Fist Puncher Critic Reviews
11 Total Reviews
8 Positive Reviews(72.7%)
3 Mixed Reviews(27.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Age
July 18, 2013
Fist Puncher is really a standout example of how to do retro right, and is something that certainly deserves more attention.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
January 23, 2014
Did you gain weight over the Holidays? Well, this karatistic odyssey is for you then: it will help you to get back in shape and have fun doing it.
March 4, 2014
Like a roller coaster ride. Except that you don't fall down into the cold water at the very end but directly among bizarre and violent enemies. This is one of the best action-oriented game I have recently played.
June 24, 2013
Fist Puncher is a welcome and extended return to the heyday of brawlers.
Hardcore Gamer
June 20, 2013
Fist Puncher‘s name fits it well. It’s a game where you punch a great many things and will have a lot of fun doing so. While that fun is hampered a bit with navigation problems, when those don’t crop up, it’s impossible to not enjoy yourself.
Eurogamer Germany
June 26, 2013
Even though its level design capabilities are kind of rudimentary, the game still manages to give its short intense bursts of action some variety, ensuring that you return to it for another round. This, and the lovingly – and knowingly – dilettantish Amiga-style graphics makes this a really solid sleeper of a game. Had Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara not come out shortly before, this would most probably haven gotten more buzz.
Armchair Empire
June 27, 2013
This is a game that hardcore fans of the genre are more likely to want to spend some time with. Casuals are better off grabbing something like Castle Crashers or Chronicles of Mystara instead, as they are quite a bit better so far as beat 'em ups on the PC go.
July 5, 2013
With some occasionally impenetrable difficulty and lack of online co-op, it feels like quite the disappointment by the time you put the controller down. If the rest of the game had been better designed, could it have risen above its brawler genre constraints? That’s a question to which we’ll never know the answer.
July 2, 2013
It's hard to overlook the shoddy boss battles and the lack of online co-op, but if you've got a PC set up that allows for couch co-op, you could do a lot worse than taking Fist Puncher for a spin.
August 28, 2013
At first Fist Puncher seemed like good, mindless fun, but the more I played, the more tired I grew of it.