
Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

17 Positive Reviews(89.5%)
2 Mixed Reviews(10.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Thunderbolt July 28, 2011
Essential, easily worth both the time and monetary investment not only to your own gameplay experience but also to that of your character. Besides the raised level cap, new traits, arsenal and items, once completed, the Big MT can be revisited at will. And unlike other DLC, this is one you'll actually want to revisit again and again.
GameWatcher August 10, 2011
You will love it though if you chose the Weird Wasteland perk, loved the Vault filled with Garys in 3, or just don't mind playing through an extremely funny and well-written DLC pack that throws interesting surprises at you all the time, rewards exploration greatly, and packs more imagination and play-time in it than nearly every other full-priced game out there.
Gamer Limit July 19, 2011
Old World Blues is one of the best Fallout DLCs yet. It's funny, it's packed with content, and it offers solid rewards for players who are looking to add to their Courier's arsenal. If you skipped on the previous two content packs, make sure to pick this one up.
Eurogamer July 20, 2011
It all adds up to the strongest expansion in the relaunched series, across both Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Level7.nu August 2, 2011
5-8 hours of well thought out gameplay with a lot of excellent characters and a big area to explore. There's a lot of humour and crazy dialogue between the strange robots in The Big Empty. One of the best DLC I've ever played.
Official Xbox Magazine UK September 1, 2011
The best bit of Fallout DLC so far.
Xbox World 360 Magazine UK September 19, 2011
The best Fallout DLC to date.
GameSpot July 26, 2011
The fun and funny Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues gushes personality and is the game's best add-on yet.
Gaming Nexus August 9, 2011
Old World Blues is a fun and funny DLC offering up some great rewards along the way. The mission variations is slim, but you'll have plenty of areas to explore in the Big Empty. Bugs still crop up that can annoy or kill your game though.
3DJuegos July 26, 2011
Old World Blues is the best in the New Vegas add-on's so far, every part of its world is both exigent and motivating.
Games Master UK September 25, 2011
There's several enjoyable hours of fighting and fetch-quests here.
Eurogamer Italy July 22, 2011
Old World Blues is surely the Fallout: New Vegas' best DLC so far. If you were looking for an excuse to go back to the Mojave, you now have one!
IGN July 22, 2011
Old World Blues was a great surprise. Sure, the gameplay formula is typical Fallout -- fetch quests, exploration, killing, and moral decision making -- but it's wrapped in a genuinely humorous package.
Metro GameCentral July 24, 2011
At last a Fallout download that's genuinely worth the bandwidth, with a sparkling script that's better than either of the main games.
Everyeye.it July 30, 2011
Old World Blues is unequivocally the most successful New Vegas's DLC. Thanks to an irreverent storyline and a gameplay enriched by an excellent level design, this expansion is highly recommended to anyone who still wanders the desolate lands of the Mojave.
Gamereactor Denmark July 27, 2011
If you can ignore the technical issues that still plague New Vegas after all this time, Old World Blues offers a nice and solid experience, and we won't hesitate in saying its the best expansion for the game so far.
Gamereactor Sweden August 18, 2011
Old World Blues is an expansion that delivers what you probably expect. New weapons, new items, new perks and more levels for your character. In total about 8 hours worth of play time and a recommendation for Fallout fans, even though a better story would have been appreciated.
Game Revolution July 28, 2011
One of the best written DLCs for a Fallout game ever. It plays a strong part in the post-New Vegas story that the DLC packs are building, With that said, it's also one of the worst paced, with some of the most boring fetch quests you're likely to find in any Fallout game. It feels like an excuse to deliver excellent dialogue and humor, but with very few instances of quality content to actually play through.
GameCritics January 17, 2012
Although it's larger and more fully developed than Honest Hearts, I'm afraid that Fallout: New Vegas-Old World Blues is another case of a great idea not living up to its potential.