Fitness Boxing Critic Reviews
14 Total Reviews
7 Positive Reviews(50%)
7 Mixed Reviews(50%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Nintendo Life
January 1, 2019
Within its common-sense (and, thanks to Wii Fit, well-known) limitations, Fitness Boxing is a breezy, energetic success that gets your blood pumping.
January 3, 2019
Fitness Boxing is a fine selection of exercises. With a ton of courses to get through, you will be hard pressed to not find a skill level that suits you. As you go along, it is easy to take the next numbered version in a series and deal with the increased difficulty. The controls aren't the most accurate, but easily a cut above Just Dance. That being said, the music is easily my least favorite part of the game. Considering you have to time the moves with the songs, I am very surprised by the music choices. It left me with only a handful of songs I really cared about using, which will be the thing that eventually gets me to move on. Until then though, Fitness Boxing serves its purpose very admirably.
December 20, 2018
Playing Fitness Boxing won't earn you a title match at Caesar's Palace nor will it give you hours of fun with your friends. But it will help you get in shape/stay fit and that's what it was made for. Fitness Boxing is a good fitness app which could have been even better with more precise motion controls.
December 31, 2018
Excellent way to do sport with some cool musics and diversified exercices. Even if the graphics are too simple and the movement detection too much tolerant, the game is interesting and honors the promised concept.
January 7, 2019
Fitness Boxing is a good way of training at home. It’ll make you sweat, and would work as something to complement the gym or for those looking for a more moderate exercise.
January 22, 2019
Fitness Boxing has an admirable goal like Wii Fit before it; to help you get fit. While it isn’t a replacement for full exercising or getting down to the gym, Fitness Boxing will make you sweat to reach your daily goals, and the motion controls demand you make an effort to punch your calories away. The amount of content available is limited, and the amount of songs on offer to box to is a letdown. If you’re looking for a 20-60 minute game workout you can do at home then Fitness Boxing is more than capable, it’s just a shame it’s not more appropriately priced.
February 12, 2019
Fitness Boxing is a better fit for me and while I may not get the body of my dreams using it, anything is better than what I'm working with now.
January 15, 2019
Fitness Boxing doesn’t have a lot of features to speak of, but it does provide a solid workout. Its exercise routines are challenging and enjoyable enough, despite their atrocious background music. Fitness Boxing isn’t going to be the most fun game on your Switch, but it’s worth checking out if you need a little extra motivation to get your heart rate up.
January 28, 2019
Fitness Boxing just suffers from feeling inaccurate, even more so when punches and dodges aren’t correctly registered by the Joy-Cons. It is safe to say though, Fitness Boxing is perfect for those who want to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, but if you’re looking for some casual punching fun, stick to Arms.
January 7, 2019
Less of a game and more of a fitness application, Fitness Boxing is fun and competent at what it does, and provides many ways of customizing the experience to the player's taste. While its soundtrack is far from being the most fitting to its theme and the motion capturing does not always translate what the player actually does, Fitness Boxing's variety and added handheld character make this a fun and entertaining experience as far as fitness games are concerned.
We Got This Covered
January 10, 2019
Fitness Boxing does its job and gets gamers on their feet and moving, but its barebone features and lack of music variety makes playing feel like a mix of chore and leisure activity.
Nintendo Force Magazine
August 22, 2019
With a few minor tweaks to the overall approach, Fitness Boxing could have been a more engaging way to fit some exercise in.
February 11, 2019
Fitness Boxing is an interesting title compared to others of the same genre but, despite having really bright spots, it does not meet the expectations that the title itself generates in users.
Gaming Age
January 16, 2019
It’s certainly light on content, light on songs, and rarely feels great to play from a video game standpoint. Yes, you can get a little workout in, but it would be nice if the Switch would accurately track movement more consistently. I think Fitness Boxing has the opposite intended effect after you whiff 3 or 4 hooks or uppercuts due to poor motion sensitivity, which in turn leads to some dejected, frustrating moments. As it stands, I wouldn’t recommend Fitness Boxing to Switch owners, at least not without some deep discounts involved.