The Flower Collectors Critic Reviews
9 Total Reviews
3 Positive Reviews(33.3%)
5 Mixed Reviews(55.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Buried Treasure
April 29, 2020
I was just so intrigued by this. I loved learning so much through
playing, and it’s just shocking to remember that Holiday Destination
Spain was a place of such turmoil and upheaval within my own lifetime.
At £20, its four or so hours feels short, but as I mentioned, it’s
immediately intriguing to go back and replay making different
decisions, or deliberately failing to help certain people, to see the
implications playing out.
The Indie Game Website
April 21, 2020
While The Flower Collectors doesn’t reinvent or radically reenvision detective fiction, and the plot never twists in very shocking or particularly exciting ways, it’s a sophisticatedly told, cosy murder mystery. In these times, that’s exactly the kind of entertainment I need to get through the day.
Malditos Nerds
May 6, 2020
The Flower Collectors, with a simple story, shows to what extent society can normalize human rights violations, homophobia, transphobia and demonization of artists to the point of kidnapping, torture and organized murder. These themes aren't much common in the gaming industry, and this game is much worth it because of the way it tackles them.
Eurogamer Italy
June 4, 2020
The Flower Collectors is definitely an excellent homage to Rear Window and the great Alfred Hitchcock. Nevertheless the interesting historical and visual aspects can't compensate a basic gameplay and the lack of a plot twist able to shake several cliches up.
Adventure Gamers
May 6, 2020
Investigating a murder mystery tinged with political corruption from a balcony makes for a compelling concept, but the passive gameplay, slow pace and poor animation prevents The Flower Collectors from ever fully blooming.
Gamers Heroes
June 10, 2020
If the developers could remove the tedious gameplay and bulk up the story more, The Flower Collectors likely could’ve struck a better chord with me. I can appreciate the experimental gameplay, but it is an absolute drag on what could have been a much more powerful plot.
April 21, 2020
The Flower Collectors has a very interesting concept, that feels exciting. But it feels so rough, with some outdated animations and bland models, not to mention gameplay sequences that fail to transmit the intentions, that it mostly feels like a big disappointment from Mi'pu'mi after the surprising The Lion's Song.
April 21, 2020
A likeable indie with cracking source material and a special setting, The Flower Collectors is just missing the magic of detail.