Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water Critic Reviews
60 Total Reviews
40 Positive Reviews(66.7%)
18 Mixed Reviews(30%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Game Revolution
October 19, 2015
Instead of the in-your-face outright scare without substance, Maiden of Black Water goes for a sense of dread paired with an insatiable curiosity to know what happened next. It's a welcome re-introduction to the franchise in the West, a hit for the Wii U, which is still trying to prove it can appeal to "Mature" gamers.
Nintendo Enthusiast
November 17, 2015
With all this said, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is easily one of my favorite Wii U games to date. It feels like an old-school horror game but has the modern twists such as GamePad use and HD graphics to make it stand out in the gaming world today.
Nintendo Force Magazine
November 30, 2015
After the attention-grabbing opening, the greatness of the story never lets up for a moment.
Power Unlimited
December 10, 2015
Its atmospheric horror, improved camera combat, fancy HD graphics and intense story make this the best entry in the classic horror series yet.
October 19, 2015
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water finds a wildly effective new way to utilize the GamePad as the Camera Obscura, and builds some great story and atmosphere. Barring an odd control scheme and some tedious missions, this is a stellar horror title for any Wii U owner.
October 19, 2015
Despite these nitpicks, this game is a triumphant revival of a series that has remained dormant in North America for several console generations, and for those who did get to play the Wii iterations there is much new spooky fun to be had.
October 19, 2015
Yes, it still does retread a lot of what the series has always been known for, and can comes across feeling as more of the same. This doesn’t matter though, Fatal Frame has been the top tier of ghostly survival horror adventures, and Maiden of Black Water proves you can’t keep a good franchise dead, even when that’s what its entire premise is about.
Hobby Consolas
October 19, 2015
The Wii U GamePad fits very well, especially in Off-TV mode. Apart from that, it doesn't add many new features to the series, but it's still a worthy entry.
Gaming Nexus
October 19, 2015
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is going to be a tough sell for those who aren't familiar with the franchise. It's got a lot of questionable design decisions and feels like a more bare bones experience than past games of the series. But it's Fatal Frame, these games only come along in a blue moon these days, so savor them while they still exist.
Critical Hit
October 19, 2015
Overall, Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is a superb return for the series, and while it will undoubtedly frustrate most players with its archaic and downright atrocious control scheme, it makes up for its shortcomings with a fun and intuitive combat system, a scary and obscure story and stunning sound and art direction
October 19, 2015
Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is a beautifully-crafted horror game that makes use of a perfect formula of fear and stress to immerse the player into its atmosphere. One of the best horror games in recent times and a compulsory element in the collection of anyone willing to be plunged into a world of fear where they have nothing to rely on other than their wits and a camera.
October 19, 2015
On the graphics side it might be terribly dated, but the story is indeed interesting, and the nightmarish story it tells will stick with you. For true horror fans.
October 19, 2015
Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is a solid attempt at the classic survival horror genre, with cumbersome controls on the one hand and a beautiful story and characters on the other hand.
Eurogamer Italy
October 20, 2015
Project Zero: Maidens of the Black Water is a nice old school survival horror. If you love games such as the old Fatal Frame, Resident Evil or Silent Hill, this is something you should instantly buy.
October 25, 2015
Τhere is a vestigial effort of modernization in Maiden of Black Water and there are some minor mishaps in the control scheme and the level design. However, Maiden remains a very satisfying horror experience with the iconic Camera Obscura and the charming mixture o Japanese Folklore and modern age Madness.
The Daily Dot
November 2, 2015
Maiden of Black Water is decidedly an example of a game where genre experience and fandom has everything to do with its appeal. Games like this are fan service at this point, and Maiden of Black Water strikes all the correct notes.
November 2, 2015
Perhaps one day Fatal Frame will be in better hands, but for now Maiden of Black Water ranks as one of the better horror games to come out in a long time.
Slant Magazine
November 6, 2015
Fatal Frame continues to treat the split between shooting and running as a productive tension, with results that are equally exciting and scary.
Edge Magazine
November 7, 2015
This is a potent and upsetting work that leaves a deep impression, spreading and darkening like a bruise.
November 9, 2015
This is one horror game that’s worth the play in any month: just remember to shut those lights off and keep the flash on.