Final Fantasy Type-0 Critic Reviews
77 Total Reviews
58 Positive Reviews(75.3%)
19 Mixed Reviews(24.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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March 16, 2015
Bringing such an interesting, varied, and challenging game to consoles was a great move by Square Enix for the franchise. It’s more Final Fantasy than any recent Final Fantasy game.
May 1, 2015
Type-0 HD has everything a FF fan could ask for: A superb battle system, lots of characters, hours upon hours of interesting quests and a great story. It is quite strange, but the best Final Fantasy game of the recent years is a port from a PSP game.
Gaming Nexus
March 16, 2015
While not the next-generation Final Fantasy game fans are anxiously waiting for, Type-0 is a fun action/adventure with a lot of compelling ideas. There's enough variety in the gameplay to keep the combat fresh for dozens of hours, and the story is surprisingly emotional for a political thriller. Sadly, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is held back by its handheld roots, but don't let that keep you from discovering this oddity.
March 16, 2015
Although it doesn't necessarily justify the HD treatment at every turn, the core game is worth playing whether you're a fan of the franchise, or just enjoy challenging tactical action. If Square keeps highlighting and pushing quality experiences like this, it will prove to more people it hasn't lost its touch.
March 16, 2015
Type-0 on the PSP was the best Final Fantasy game since, maybe, Final Fantasy XII. Nothing changes that in this case: Type-0 HD is fun to play, hard to master and offers a lot of content to explore. Also, here we have the access to Episode Duscae, the first chance to play Final Fantasy XV and to discover where the series is right now. It's a convincing package.
March 16, 2015
It has a huge learning curve and might stymie even the most stalwart players early on, but once you climb that mountain, I promise you'll have a great time.
March 19, 2015
Aside from the wonky camera, the battles are fast-paced and rewarding that makes the game stand out amongst other Final Fantasy titles giving a unique experience.
Hobby Consolas
March 16, 2015
It's been a while since fans of Square Enix have gone back to the old school with the Final Fantasy franchise. It's not that Type-0 HD is an RPG master-class but to be sure that it brings back some of the lost magic of the Final Fantasy series. Despite it having combat on real time, Type-0 HD is more Final Fantasy than any of the Fabula Nova Crystallis series.
March 18, 2015
It's been a while since we played a Final Fantasy entry as we did with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. An all-round plot and a remarkable interaction are the pillars of a really good remaster.
March 16, 2015
Type-0’s gritty tone, fast-paced action, and strategic approach to time management is a welcome change of pace from the usual Final Fantasy experience. Though an exasperating camera and clunky mission controls sometimes dampened my fun, I enjoyed meeting the Class Zero cadets and guiding them through battle. There’s definitely no other class quite like them.
Digital Chumps
March 16, 2015
Only Final Fantasy could get away with the paradox of a clean slate that simultaneously references countless tropes endemic to its name. Type-0 HD can feel like the tortuous result of hasty assembly, but if allowed the time and energy to piece itself together, it stands as clear and original as others bearing its exalted title
Digitally Downloaded
March 16, 2015
It's a thematically rich game that more than compensates for the visual weaknesses that are a hold over from the original hardware it was developed for. Throw in a tight and entertaining combat system and you've got a great JRPG for the PlayStation 4 - a genre that is currently in short supply on the platform.
Slant Magazine
March 16, 2015
The game is as punishing and uncompromising as the continental war that it chronicles, and it will school you.
March 16, 2015
In the end, is Type-0 worth the full $60 price? I’m one who believes gameplay is a greater than graphics alone, and while Type-0 looks a little dated due to its ported status it definitely makes up for the visual shortcomings with great gameplay. If you like Final Fantasy and third-person action combat… get it, and love it. It’s worth your time.
Attack of the Fanboy
March 16, 2015
Offering the most captivating gameplay from the series in a long time, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD has finally arrived to the West while looking and sounding better than ever.
March 16, 2015
At last! Final Fantasy Type-0 visits the occidental market thanks to this HD edition plenty of enjoyable moments, adult stories and atmosphere and multiple characters to choose from. And the pack includes a great playable demo of Final Fantasy XV, the Episode Duscae.
IGN Spain
March 16, 2015
Unfortunately its ancient portable origins somewhat spoil the proposal, to meet an improper set the times in visual art, and it also has one of the most uncomfortable cameras we remember.
March 16, 2015
Despite a few gameplay quirks which don't always feel fun, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is a true Final Fantasy at its heart with an engaging plot and a decent amount of depth. If you manage to outlook its old-gen nature, you will find a good action RPG which makes up for the latest false steps in the franchise.