
Ever Oasis Critic Reviews

56 Total Reviews

46 Positive Reviews(82.1%)
8 Mixed Reviews(14.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Attack of the Fanboy June 22, 2017
Ever Oasis is a perfect blend of management simulator and action-RPG. Despite being on a handheld, this deep RPG's stylish presentation and many gameplay systems come together in a way that few games do.
Cubed3 June 22, 2017
Ever Oasis is a masterfully crafted piece of gaming software that manages to introduce a lot of original town management elements into an action RPG without feeling overwhelming or too hard to understand even for younger audiences, all while offering a solid experience gameplay-wise, as well as visually and audibly.
NintendoWorldReport June 22, 2017
A truly superb experience. It’s filled with so many things to do, but in a way that feels anything but forced and overwhelmed. Instead, everything works together in harmony to make a truly deep and engaging game that's easy to recommend to anyone.
DualShockers June 23, 2017
Ever Oasis proves that the six year old handheld still has the potential to pump out some great content, while also being one of Koishi Ishii’s best works.
Nintendo Life June 26, 2017
Its addictive main gameplay loop, fun combat, amazing (and truly different) sense of style, and kindhearted nature make it feel like nothing else; though it reminds us of Rune Factory 4, Animal Crossing, Tri Force Heroes, and Final Fantasy Explorers in turn, this really is its own experience, and one we’d recommend to any action-RPG aficionado.
Impulsegamer July 5, 2017
Ever Oasis takes the best out of Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing and combines them to make something even better!
Nintendo Force Magazine August 24, 2017
Ever Oasis is an elegant masterpiece of an adventure that excels at combining so many concepts and ends up crafting a truly fabulous 3DS game.
IGN June 27, 2017
It’s no easy task, but Ever Oasis has managed to make me care as much about preserving my town as I do about saving the world. Despite the few odd design choices, there’s a wonderful blend of adventure and town-building where every task you tackle finds multiple ways to reward you.
Nintendo Enthusiast June 22, 2017
Ever Oasis is a refreshing action-RPG with a surprising amount of gameplay depth and variety. By stitching together swatches of different gameplay genres and inspirations, Grezzo has crafted an impressive title with an engaging world and satisfying gameplay loop. Its music and graphics are cute, but its gameplay is refined. After finishing off this adventure, I cannot wait to see what Grezzo’s next step will be!
GamePro Germany June 22, 2017
Unimposing mix of building-simulation and action-JRPG which surprises with great fights and plenty of content.
Games Master UK July 13, 2017
Party and inventory management are fussy, but this action RPG is a real treat for parched 3DS owners.
Destructoid June 22, 2017
There are issues with the game, but honestly, I think Ever Oasis is a blast. Building up my little spot of heaven, running errands for the residents, and venturing out into the great sandy plains outside my garden gate provide equal thrills. The longer I play, the more I enjoy it and that is far more uncommon than it should be. If this game is to be the first of a new franchise, it’s a damn good starting point.
Digital Chumps June 23, 2017
Whether in combat or solving puzzles, as well as in management of your oasis, Ever Oasis does a nice job of being accessible yet avoids being shallow. This is not a tough game to learn the mechanics nor is it hard to make steady progress, hour after hour, and that’s a good thing. It provides a charming atmosphere and a pleasant presentation that’s fun to get into and hard to leave. If you’re in the market for that, GREEZO’s Ever Oasis makes a strong case for itself.
CGMagazine June 23, 2017
In the torrid desert of the AAA industry, Ever Oasis stands out as the rejuvenating refuge so desperately needed.
GamingTrend July 10, 2017
Ever Oasis offers a surprising amount of content in a fun, accessible game. Challenging yet forgiving battle mechanics mean that beginners can hack and slash away, while masters can focus on strategy and speed running. A diverse cast of characters with numerous abilities encourages playing with diverse parties, and the warp system enables lots exploration, creating replayability while making long slogs across maps a thing of the past. Easy to pick up, hard to put down, and overflowing with features, Ever Oasis really is a diamond in the desert.
Vandal June 22, 2017
Ever Oasis is a game that is very well designed, dynamic and interesting. A special title that brings yet another great adventure to 3DS.
Wccftech June 28, 2017
In Ever Oasis you’re trying to make your oasis grow, and as you do, so does your strength, and your relationships. It’s a straight-forward, simple action RPG that takes some inspirations from Harvest Moon and The Legend of Zelda, but none of those are a bad thing. Ever Oasis feels distinct and unique enough to be its own, strong title – if you haven’t abandoned your 3DS for the Switch yet, Ever Oasis is yet another great 3DS game.
Video Chums June 30, 2017
Ever Oasis has a charming, varied, and colourful world to explore with many characters who join you on your journey to safeguard your newfound home once and for all. If you're a fan of action-packed adventures, you can't go wrong with this adorable pocket-sized tale.
Meristation June 22, 2017
A really lovely video game with a balanced genre combination. Although not reaching the level of the greatest games of Nintendo 3DS, the new adventure from Koichi Ishii is a remarkable and varied adventure game.
God is a Geek June 22, 2017
Ever Oasis is basically a Harvest Moon-esque game with semi-open world roaming and Zelda-like dungeons. It’s nice, aesthetically and thematically, with lovely solid chibi style characters and some wonderfully twee music that I just can’t stop humming. It falls down somewhat with the adventuring, what with the AI issues and slightly simplistic combat, but the town management side of things can really get its hooks into you. There’s a serious buzz to be had whenever your Oasis gets a big transformation. This is a game that wants to make you smile, and it will do just that; just don’t expect a champagne supernova.