September 14, 2004

Fable: The Lost Chapters

Fable: The Lost Chapters
Based on 54 Reviews
Release date
September 14, 2004


Fable: The Lost Chapters is fully optimized for the Windows platform complete with expanded content, greater customization, new quests and enhanced graphics. Your every action determines your character's skills, appearance and morality. Your character's life story is created from childhood through to adulthood and on to old age. Grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, spoken of by all and immortalized in legend. As additional story and side quests await, choose the path of righteousness, or dedicate your life to evil, and see yourself transform into a reflection of your actions and decisions. Age leaves you wizened and battle leaves you scarred as you explore the world of Albion and the plethora of expanded and enhanced content. With experience comes advancement and physical change, whether it be expanding muscles, a keen eye and nimble form, or the buzz of magical energies around your finger tips. As you develop your alter ego, the world reacts to you and your actions. People comment on your successes and failures, your appearance, and your behavior. Fable: The Lost Chapters offers Windows gamers even more character customization choices that will impact your appearance. The denizens of Albion's many opinions are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic, and even flirtation if they feel so inclined. Each person you aid, each flower you crush, each creature you slay, will change this world forever. In Fable: The Lost Chapters, gamers decide: "Who will I be?" [Microsoft]

Fable: The Lost Chapters System Requirements

🤏 Minimum Requirements

Windows XP or later
1.4 GHz equivalent or greater

Fable: The Lost Chapters Trailer

Fable: The Lost Chapters Screenshots38

Fable Series Games6

September 14, 2004
Fable: The Lost Chapters
October 21, 2008
Fable 2
October 26, 2010
Fable 3
October 9, 2012
Fable: The Journey
May 2, 2012
Fable Heroes
February 22, 2018
Fable Fortune

Critic Reviews54

You can tell the amount of love poured into this game, it really shows. An excellent title for anyone who enjoys adventure games, especially those who like the less linear feel that Fable has to offer.
May 8, 2024
The game offers a lot to do for any RPG aficionado, including a compelling story bundled into a non-linear package that affords something many RPG gamers want – freedom to act as they please. Fable, with all it offers, is the perfect game for this type of freedom.
May 8, 2024
Fable is a fantastic game and TLC builds even more onto it. The one thing I am disappointed with is that there is no multiplayer mode.
May 8, 2024

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