EVE: Gunjack Critic Reviews
10 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(10%)
9 Mixed Reviews(90%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Push Square
October 22, 2016
Really fun to play for short stretches and then come back to repeatedly, it's a worthwhile venture.
November 12, 2016
The headtracking works exceptionally well, while the visuals are crisp thanks to the closeness to EVE: Valkyrie. But nonetheless this is merely more than a little action snack.
PlayStation LifeStyle
October 17, 2016
As far as VR turret shooters go, Gunjack sets the benchmark fairly high. Its lack of a concrete story may be a turn-off for some — it does have its roots in the mobile space — but that feeling of gunning down ships from the comfort of your cockpit is as exhilarating as it is immersive. At the risk of sounding pejorative, CCP’s spinoff can in many ways be likened to VR junk food — short, sweet, and fulfilling in the moment. Just don’t expect a VR experience for the ages.
PlayStation Country
October 27, 2016
Eve: Gunjack is a pretty basic game but that doesn’t detract from its charm. Sure it may be over pretty quickly and the mobile trappings may be off putting to some but it stands as a cheap and fun distraction.
Attack of the Fanboy
November 5, 2016
While the turret controls are very polished and the power-ups are a lot of fun to use, the gameplay itself can become tedious after awhile in the rather short EVE: Gunjack.
November 19, 2016
With its roots firmly planted in the mobile space, EVE: Gunjack is proof that virtual reality often works best when the experience is built around short pick-up and play sessions.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
December 27, 2016
If Gunjack's combat had just been a little more thoughtful, this space blaster could have been a real VR delight.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
January 8, 2017
This gallery space shooter shares the loosest of connections with the EVE mythos, and it lacks the frantic spectacle and VR dogfighting drama of Valkyrie.
December 22, 2016
This VR shoot'em up is not a good one. It is short, limited, uncomfortable... EVE Valkyrie is much, much better, check it out.
January 28, 2017
Mediocre graphics and repetition are the two major factors of this game’s failure. It can be fun for a couple of hours, but that’s about it.