Farming Simulator 15 Critic Reviews
21 Total Reviews
6 Positive Reviews(28.6%)
14 Mixed Reviews(66.7%)
1 Negative Reviews(4.8%)
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May 28, 2015
While there are a few missions to partake in via mission points on the map, the game really had no ultimate goal other than to grow your farm, and prosper. While it might seem a bit disappointing there isn’t anything else to the game, I’ll admit it’s a relaxing experience in a lot of ways.
IGN Italia
June 9, 2015
No doubt: Farming Simulator 15 is the best agricultural simulation for the next-gen consoles. Warning: it's not for everyone.
May 31, 2015
Farming Simulator 15 it's a very nice simulation, even if sometimes it can bore you and some flaws prevent it to be an all-around good game.
PlayStation LifeStyle
May 21, 2015
It’s worth trying it out, and I’m glad I own it so I can go back to it when the farming mood arises, but my attention wavered far more quickly than I would have preferred.
June 7, 2015
Being a farmer on the PlayStation 4 is a relaxing, though rather repetitive job. There's a lot of depth to be found here, but you need to have a certain interest in farming to think this is enjoyable. Technically, the game isn't really up to par with the rest, though that won't keep you from getting sucked in if this is your thing.
Digital Chumps
June 10, 2015
There is something inherently relaxing about hearing cows moo in the distance while I drive a tractor to my cornfield at sunrise. And, when I feel lazy I can hire someone to drive my tractor for me. Back and forth. Up and down. Back and forth. It’s mesmerizing and boring all at the same time; and so is Farming Simulator 2015.
June 2, 2015
Farming Simulator 15 can provide a tranquil, educational and interesting virtual farming experience. However, at $50 for a hamstrung version compared to its PC sibling, the bugs and narrow gameplay make it difficult to easily recommend.
May 29, 2015
Console users may be baffled, as this is the first time Farming Simulator comes to Sony and Microsoft home entertainment platforms. Still, it's a unique experience, albeit very slow, and you might find the unexpected while tending to your fields.
Push Square
May 24, 2015
You'll need to be willing to get your hands dirty to get anything out of Farming Simulator 15, but if you can cope with a slow start, then the game gets pretty compelling once you've got a production pipeline in place.
PlayStation Universe
May 28, 2015
Farming Simulator 15 is an improvement over its predecessor, but unless you're a diehard fan, it's still hard to recommend to the average gamer.
June 2, 2015
Farming Simulator 15 is a game which offers quite some depth for people fanatic enough to invest time in it. However, due to it's unbalanced gameplay and disappointing graphics, not many players will muster such enthusiasm.
Eurogamer Italy
June 2, 2015
Despite the innovations of this edition, Farming Simulator 15 remains faithful to the formula of the saga, offering both a unique experience and denying, once again, any possibility of customization.
July 21, 2015
Farming life simulator has many tools and vehicles in order to get the best out of the farming business. Sadly, the development of the gameplay mechanics and the time you need to invest on it will make many turn most people off.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
May 26, 2015
Delivers its subject matter like old people have sexual relations. Dull, rickety, and not recommended.
June 12, 2015
If you want to relax while playing videogames, there are way better games to do that – Flower and Journey come to mind as good examples. But honestly, playing this game made me actually appreciate the hyperviolent shooters a lot more than I did before. Because I now know that there is something worse than getting your head blown off over and over – and that is being bored.
The Digital Fix
June 29, 2015
With clumsy controls, underwhelming graphics, and frankly catatonic pacing, it’s as out of place on consoles as it possibly could be.
July 24, 2015
It’s an acquired taste, and if its appeal lies solely with those of you yearning for a title that allows you to get behind the wheel of wondrously modelled tractors and farming machinery, then this is absolutely the game for you. For the rest of us, it will continue to remain a mystery.
May 27, 2015
Needless to say, those with a short attention span best stay clear, unless they have another monitor or tablet handy. That said, there is likely to be a pocket of (perhaps younger) gamers who will extract genuine pleasure from the game’s dreary pacing and lack of pizazz.
June 1, 2015
Hard to recommend a game that never makes an effort to put the player in good condition to enjoy it. What he proposes in terms of graphics, gameplay, playability or A.I. is not enough even for someone who is burning to play as a farmer.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
July 17, 2015
You realise that you've been driving across the same square of virtual earth for half of a real-life hour, and you feel empty inside.