
Flashback Critic Reviews

37 Total Reviews

6 Positive Reviews(16.2%)
26 Mixed Reviews(70.3%)
5 Negative Reviews(13.5%)

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MondoXbox August 27, 2013
A great example of how to make a quality HD remake. Even if adapting the gameplay to modern tastes, Vector Cell managed to keep the original spirit untouched: even if you didn't play Delphine Software's original game, every lover of sci-fi action games would be pleased with it.
4Players.de August 28, 2013
A well-executed modern remake of an Amiga classic.
Digital Chumps August 25, 2013
At the end of the day, if you're an old school gamer that loved Flashback when it was first released in the 90s then you're going to adore what VectorCell and Ubisoft have brought to you in the HD version. They've done a helluva job keeping the memory and core gameplay of the original intact, while still delivering a competent game that is fun and engaging in a new way.
Games Master UK September 18, 2013
An enjoyable adventure with a few niggles - only has replay value for completionists.
God is a Geek August 21, 2013
The story could have done with a little bit more fine-tuning and the actor playing Conrad would have done a bit better if he hadn’t been channelling every single cheesy 80′s movie star simultaneously, but the gameplay, the bit that’s most important when it comes to an actual game, is enjoyable from beginning to end.
Official Xbox Magazine UK September 9, 2013
Doesn't totally transport us back.
Official Xbox Magazine August 21, 2013
While its gameplay and visuals are better than they were in 1992, what was groundbreaking back then feels merely average 20 years later.
Everyeye.it August 27, 2013
It's difficult to evaluate the remake of Flashback: old fans will gather in front of a title that remembers the original, but had lost that unique style. Who will approach the game for the first time will find instead a well made title but not so addictive.
Gamers' Temple August 23, 2013
Flashback has resurfaced and is now upgraded for a new generation of gamers, but it's weighted down heavily with shortcomings.
3DJuegos August 26, 2013
Not without some issues not found in the original production, this new installment of Flashback deserves a "regular" consideration. Besides, this DLC includes the original game.
NZGamer October 23, 2013
Flashback isn’t a particularly long game, clocking in at around 4-5 hours with limited replayability beyond collectibles for completionists. For $12.95 though, that’s a decent amount of playtime; it’s just a shame that it runs out of steam so early and leaves you wanting flashbacks of the first few levels.
IGN August 21, 2013
Unfortunately, whilst competent in execution and steeped in nostalgia, this remake of the 1992 classic Flashback doesn’t quite have the firepower or ingenuity to measure up in its own right against the current standard in platformers.
Multiplayer.it August 27, 2013
Flashback is proof that you can't simply take a '90s classic and make a new game out of it without redesigning its mechanics and structure.
Critical Hit September 5, 2013
The problem with Flashback is that despite having faults that can be overlooked, the remaining execution feels flat and average. There is absolutely nothing special about Flashback. And that in itself is one of the worst sins that a game can commit.
Eurogamer August 21, 2013
Time may not have been particularly kind to Flashback, but 20 years on, it hasn't been forgotten. It's unlikely we'll be able to say the same for this remake in 20 days.
Polygon August 21, 2013
With beautiful environments and intelligent level design, VectorCell did most of the work of making a memorable puzzle-platformer. But awkward controls and frustrating bugs keep Flashback far away from the classic status its 1993 forebear earned.
Eurogamer Italy August 22, 2013
With this weak remake Ubisoft has ruined an awesome game which still looks and plays good despise of its age. Too many changes have been made to the original gameplay and none of them is good enough to improve the game.
Vandal August 22, 2013
It doesn't really work as a remake, but it doesn't work as an action platformer either. A quite simple experience where there's very little to highlight.
IGN Italia August 26, 2013
An half-developed remake, Flashback manages to conjure memories of the original 1992 game wasting them with lots of shortcomings and not-well-implemented ideas.
Game Over Online September 16, 2013
Flashback on the Sega Genesis is a beloved title from the past that could have been a groundbreaking experience when updated for today’s consoles. Unfortunately, what we received is a bargain priced Xbox Live Arcade title that never quite delivers on any of the expectations fans have had over the years.