Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Critic Reviews
49 Total Reviews
38 Positive Reviews(77.6%)
11 Mixed Reviews(22.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Nintendo Life
May 6, 2024
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is certainly an interesting experience when it comes to many of its unique gameplay mechanics, but the game's overflowing sense of charm and hardcore level of challenge make it an irresistible experience for seasoned RPG fans.
Game Chronicles
December 22, 2010
It's been a good while since I've played an RPG title that has brought back the almost true spirit of the Nintendo Hard era. Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light may not be the perfect old school RPG but it is up there on my list of must play titles for the DS and of 2010.
January 12, 2011
Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light is a nice sequel of the Final Fantasy series with well developed characters, a good story mode with many twists and turns and love for detail.
May 6, 2024
It's a grand, involving adventure, but it's one that plays by its own rules -- not by the rules of Final Fantasy. It's a game less likely to appeal to fans of the series than it is to people who are drawn to tough RPGs in the old-school vein; there's more of Shiren the Wanderer here than of Cloud Strife or Terra Branford.
The A.V. Club
May 6, 2024
But Heroes Of Light transcends these hiccups, and its oversimplified nature, to become a vital portable Final Fantasy title.
October 22, 2010
With almost 25 hours of play, precious visuals and a demanding and strategic battle system, Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light is a very complete RPG experience.
December 22, 2010
Matrix Software has now made three good-to-great games in a row for the DS: Avalon Code, Nostalgia and now 4 Heroes of Light. I only wish they could take one of these fantastic concepts and push it over the hump from "really good" to "exceptional."
December 22, 2010
All things considered, this is a Final Fantasy game that expects you to pray at the altar of grind. 4 Heroes embraces the goddess of grind unapologetically, but throws in enough changes to the system to create something that's worth experiencing.
December 22, 2010
Admittedly, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is not the same as the classics from two decades ago, but nothing ever will be. This is as close as we're getting for now, so take advantage of this opportunity.
Nintendo Power
May 6, 2024
As an older player with fond memories of early 8- and 16-bit RPGs, I found its nostalgia trip to be well worth taking. But if I were playing it without that past experience, I'm not sure how much I would appreciate its intentionally dated game design.
Pocket Gamer UK
May 6, 2024
Stylistic contradictions and clunky mechanics stop this from being an instant classic, but tight pacing, winsome presentation, and the FF pedigree still make it well worth a look.
May 6, 2024
At times it feels too focused on level grinding, and it's hard to get into if you're expecting a standard RPG, but it's the nonstandard qualities that ultimately make it shine.
May 6, 2024
Four Heroes of Light is very much its own thing; quaint and deceptively difficult - a combination that fans of the genre should grab hold of with both hands.
May 6, 2024
It's best not to go into the game expecting a true Final Fantasy experience, but diehard RPG fans won't be disappointed.
Worth Playing
May 6, 2024
It has its problems, but fans of old-fashioned JRPGs will find a lot to like in The 4 Heroes of Light.
May 6, 2024
Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light is a true classic RPG. It seems like you're playing on a Super Nintendo, when the saga was focused on the search for the crystals and a simple but fun gameplay.
The Escapist
December 19, 2010
If you've been dying for a classic Final Fantasy title that's closer in mechanics to Final Fantasy IV than Final Fantasy XIII, you'll enjoy 4 Heroes of Light. If you despise retro RPG conventions, 4 Heroes is not for you unless you really want to morph into a chicken.
Eurogamer Portugal
December 19, 2010
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is another proposal of high quality in the already full catalog of Nintendo's handheld platform.
December 19, 2010
Its quirky combat and unique take on character development are welcome diversions from the RPG norms. The difficulty and lack of guidance will turn some people off, but people who enjoy the RPG genre should find the game a charming adventure.