
Far Cry 3 Review

Far Cry 3 is a groundbreaking open world first-person shooter that has redefined the genre since its release in 2012. Developed by Ubisoft Montreal, this highly anticipated title plunges players into a lush tropical paradise turned deadly, where they must fight to survive against ruthless pirates, dangerous wildlife, and the island's dark secrets. Far Cry 3 delivers an immersive and unforgettable gaming experience that has earned it critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase.

In this comprehensive Far Cry 3 review, we will dive deep into the game's captivating story and characters, innovative gameplay mechanics, stunning visuals, and immersive audio. We'll explore the vast open world, filled with hidden treasures and treacherous encounters, and examine the game's intense combat system and arsenal of customizable weapons. Additionally, we'll take a look at the game's multiplayer and co-op modes, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately determine whether Far Cry 3 truly lives up to its reputation as a game-changer in the action genre.

Story and Characters

Far Cry 3's story follows Jason Brody, a young American who finds himself stranded on the dangerous Rook Islands after a vacation gone wrong. When Jason's friends and brother are captured by the ruthless pirate lord Vaas Montenegro, he must transform from an ordinary man into a fearsome warrior to rescue them and escape the island.


Jason Brody, the main character, undergoes a dramatic transformation throughout the game. Initially a carefree thrill-seeker, Jason is forced to adapt and survive in the harsh environment of the Rook Islands. As he becomes more involved with the native Rakyat tribe and their struggle against the pirates, Jason begins to embrace his role as a warrior, leading to internal conflicts and a blurring of his moral boundaries.


  1. Vaas Montenegro: The primary antagonist for much of the game, Vaas is a charismatic and psychopathic pirate leader who takes sadistic pleasure in tormenting Jason and his friends. His unpredictable nature and memorable monologues make him one of the most iconic villains in gaming history.

  2. Hoyt Volker: The true mastermind behind the island's criminal activities, Hoyt is a ruthless slave trader and privateer who serves as the final antagonist in Far Cry 3. Cold, calculating, and merciless, Hoyt represents the ultimate test of Jason's skills and resolve.

Supporting Characters

Far Cry 3 features a diverse cast of supporting characters who aid or hinder Jason in his quest:

Character Role
Citra The mysterious leader of the Rakyat tribe, who sees Jason as a potential savior for her people.
Dennis Jason's mentor and a member of the Rakyat, who guides him in his journey to become a warrior.
Dr. Earnhardt An eccentric scientist living on the island who assists Jason with his knowledge of the local flora and fauna.
Willis Huntley A CIA agent with his own agenda, who occasionally provides Jason with intel and support.

These characters, along with Jason's captive friends, help to shape the narrative and provide emotional depth to the story. As Jason navigates the dangerous landscape of the Rook Islands, his relationships with these characters evolve, leading to difficult choices and unexpected revelations.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Far Cry 3 offers a vast open world filled with diverse gameplay mechanics that keep players engaged throughout their adventure. The game seamlessly blends first-person shooter action with exploration, crafting, and RPG elements, creating a truly immersive experience.

Open World Exploration

The Rook Islands provide a sprawling sandbox for players to explore, with lush jungles, towering mountains, and pristine beaches. Players can traverse the world on foot, by vehicle, or even by using hang gliders to soar across the sky. The game encourages exploration by rewarding players with valuable resources, hidden collectibles, and unique side missions.

First-Person Shooter Combat

At its core, Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter that offers intense and satisfying combat. Players have access to a wide array of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and explosives. The game's gunplay is smooth and responsive, allowing for both stealthy takedowns and all-out firefights.

The game introduces several innovative mechanics to enhance the combat experience:

  1. Takedowns: Players can perform brutal melee takedowns on unsuspecting enemies, which can be chained together for multiple kills.

  2. Skill Trees: As players progress through the game, they earn experience points that can be used to unlock new abilities in three distinct skill trees: Heron (long-range takedowns and mobility), Shark (assault takedowns and healing), and Spider (stealth takedowns and survival).

  3. Syringes: Players can craft various syringes using plants found throughout the island, granting temporary boosts such as increased damage resistance or enhanced sensory perception.

Crafting and Progression

Far Cry 3 features a robust crafting system that allows players to create new items and upgrade their equipment. By hunting animals and gathering plants, players can craft larger weapon holsters, ammo pouches, and syringe kits. This system encourages players to interact with the world and rewards exploration.

Craftable Item Required Materials
Weapon Holster Animal Hides
Ammo Pouch Animal Skins
Syringe Kit Plant Leaves

Vehicles and Transportation

The game offers a variety of vehicles for players to commandeer, including cars, trucks, boats, and jet skis. These vehicles provide faster travel across the islands and can be used in combat situations. Players can also use hang gliders to glide from high vantage points, offering a unique way to traverse the landscape.

Far Cry 3's gameplay mechanics work together to create a cohesive and immersive open-world experience. The combination of exploration, crafting, and intense first-person shooter action keeps players engaged and encourages them to experiment with different playstyles and tactics as they navigate the dangerous and beautiful world of the Rook Islands.

Graphics and Visuals

Far Cry 3 delivers a visually stunning experience that immerses players in the lush tropical setting of the Rook Islands. The game's graphics engine showcases a vibrant and detailed world filled with dense foliage, crystal-clear waters, and dynamic lighting effects. From the swaying palm trees to the realistic character models, Far Cry 3's visuals create a believable and captivating environment.

Textures and Lighting

The game features high-quality textures that bring the world to life, from the intricate details on weapons and vehicles to the lush vegetation and rocky terrain. The lighting system is particularly impressive, with dynamic day-night cycles and realistic shadows that enhance the atmosphere and create a sense of depth.

Lighting Effect Impact
Dynamic day-night cycle Enhances immersion and atmosphere
Realistic shadows Creates depth and believability
Volumetric lighting Adds a sense of realism to the environment

Post-Processing Effects

Far Cry 3 employs various post-processing effects to further enhance the visual experience:

  1. Ambient Occlusion: This effect adds realistic shading and depth to the environment, particularly in corners and crevices where light would naturally have difficulty reaching.

  2. Motion Blur: When moving quickly or turning rapidly, motion blur creates a sense of speed and fluidity, making the game feel more cinematic and immersive.

  3. Depth of Field: By blurring objects in the foreground or background, depth of field creates a realistic sense of focus and draws the player's attention to important elements in the scene.

Performance Optimization

Despite its impressive visuals, Far Cry 3 is well-optimized and runs smoothly on a variety of hardware configurations. The game offers a range of graphical settings that allow players to fine-tune the performance to their system's capabilities, ensuring a balance between visual fidelity and smooth gameplay.

Far Cry 3's graphics and visuals set a new standard for open-world first-person shooters, creating a rich and immersive environment that draws players into the game's intense action and gripping narrative. The attention to detail, dynamic lighting, and post-processing effects work together to deliver a truly stunning visual experience that enhances the overall gameplay.

Audio and Soundtrack

Far Cry 3's audio and soundtrack play a crucial role in immersing players in the game's lush tropical setting and intense action. The game features a dynamic and atmospheric soundscape that adapts to the player's actions and surroundings, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Sound Effects and Voice Acting

The sound effects in Far Cry 3 are meticulously crafted to create a realistic and immersive auditory experience. From the rustling of leaves in the dense jungle to the crack of gunfire during intense combat, every sound is designed to draw players deeper into the game world. However, some players have reported issues with the audio quality, particularly with regard to NPC voice recordings:

  1. Tinny and low-quality voice audio for certain characters
  2. Echoing and static noise in the background of some dialogue
  3. Inconsistent accents and voice acting for non-essential NPCs

Despite these issues, the main characters' voice acting is generally of high quality, with performances that effectively convey the emotions and personalities of the characters.

Music and Soundtrack

The Far Cry 3 soundtrack, composed by Brian Tyler, is a standout feature of the game's audio. The music perfectly captures the essence of the game's setting and the protagonist's journey, with a mix of tribal rhythms, electronic beats, and orchestral elements.

Track Description
Far Cry 3 Main Theme An epic and cinematic theme that sets the tone for the game's adventure and danger.
Falling Into a Dream A hauntingly beautiful track that reflects the game's themes of insanity and the blurring of reality.
Journey Into Madness An intense and driving piece that underscores the game's action and the protagonist's descent into the island's chaos.

The soundtrack dynamically adapts to the player's actions, with the music intensifying during combat and becoming more ambient during exploration. This dynamic music system contributes to the game's immersion and emotional impact.

While the Far Cry 3 audio and soundtrack have some technical issues, particularly with NPC voice quality, the overall sound design and music are integral to the game's success in creating a captivating and immersive experience. The atmospheric sound effects, emotive soundtrack, and strong main character performances work together to draw players into the game's world and keep them engaged throughout their journey on the Rook Islands.

Open World and Exploration

One of the standout features of Far Cry 3 is its vast and immersive open world. The game takes place on the fictional Rook Islands, a tropical paradise that players can explore freely from the very beginning. The islands are divided into two main areas, each offering a unique environment filled with dense jungles, rolling hills, sandy beaches, and hidden caves.

Ubisoft Montreal has crafted a world that feels alive and dynamic, with a variety of activities and encounters scattered throughout the map. Players can engage in side missions, hunt wildlife, search for collectibles, or simply take in the stunning vistas. The game encourages exploration by rewarding players with valuable resources, new weapons, and experience points for discovering new locations and completing objectives.

Uncovering the Map

  1. Radio Towers: To uncover the map and reveal points of interest, players must climb radio towers scattered across the islands. These towers act as a form of "synchronization" similar to the viewpoints in the Assassin's Creed series.

  2. Climbing Puzzles: Each radio tower presents a unique climbing puzzle, requiring players to navigate their way to the top using a combination of ladders, ziplines, and precarious jumps. As the game progresses, these puzzles become increasingly challenging, adding an element of verticality and risk to the exploration.

  3. Map Revelation: Once a radio tower is activated, it reveals a portion of the map, uncovering key locations such as enemy outposts, hunting grounds, and hidden collectibles. This encourages players to seek out and climb every tower to fully uncover the islands' secrets.

Points of Interest

The Rook Islands are filled with various points of interest that offer unique gameplay opportunities and rewards. These include:

Location Description
Enemy Outposts Fortified bases that players can infiltrate and liberate, unlocking new fast travel points and reducing enemy presence in the surrounding area.
Hunting Grounds Designated areas where players can hunt specific animal species to obtain rare skins for crafting upgrades.
Caves and Grottos Hidden underground locations that often contain valuable loot, ancient artifacts, and challenging platforming sections.
Mayan Ruins Ancient structures scattered throughout the islands, holding secrets and treasures for players to discover.

Transportation and Traversal

Far Cry 3 offers a wide range of transportation options to facilitate exploration and travel:

  1. Vehicles: Players can commandeer various vehicles, including cars, trucks, boats, and jet skis, to quickly traverse the islands' diverse terrain.

  2. Wingsuit: Later in the game, players unlock the wingsuit, allowing them to glide from high vantage points and cover vast distances quickly while enjoying a bird's-eye view of the stunning landscape below.

  3. Fast Travel: As players liberate enemy outposts and activate radio towers, they unlock new fast travel points, enabling them to instantly teleport between discovered locations and minimize backtracking.

The open world of Far Cry 3 is a character in itself, offering countless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and emergent gameplay. The game's world design strikes a perfect balance between guided structure and player freedom, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting to uncover around every corner. Whether players are hunting dangerous wildlife, infiltrating enemy bases, or simply marveling at the lush tropical vistas, the Rook Islands provide an immersive and unforgettable open-world experience that sets a new standard for the genre.

Combat and Weapons

Far Cry 3 offers intense and satisfying combat, with a wide array of customizable weapons at the player's disposal. The game's first-person shooter mechanics are smooth and responsive, allowing for both stealthy takedowns and all-out firefights.

Players can carry up to four weapons at a time, choosing from a diverse selection of firearms, including pistols, SMGs, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and explosives. Each weapon feels distinct and powerful, with realistic recoil and sound effects that immerse the player in the action.

Weapon Customization

One of the standout features of Far Cry 3's combat is the ability to customize weapons with various attachments, such as:

  1. Scopes
  2. Extended magazines
  3. Silencers
  4. Paint jobs

These customization options allow players to tailor their loadout to their preferred playstyle, whether it's long-range sniping or close-quarters combat.

Signature Weapons

In addition to the standard arsenal, Far Cry 3 introduces unique "signature weapons" that can be unlocked by completing specific challenges or finding collectibles scattered throughout the game world. These signature weapons often boast improved stats or exclusive attachments, making them highly sought-after by players.

Some notable signature weapons include:

Weapon Description
AMR A powerful sniper rifle with explosive rounds
Bull A shotgun with increased damage and range
Shredder An SMG with a high rate of fire and a silencer
Bushman An assault rifle with enhanced accuracy and a larger magazine

Stealth and Takedowns

Far Cry 3 encourages players to approach combat situations strategically, often rewarding stealth and careful planning. The game introduces a variety of takedowns, allowing players to silently eliminate enemies with melee attacks or ranged weapons.

Some of the most effective takedown methods include:

  1. Knife takedowns
  2. Chained takedowns
  3. Ledge takedowns
  4. Aerial takedowns

Mastering these techniques can make players feel like a true predator, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Skill Progression

As players progress through the game and gain experience points, they can unlock new skills in three distinct skill trees: the Heron, the Shark, and the Spider. These skills further enhance Jason's combat abilities, granting him new takedown moves, improved weapon handling, and increased survivability.

Far Cry 3's combat and weapon systems work together to create an immersive and empowering experience, allowing players to approach each encounter in their own unique way. Whether you prefer to pick off enemies from a distance with a silenced sniper rifle or charge in guns blazing with a customized assault rifle, Far Cry 3 has you covered.

Multiplayer and Co-op Modes

Far Cry 3 offers an exciting cooperative multiplayer experience that complements the game's captivating single-player campaign. The co-op mode features a separate storyline with four unique characters: Callum, the Scottish thug; Leonard, the crooked cop; Mikhail, the Russian hitman; and Tisha, the ex-soldier. These characters come together to seek revenge against the ship captain who betrayed them, adding an engaging narrative to the cooperative gameplay.

Cooperative Campaign

The co-op campaign consists of six missions that can be played in any order, allowing players to work together to fight through hordes of pirates and ultimately confront the treacherous captain. The objectives in each mission vary, ranging from defending specific points and transporting cargo to storming enemy positions and holding out against waves of attackers.

One of the standout features of Far Cry 3's co-op mode is the extensive voice acting and character commentary. Each character has a distinct personality, and their unique dialogue adds depth and humor to the experience. Whether players are finding ammunition, reviving teammates, or engaging in combat, the characters' voice lines keep the action engaging and immersive.

Customization and Progression

Far Cry 3's co-op mode offers a robust customization system that mirrors the multiplayer experience. Players can create and customize their loadouts, which are shared between co-op and multiplayer modes. As players earn experience points, they can unlock new weapons and upgrades, providing a sense of progression and encouraging replayability.

The game's user interface is well-designed, providing players with clear feedback on their actions. The hit registration system uses visual and audio cues to indicate when enemies are hit, killed, or headshot, allowing players to stay informed and engaged in the heat of battle.

Cooperative Gameplay Mechanics

Far Cry 3's co-op mode encourages teamwork and communication through various gameplay mechanics:

  1. Battle Shouts: Players can use battle shouts to temporarily buff their teammates' characteristics, such as movement speed or health regeneration.
  2. Reviving Teammates: When a teammate is down, players can revive them to keep the team in the fight.
  3. Marking Targets: Players can mark enemies, such as snipers, to highlight them for their teammates. If a marked enemy is killed, the marking player receives bonus experience points.
  4. Syringe Buffs: Players can collect syringes scattered throughout the levels and offer them to teammates, providing a choice of eight different buffs that can significantly impact the battlefield.

These cooperative elements add depth to the gameplay and foster a sense of camaraderie among players.

Technical Performance

Despite its ambitious scope, Far Cry 3's co-op mode runs smoothly, with minimal lag or connection issues. The game's netcode ensures that players can enjoy a seamless cooperative experience, regardless of whether they are hosting or joining a game.

Feature Description
Separate Co-op Campaign A unique storyline with four distinct characters
Customizable Loadouts Shared progression between co-op and multiplayer modes
Cooperative Mechanics Battle shouts, reviving, marking targets, and syringe buffs
Smooth Performance Minimal lag and connection issues

Far Cry 3's cooperative multiplayer mode offers a thrilling and immersive experience that complements the game's single-player campaign. With its engaging storyline, unique characters, and cooperative gameplay mechanics, the co-op mode provides hours of additional content and replayability for players to enjoy with friends.

Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of Far Cry 3 based on the information provided:


  1. Organic gameplay that allows for player freedom and emergent experiences
  2. A layered narrative with memorable characters, especially the iconic villain Vaas Montenegro
  3. A fantastic single-player campaign that keeps players engaged throughout
  4. Satisfying character progression and upgrade system that rewards exploration and skill development
  5. A vibrant open world where the ecology and unpredictable creatures make the environment feel alive
  6. Stunning visuals that immerse players in the lush tropical setting of the Rook Islands
  7. Smooth and responsive first-person shooter mechanics with a wide array of customizable weapons
  8. Intense combat that allows for both stealthy takedowns and all-out firefights
  9. Extensive crafting system that encourages interaction with the game world
  10. Dynamic soundtrack that adapts to the player's actions and enhances the emotional impact of the game


  1. Some repetitive elements, particularly in side missions and activities
  2. Fiddly driving mechanics that can occasionally frustrate players
  3. Minor design quirks that may lead to inconsistencies or annoyances, such as the rapid day-night cycle
  4. Lackluster multiplayer offerings that fail to match the quality of the single-player experience
  5. Underutilization of certain characters, most notably the main antagonist Vaas Montenegro
  6. Collectibles that lack depth and feel unrewarding to find, especially when compared to the crafting system
  7. Technical issues, such as screen tearing, that can detract from the overall visual experience
  8. A main character whose personality and behavior may grate on some players
  9. Inconsistent voice acting quality for minor NPCs, with occasional audio glitches
  10. Hunting becomes less meaningful once players have upgraded their equipment, reducing the incentive to engage with the wildlife
Aspect Pros Cons
Gameplay Organic, emergent experiences Repetitive side missions
Story Layered narrative, memorable characters Underutilized antagonist
Progression Satisfying upgrades and skill development Hunting loses relevance
Open World Vibrant, unpredictable ecology Inconsistent day-night cycle
Combat Smooth FPS mechanics, intense action Fiddly driving
Visuals Stunning tropical setting Screen tearing, minor quirks
Audio Dynamic, immersive soundtrack Inconsistent voice acting
Multiplayer - Lackluster compared to single-player

Despite its shortcomings, Far Cry 3 remains a landmark title in the open-world FPS genre, offering players an unforgettable adventure filled with thrilling moments and a captivating narrative. While some technical issues and design quirks may occasionally frustrate, the game's strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, cementing its status as a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike.


Far Cry 3 is a groundbreaking open-world first-person shooter that immerses players in a lush tropical paradise filled with danger, adventure, and unforgettable characters. With its organic gameplay, satisfying progression, and intense combat, the game offers an unparalleled experience that sets a new standard for the genre. The game's stunning visuals, dynamic soundtrack, and layered narrative create an emotional and engaging journey that will stay with players long after the credits roll.

While Far Cry 3 has its share of minor flaws and technical issues, these do not detract from the overall quality and impact of the game. Its influence can still be felt in the open-world genre today, and it remains a must-play for fans of action-packed adventures. Far Cry 3 is a true gem that showcases the power of interactive storytelling and the potential for video games to create unforgettable experiences.


Is Far Cry 3 Worth Playing Today?

Absolutely, Far Cry 3 remains a remarkable game, earning a perfect score in various aspects such as visuals, storyline, soundtrack, villains, characters, and gameplay. The game carries a nostalgic value, reminding players of the high-quality games Ubisoft once produced.

What Makes Far Cry 3 an Unforgettable Game?

Far Cry 3 is considered a masterpiece primarily due to its compelling storyline. The game uniquely mirrors the transformation of the protagonist, Jason Brody, onto the player, making every character encounter memorable and immersive. It's the depth and liveliness of these interactions that elevate Far Cry 3 to a masterpiece status.

What Sets Far Cry 3 Apart from Other Games?

Far Cry 3 stands out for several reasons, but three aspects are particularly memorable: the innovative hunting and crafting systems, and more notably, the main villain, Vaas. Vaas is often celebrated as one of the first video game characters whose performance could be deemed Oscar-worthy, contributing significantly to the game's lasting impact.

How Does the Storyline Contribute to Far Cry 3's Success?

The storyline is a pivotal element that propels Far Cry 3 beyond the typical FPS, Action shooter genre. It intricately weaves the plot with engaging missions and captivating narratives, centered around choices and philosophy. This narrative depth is what elevates Far Cry 3's story, making it an integral part of the game's success.

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