
Fallout 4 VR Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

26 Positive Reviews(96.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(3.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GMW3 December 12, 2017
Fallout 4 VR is such a massive experience that VRFocus could go on writing for hours. What you want to know is, is it worth investing your time in? That’s an easy yes. What Bethesda has done with Fallout 4 VR is create the ultimate Fallout experience. Yes you may have preferred Fallout 3 but this is the version you’ve got in VR, and it’s a stunner. If you have HTC Vive then you need this, just bear in mind that it might be 2018 before you take the headset off.
Impulsegamer December 20, 2017
The controls can be a bit tricky to master but that’s also to be expected from a reasonably new technology (at least for home use). But what you do get is a massive world that you can just roam around in, you get to play with your good ol’ pal Dog Meat. I’ve spent longer in Fallout 4 VR than any other VR experience before and my play times themselves are far longer than any other playtime (averaging about 3 hours at a time). I am arguably a Fallout apologist so keep that in mind, but if like me you love the Fallout World (and previously only got to experience it in a “forced” VR experience via software hacks) then I think you are going to be more than happy with the experience… now if you’ll excuse me I need to go and hunt a Death Claw.
Gaming Nexus January 10, 2018
It does have its issues, but Fallout 4 VR is one of my favorite VR titles so far. Make sure you have a very beefy computer to run it though.
GameCrate December 21, 2017
Fallout 4 VR is a splendid example of what every fan of VR hopes the industry is working towards. This is a AAA title that offers hundreds of hours of immersive, atmospheric gameplay that manages to nail the feel and aesthetic of VR without feeling like a cheap imitation of the main game. There are still a few flaws, and we would love to see Bethesda roll out mods and DLC from the main game, but in the meantime, it’s an experience that’s worth it for fans of VR and Fallout alike.
COGconnected December 22, 2017
Fallout 4 VR is really tough to come to a consensus on. On one hand, the original is truly a great game on its own, there is no doubt about it. On the other hand, the VR implementation throughout the game seems to be less than what most players have become accustomed to.
Vandal December 14, 2017
Fallout 4 is an incredible experience in VR that works better than we expected, although it comes with the expected shortcomings of this technology.
4Players.de December 15, 2017
Quotation forthcoming.
The Overpowered Noobs December 18, 2017
Controls are often not as responsive as you’d hope, and evidence of “flat gaming” roots abounds, but Fallout 4 VR brought the entirety of the massive, content-rich adventure, with hundreds of hours of gameplay, to VR, and it did so with little in the way of graphical compromise. No other virtual reality title is as technically advanced, and almost none offer the value for money found here, either. Bethesda has set the standard for future AAA VR.
GamingTrend December 19, 2017
While unsurprisingly riddled with bugs at launch, and with other aspects just missing (DLC and scopes, as an example), the community steps in to make this incredible game one of the best titles on the VR platform. Delivering nearly 80 hours of gameplay, even without addons, it’s easily the largest and most compelling reason to own a VR HMD.
GameWatcher December 19, 2017
While there are a number of omissions in Fallout 4 VR; working scopes, manual reloading and holding two handed weapons correctly to name a few, this game is the most complete experience that I’ve played on the Vive so far. No other VR games offer an experience of this depth or length and while you will have to make a number of adjustments before jumping in, I think it’s worth it. Fallout 4 VR is the best version of Fallout 4 and as more mods are released, I can only see it getting better. It’s by no means perfect and it’s very noticeable that this game has been adapted, rather than being built with VR in mind, but the end result is still something I can confidently recommend. If you’re a fan of Fallout 4 and own a HTC Vive, you won’t want to miss this!
Hardcore Gamer December 21, 2017
As cool as VR Fallout sounds, Fallout 4 is simply more enjoyable on the flat screen. Despite the issues that came with the port to VR, experiencing Fallout 4 in VR is great, not so much because of how amazing it is but because of the potential that’s shown. Fallout 4 was not built from the ground up for VR, and considering its size made porting it to VR no minor task, it’s still a worthwhile title even with its shortcomings and arguably essentially for any Vive owner. Fallout 4 VR shows that a game of this magnitude can exist in VR format and if a Fallout game was built from the ground up for VR and used this as a reference point for what to improve the results could be truly astounding. As it stands, it’s clear that VR games have come a long way in the past couple of years but still have a way to go before their potential is fully realized.
Gameblog.fr December 26, 2017
Becoming a VR Game, Fallout 4 feels the same and new at the same time. A huge game with a lot of quests, a fantastic atmosphere and the feeling that we are in the future, walking in the Commonwealth. Only a few mechanics don't feel very natural but it doesn't prevent us to keep on playing.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) February 16, 2018
Fallout 4 VR has some flaws, but on the other hand it can unbelievably draw and swallow you. Only the sore face and hurting feet will make you pause the game for a while.
IGN December 15, 2017
Fallout 4 VR lets you experience the post-nuclear future in a much more intimate way. Its adaptation to the Vive’s hand-tracked Touch controls works fairly well for moving and shooting, but poorly for using the Pip Boy’s clunky interface, and that’s something you’ll need to do frequently. But it’s worth putting up with to come face to face with Fallout 4’s characters, monsters, and settings.
Multiplayer.it January 2, 2018
It's the same, complete experience of Fallout 4 but with all the typical flaws of the virtual reality.
Everyeye.it December 19, 2017
This version requires very powerful hardware compared to other experiences of equal visual quality.
GameStar February 26, 2018
Fallout 4 VR is an impressive VR experience, but faces portability issues in a lot of areas.
Road to VR December 12, 2017
Fallout 4 VR definitely has it flaws as a VR title, some of which simply couldn't be addressed without completely overhauling the game. The overall effect is clear though: it works, and that might just be enough given the depth of the post-apocalyptic backdrop.
IGN Italia December 17, 2017
Fallout 4 VR does not go beyond an average vote because of a VR implemented mostly in an approximate way, even if the overall effect remains considerable.
Gaming Age December 22, 2017
As a whole the Fallout 4 VR experience is a good one. This is not a 2 hour slice of the game, this is the entirety of Fallout 4 in VR (minus the DLC). You can experience the entire game again from start to finish in VR, which I think is incredibly cool and impressive. I have not played through that far yet, but I do plan to finish the game as time allows me. Unfortunately, I can only pull off 3-4 hours in VR at a time before I have to take a break and do something else. The time I do spend in the world of Fallout 4 VR however makes me forget that I am using a headset and transports me to that world with moments that make the complaints I have all but go away for a time. If you have an HTC Vive (Sorry Oculus users, no support for you guys yet) and the PC to run it (GTX 1070 listed as the minimum), I definitely recommend checking Fallout 4 VR out.