
Evil Genius 2: World Domination Critic Reviews

59 Total Reviews

49 Positive Reviews(83.1%)
8 Mixed Reviews(13.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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The Digital Fix March 29, 2021
Hands down the most fun I have ever had on a base builder. Providing you with everything you expect and more to fill you up on your evil deeds. A true kudos to the original entry in the series, you will have your wicked way in no time and soon the world will truly be yours!
TheGamer March 29, 2021
The balance of needing to manage your lair and check your world map is particularly well done. As your network grows it can get harder to avoid lockdowns, but upgrades bring it back in line. My only minor gripe is that you can’t properly micromanage minions. They have auto-assigned tasks and if you need things prioritizing - for instance, the removal of dead agents blocking the corridor - you need to get your Genius to step in, which can be dangerous. If you love building games, creating elaborate strings of traps, playing the bad guy, and generally living your best island life scamming tourists, Evil Genius 2 is for you.
Gamer.no March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2 is absolutely... genius. It offers loads of super villain charm in a seamless, rewarding package.
Gfinity March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2 improves on the original in every way. There's the obvious, such as the improved tutorial, graphics, and interface. Beyond that, influencing minions is easier, it streamlines tasks, you have more control over minion capacity, there’s a fast-forward option to reduce empty time, and the crime lords themselves have much more personality, helped in no small part by the star-studded voice cast. The only drawback is on the World Stage. Quests usually involve dispatching different minion combinations, and while it does affect how you balance your lair, the lack of variety means non-story quests feel stale fairly quickly. It’s easy to overlook, though. With its fantastic ‘60s art style, swanky soundtrack, and compelling, in-depth management, Evil Genius 2 is one of the best strategy simulators around.
Shacknews March 29, 2021
When I felt myself growing weary of the complication, I would march Maximillian into the mess hall and execute one of the stupider minions in front of his coworkers. This sent all the witnesses into a panic, resulting in improved productivity. I might be mentally damaged, but I’m having a great time and accomplishing my goals of world domination. Ultimately, Evil Genius 2 is a Dungeon Keeper clone in a different coat of paint. The surface has been well-prepped and the paint was applied with great expertise, though. If you consider yourself a fan of simulation-strategy games, this has to go on your must-play list for 2021.
Destructoid March 29, 2021
It comes across as a diabolical labor of love.
IGN Italia March 29, 2021
A great sequel for a great classic. Management can be tricky and some items can feel unbalanced, but all in all Evil Genius 2 is stylish, delightfully comedic and a blast to play.
Cultured Vultures March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2 is a solid, expansive, and fun lair management and defence game and a welcome return for the franchise.
Eurogamer Italy March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2 is a fun and deep base building strategy game that manages to offer hours of fun, a lot of thematic jokes wrapped in a package of stellar art direction and high production values.
GamingTrend March 29, 2021
In some ways falling short, but in many ways vastly exceeding the original, Evil Genius 2: World Domination is everything we wanted in a sequel to one of the best evildoer simulators ever made. It recaptures the spirit of the original, brings it up to modern standards, and lets us play in an evil sandbox of our own making.
Hey Poor Player March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2 is a surprisingly addictive (evil) management sim. Despite there being a bit of repetitive busywork to do, there’s plenty of global domination wickedness for even the most power-hungry megalomaniac to sink their avaricious teeth into.
Screen Rant March 29, 2021
For fans, Evil Genius 2 accurately recreates the feel of building up and defending a Bond villain's lair from the original, but with a host of quality of life changes that make it feel effortless. For the newly curious, Evil Genius 2: World Domination is a witty, stylish, and surprisingly deep base builder.
God is a Geek March 29, 2021
Anyone who ever dreamed of being the villain building an island base to rival Dr. No should give Evil Genius 2: World Domination a fair shot.
VG247 March 29, 2021
Everything that made that original game special, and ultimately a cult classic, is faithfully and lovingly reproduced here. It’s a safe reimagining, but simply on merit of all the small modernizing touches, which add up to a lot, it’s also pretty clearly a better game than the original – and considering how much I loved that game, that’s no small feat. I can see many more hours in my lair ahead – and with potential updates and DLC down the line to address some issues, true world domination could still be ahead.
The Games Machine March 29, 2021
Evil Genius 2: World Domination is a competent sequel, even if it remains inferior in several respects to its direct predecessor. The gameplay formula has been modernized, but some features that made the first chapter a cult classic have been inexplicably removed. A shame because otherwise we would have had a real masterpiece in our hands, but several shortcomings and smudges make it “only” a good video game.
GameByte March 29, 2021
Overall, Evil Genius 2 is a fun, addictive, simulation game that’s easy to pour time into. If you’re a fan of the genre, it’s definitely worth checking out.
GameSpew March 29, 2021
A simulation game with a twist, Evil Genius 2: World Domination is a must-play for fans of the genre. Forget building hospitals, theme parks or zoos; creating the world’s most evil lair is where it’s at. There’s plenty to sink your teeth into here, and an awful lot to learn, but once you get the hang of being evil, you’ll discover that being bad sure is good fun.
PC Invasion March 29, 2021
If you've ever had dreams of taking over the world with a comical Doomsday Device, then Evil Genius 2: World is the near-perfect game for you to see it happen.
Metro GameCentral March 29, 2021
By perfecting the Dungeon Keeper formula, the best James Bond game since GoldenEye proves that playing the bad guy really can be more fun.
Worth Playing March 29, 2021
All in all, Evil Genius 2 is a perfectly solid update-slash-sequel to the original title. It doesn't break the mold but focuses on streamlining the core gameplay while adding more enemies, features and traps. It's similar enough that it probably won't change your mind if you didn't like the original, but by the same token, if you liked Evil Genius, you'll most likely enjoy Evil Genius 2. It's also a good starting point, as you don't need knowledge of the original to jump into evil scheming. It's not perfect, but it's probably the best supervillain simulator out there.