
Fairy Tail Critic Reviews

41 Total Reviews

29 Positive Reviews(70.7%)
12 Mixed Reviews(29.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Comicbook.com August 3, 2020
FAIRY TAIL is bombastic, breezy, and full of fun to watch characters, except, this time, it's us making it all happen.
Digitally Downloaded July 29, 2020
Fairy Tail is pure comfort food for people who, like me, count the JRPG as the favourite genre. It lacks the subversive intelligence of a NieR: Automata or Final Fantasy VII Remake. It also lacks the rich refinement of a Persona 5 or the epic scope of a Trails of Cold Steel. Even in comparison to Gust's own titles, it lacks the rich character development of Atelier or the sheer beauty of Blue Reflection. But Fairy Tail has one thing in spades; it's joyous, and it's the right kind of frivolous. It's a celebration of an anime that I can only assume is both silly and fun in its own right and that works as the perfect promotion for Fairy Tail: I really want to watch the anime now. Fairy Tail isn't going to be on any of my game of the year lists, but not every release needs to be pitched at those lists to be well and truly worthwhile. Fairy Tail being the game that reminded me why I loved JRPGs in the first place is more than enough.
Gamers Heroes July 31, 2020
Fairy Tail is a return to form for the classic turn-based RPG combat of yesteryear. A huge cast of memorable characters, tons of side content, and incredible combat all come together to form one of this year's most impressive JRPGs.
PlayStation LifeStyle August 2, 2020
The very best thing about FAIRY TAIL is just how much fun the game is. Absolutely nothing about this game feels like a chore. It’s a delightful romp through Fiore following Natsu’s story from X791 arc onward. Not having to grind for hours on end may be the most refreshing part of it all. My JRPG junkies know all too well how much time we tend to spend power leveling characters just so we can move the needle forward. Every aspect of Fairy Tail has been expertly crafted and balanced perfectly in this reviewer’s opinion.
Cubed3 July 29, 2020
It seems as though the limited budget available for Fairy Tail has been used in the right places, saving on unimportant parts, and spending on the important bits. The gameplay, ranking and battling systems are well thought-out, and presented beautifully. For a game with such a low budget, everything has been implemented very well. It is very clear that the author of the manga, Hiro Mashima, was closely involved in developing this instalment, as it represents the feeling of the anime/manga incredibly accurately.
Critical Hit July 31, 2020
A junk food JRPG that won't push you to the limit, Fairy Tail is a comfortable blend of fantasy and strategy that's authentic to its source material of magic and mayhem.
TheSixthAxis July 31, 2020
The Fairy Tail franchise and the JRPG genre are a perfect match, and this game perfectly captures the silly yet surprisingly intense charm of the original series. It's a shame that the game often puts so little effort into adapting major story scenes, but that sacrifice is outweighed by the abundance of fun little character interactions and vignettes that are sprinkled throughout the game. Fairy Tail lets you live in the world of Natsu and co. like no other anime game has done before, and any fan of the series is sure to crack a smile at this dedicated RPG experience.
Noisy Pixel July 31, 2020
Fairy Tail covers some of the best story arcs from the series, but sadly that requires players to chug through uninspired quests to witness them. Luckily, the battle system is engaging, and that character interactions are consistently entertaining. This is a game for fans, and it shows during every moment of the gameplay, which might turn away newcomers in the long run. Still, I had a great time hanging out with the Fairy Tail guild and helping them return to their former glory.
God is a Geek August 2, 2020
Fairy Tail is an incredibly satisfying turn based RPG, with tons of growth systems to invest in. You need a good knowledge of the show to get maximum enjoyment, but for fans it doesn't get any better than this.
GameSpew August 3, 2020
Fairy Tail is over-the-top, comical and captivating – and it’s one of the most enjoyable JRPGs I’ve sank my teeth into in some time.
Shacknews August 7, 2020
Fairy Tail is a great example of how good RPGs based on anime series can be, even if you don't know much (or anything at all) about the anime in question. I appreciated its challenging combat, extensive amount of quests and enemies to tackle, and the way it absolutely nailed the anime's aesthetic. I'd love to see other anime series tackled by Gust in the future – possibly a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game someday. For now, I'm going to go and watch more Fairy Tail since the game has me hooked.
Meristation August 6, 2020
Fairy Tail it's a game that has its forte in a simple but effective combat system alongside the ambience from the series and a déjà vu from other titles from Gust.
4Players.de August 20, 2020
Amusing anime rpg to Hiro Mashimas manga series of the same name.
IGN Italia July 30, 2020
A JRPG that's not so inspired and too repetitive, but brings with it plenty of things to do and is perfect for Fairy Tail fans.
PlayStation Universe July 30, 2020
Fairy Tail is a good first attempt to bring this massive franchise to home consoles. GUST does a great job of not only recreating the world and characters of Fairy Tail but goes out of its way with great writing and character development. It's not every day you get to play a game that rewards you for every task you complete in it. Combat is a highlight but the exploration leaves much to be desired.
ZTGD August 26, 2020
Fairy Tail is a straightforward game that does enough to keep it interesting throughout. Those of us not familiar with the show will have to put in a little extra work to understand everything that is going on, but fans of the series will really enjoy the pieces here. There is even an added epilogue treat that should really excite people who know the story. While there are a lot of anime games pumped out regularly, this one feels like it plays it safe where it needs to, while still delivering an enjoyable experience all around.
GameSpace August 31, 2020
Although minor things like no English voiceover work set back the overall quality, I still find Fairy Tail to be a step above most other anime-based games. The quality of graphics aren’t top-tier for a modern 2020 game, but they look pleasingly anime-like in color and design so it doesn’t feel like a throw-away entry of any sort. Overall, if you’ve been itching for a new anime game and you love Fairy Tail, then Fairy Tail on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC is a fun and refreshing new take.
SpazioGames July 30, 2020
As a licensed JRPG, Fairy Tail is solid and fun, thanks mainly to its combat system, but taken as a role playing game as a whole, it can feel bland and uninspired. Recommended to Fairy Tail fans only. All the others may want to wait for a price drop.
Everyeye.it July 30, 2020
If you are already in love with the rowdy license of Hiro Mashima, FAIRY TAIL will be able to enchant you with its irresistible irony; otherwise, the absence of important narrative pieces could preclude the total understanding of the story and favor a premature abandonment by the player.
Vandal July 30, 2020
Fairy Tail has some obvious budget-related shortcomings, but it’s also a very solid take on the franchise that doesn’t take the easy way out and becomes a musou. It’s definitely a game for fans of the franchise, so if you’re not familiar with it, you’ll find better alternatives.