
Stronghold 3 Critic Reviews

29 Total Reviews

4 Positive Reviews(13.8%)
19 Mixed Reviews(65.5%)
5 Negative Reviews(17.2%)

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PC Games (Russia) December 24, 2011
A traditional strategy with many elements which are too old. Fans of the series may like it still.
Cheat Code Central October 25, 2011
The folks at Firefly knew what they had to do to win back Stronghold fans, and they mostly did it: Everything that annoyed people about Stronghold 2 is gone, and some great new features have been added. Nonetheless, Stronghold 3 needs a few patches and maybe a price cut before it can starting winning new fans for the franchise.
GamingXP November 2, 2011
Stronghold 3 is a successor that takes up the story of the original and continues it. Wit a back to the roots approach, the game tries to avoid disgrace a la Stronghold 2. The new day and night cycles, plus the physics of collapsing buildings, are a stark contrast to largely drab graphics and some clipping problems. The missing skirmish mode is also a problem. Still, all in all, Stronghold 3 delivers a solid military and economic gameplay.
Everyeye.it November 9, 2011
Stronghold 3 its true to its predecessors, too much even! It offers only refined graphics and the night time siege: little compared to what was expected.
ZTGD November 3, 2011
If you're looking for a decent RTS with a few hiccups here and there that could easily be fixed with a patch or two, Stronghold 3 is not a bad choice. If you're new to the series or new to RTS games in general, you might want to at least wait for a price cut but still give it a chance when that does happen.
Eurogamer Italy November 1, 2011
Stronghold 3 is one of the last, big, exclusives of PC gaming but it lacks originality and has an amount of bugs able to destroy even the strongest fortified walls. The first patch has made big improvements but there is still a long way to go.
Worth Playing November 5, 2011
Every once in a while, a glimpse of the intended gameplay shines through in Stronghold 3, and you can see the strategic elements for what they should be. However, there are so many bugs and flaws with the game that it can be really tough to get a true look at its potential.
Multiplayer.it November 10, 2011
Too bugs, unpolished features and design mistakes keep Stronghold 3 far from the heights of the series.
PC Gamer UK November 26, 2011
Frustrating for newcomers and disappointing for veterans, Stronghold 3 is a combat overhaul away from being any good.
IGN November 5, 2011
Passion alone isn't enough to make a game great. Stronghold 3 assumes too much of the user initially, and doesn't do enough to keep the village-building fresh and interesting.
GameStar October 28, 2011
It really hurts to see a game that could have been great failing because of lots of small and medium problems. Without bugs it could have easily scored 70 or more, the potential is there.
DarkStation November 16, 2011
I thought I would've been more engaged in both campaigns, but I felt that both modes were pretty bland. Yes, it had its fun moments but they were few and far between.
GRYOnline.pl November 18, 2011
Did Firefly fulfill their promises to deliver a worthy successor of the first game for their fans? Definitely not. Even when you don't look at its many minor flaws, you simply cannot overlook all these elements that transform a relaxing medieval game into a catalyst of negative emotions. Stronghold 3 is the hardest game of the series. I don't mind a high level of difficulty, but it should rely on the game's quests and missions, not the mechanics.
CD-Action November 29, 2011
What we got is an unfinished, bug-ridden product that should have never seen the light of day.
PC PowerPlay December 4, 2011
Nearly charming and challenging enough to be worth enduring sadistic mission design, bugs, and bad controls. Nearly.
GameSpot November 28, 2011
You may play a feudal lord in Stronghold 3, but the tedious micromanagement and bugs make you feel like a peasant.
Ten Ton Hammer October 26, 2011
This game has done everything in its power to make you want to quit before you experience it all.
Game Informer October 28, 2011
I wish I could say something positive about Stronghold 3. The closest I can come is to call it Stronghold 1 with better graphics. Even that is unfair to the 2001 original, which at least worked on a basic level – a task sadly above Stronghold 3's capabilities. As much as I wanted to like this game, I can't recommend it in good faith to anyone.
GamesRadar+ October 28, 2011
Stronghold 3 is a bizarre third outlier, clinging to an aging formula but making changes that actually feel like a step back. The real crime here isn't that Stronghold 3 is a bad game, it's the disservice done to a series that has provided so much joy in the past, ruining our nostalgia. Somewhere, a child in a tree fort is weeping.
GamePro November 4, 2011
Stronghold might have been great once, but that castle has long since crumbled. Spend your ducats elsewhere.