October 21, 2011

Football Manager 2012

Football Manager 2012
Based on 45 Reviews
Release date
October 21, 2011


Counting over 800 new features, not including changes to the rules of the games 50+ leagues, Football Manager 2012 promises to be the most realistic, immersive and playable football management simulation ever for any fan who has ever dreamed of making the big decisions, both on and off the field.

Football Manager 2012 Trailer

Football Manager 2012 Screenshots36

Critic Reviews45

The season upgrade has a lot of minor tweaks but lacks important major changes. For example near post corner goal trick is still there and press meetings are still as boring as in real life. I would rather buy a DLC than a new game every year.
January 10, 2012
A great 2011 edition needed only small improvements to become the best football manager game in 2012. A combination of great emotion and an incredible in depth management experience makes the Football Manager 2012 a must have for all soccer fans.
December 12, 2011
Continuing improvements to the 3D match engine also help drag it kicking and screaming into the present, although it's still a long way short of FIFA Manager in that regard. But, frankly, sod that. The dogged purist in me prefers to see the match unfold via elaborate text commentary, rather than see the painful truth of my tactical inadequacies laid bare.
December 9, 2011

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