and pulls you in with a unique type of experience.
March 4, 2015
The legend returns after thirty years and it was so worth the wait! Freedom is still the most beautiful thing in Elite. You can reach every star you see in the night sky and do pretty much whatever you wish to earn a living – trade, smuggle, complete missions, steal from others, blow pirates to pieces, harvest resources from asteroids.
January 13, 2015
You get a Sidewinder. You get some credits. You get the galaxy. What you do with those humble beginnings and where you go from there is entirely up to you. Gameplay wise, apart from the missing multiplayer components, that’s what there is to it. You have a ship, fly that ship. Pursue whatever course you want, literally and figuratively.
January 14, 2015
Elite: Dangerous is unforgiving, obfuscating, and occasionally dull, but it’s always immersive and beautiful. It offers an incredible universe to explore that, despite occasional graphical repetition, offers the tantalising possibility of wonders yet unseen at the end of each new hyperspace jump.
Hobby Consolas
January 23, 2015
It has potential to become one the greatest space simulators, but controls with mouse and keyboard are awful and we miss planet exploration.
January 4, 2015
Flying your ship feels good, the galaxy accurately conveys an immense sense of scale, the use of real life stars and planets adds an amazing sense of wonder, and the trading and combat systems have strong cores. Overall, Elite: Dangerous is really cool, but mostly as a tease of what it could be.