November 19, 2013

Fighter Within

Fighter Within
Based on 39 Reviews
Release date
November 19, 2013


Unleash your inner fighter to beat your friends with your bare knuckles. Discover Fighter Within, the next-gen game that provides you with the excitement of a real fight, throwing you into a total-body combat experience. Test your real fighting skills thanks to the next gen of motion recognition. Kinect for Xbox One arms the game with realistic fighting moves using 1:1 precision movement tracking. Enter a brutal, physical, and liberating world: Next-gen graphics, real-time wounds, sweat, and facial impacts in extreme arena environments and primal animations… Kinect allows you to dive into a realistic experience and really feel the fight. Enter a world of sweat, timing, and training.

Fighter Within Trailer

Critic Reviews39

Boring when it works, frustrating when it doesn't, Fighter Within is one of the worst games you could ever have the displeasure of playing.
February 1, 2014
Fighter Within on the Xbox 360 would be a disaster reduced to a footnote, ignored and left to wither. As a launch title for the new generation it’s worse: a parasite, feeding off the goodwill and desperation of early-adopters. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
January 28, 2014
Fighter Within nearly manages to unravel all its hard work with a few misplaced punches to the groin.
January 23, 2014

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