


Fe Critic Reviews

55 Total Reviews

37 Positive Reviews(67.3%)
16 Mixed Reviews(29.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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App Trigger February 15, 2018
Through both visual and auditory queues, Zoink Games had their work cut out for them by making a wordless, interactive story play out as a 3D platformer using atmospheric presence to tell a tale. But with very, very few exceptions, they pull this off with near-perfect artistic grace.
COGconnected February 18, 2018
It exists to tell a beautiful story with no words, and in this, it absolutely excels. The score to Fe is without comparison and that alone is worth playing the game. When you add to that the adorable Fe and the forest full of unique and mystical creatures, the singing mechanic and the gorgeous art style, it’s hard to imagine someone turning this game down, especially because it is nowhere near a standard full price.
PlayStation LifeStyle February 15, 2018
Although there are certainly stumbling points, it’s the aspect of exploration that really makes Fe a memorable experience. There’s seemingly always something to do from stumbling upon ferocious animals that are hidden in a cave to figuring out how to get an upgrade shard. The game world that Zoink has crafted is truly wondrous, and learning to work together with its inhabitants is a truly rewarding experience. Sometimes we just need to learn how to understand each other.
Game Revolution February 15, 2018
Fe is going to stay with me for a long time...Though it rarely presents a challenge to the player and its opening half is arguably filled with its better ideas, these are minor flaws in an otherwise fantastic experience. I can't recommend Fe strongly enough.
Worth Playing February 16, 2018
Fe is a game that you want to get lost in. Even if you discard the beautiful visuals, the forest world has so many areas to explore that you'll enjoy wandering around aimlessly. Thankfully, the platforming and light puzzles are done well, so those who want some purpose have something to contend with, while the abstract storytelling will mesmerize others. Overall, Fe is an excellent game, especially for those who prefer exploration over violence.
PlayStation Country February 23, 2018
A wonderfully atmospheric 3D platformer that you need to play right now. Go on, jump to it.
IGN Italia February 15, 2018
Fe is a little, wonderful game in an unforgettable and colorful forest. Unfortunately, when speaking of controls and mechanics, something's not quite right.
Multiplayer.it February 15, 2018
Fe is an absolutely stunning adventure, set in a wonderful open world that you'll be exploring together with many fancy creatures.
Areajugones February 16, 2018
Fe takes a chance on an experience that is far from the classic concept of a videogame and has a clear focus on the player’s feelings. Smart, beautiful and well executed, it achieves its goal and makes us think about our own relationship with the environment.
Attack of the Fanboy February 15, 2018
Fe mixes tried and true gameplay mechanics with new ideas in interesting and beautiful ways.
Hobby Consolas February 15, 2018
Fe is an original platformer that fans of animals will surely love, thanks to the way it connects with nature through the language of the forest. Although it doesn't manage to send a message as powerful as it's visuals in regards to gameplay, it's worth your time just for purely artistic values.
Trusted Reviews February 15, 2018
Fe definitely owes a conceptual debt to the likes of Ori and the Blind Forest, and in places feels as twee as earlier EA indie effort Unravel, but this is more than original enough to stand on its own merits. The mind-warping use of colour and its near-spectral environments sometimes work against Fe’s best interests, but persist and you’ll uncover a truly special world.
TheSixthAxis February 15, 2018
Fe is a thoroughly lovely adventure, full of wonder as you explore and lose yourself in this darkly wonderful forest. Its distinctive art style and the unusual creature designs conjure up something that’s both familiar and alien at the same time, which is only enhanced by the etherial lighting and the animals’ voices. A few nitpicking design issues and some shaky performance on Switch aside, it’s easy to recommend this charming game of discovery and singing.
Meristation February 16, 2018
Fe is an original platform adventure with touches of "metroidvania" about a forest filled with natural life. The player controls a fox that learns to talk with other species in order to stop the "Silent Ones". Fe recalls impressionism games like Journey or Shadow of the Colossus thanks to its poetic audiovisuals and its story.
Vandal February 16, 2018
It's not an instant classic, but it's a very solid and well executed adventure. It's charming and very enjoyable, so if you like this kind of experiences, you won't be disappointed.
GRYOnline.pl February 20, 2018
Fe is an enchanting game featuring dazzling artistic quality of the graphics, which is arguably its main thrust. The gameplay is not as impressive, but it is efficient and diverse enough to keep you entertained for a few hours.
Digital Chumps February 20, 2018
Fe is a wonderful experience that asks you to think a bit, while also entertaining you with a silent story and majestic moments that are Journey-esque. The gameplay for Fe is well designed, fits the bill for what is going on and does its best to make sure you’re entertained and challenged.
Atomix February 17, 2018
Despite its beautiful art style, Fe lacks of game mechanics and content that can make a difference between it and some other indie games on the market.
Video Chums February 16, 2018
After completing Fe, I'm happy to say that it was one of the most beautiful and memorable gaming experiences that I've played in a while. At the same time, its lack of challenge and reliance on repetition occasionally made me feel worn out.
Games Master UK March 22, 2018
A dreamlike Metroidvania, but hampered by gameplay pests that are hard to sing about.