Football Manager 2013 Critic Reviews
37 Total Reviews
36 Positive Reviews(97.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(2.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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November 5, 2012
Football Manager 13 is the most in-depth, detailed and complex football management simulator ever made. But I must admit, I've bitten my tongue as I've written about most of these new features. The last thing I personally wanted was a new set of variables to worry about as I play the game, and for even more hours to have to be invested just to get through a season.
November 10, 2012
With the biggest database of football players and teams, Football Manager 2013 brings back the best of the previous episode to improve and expand it. The only thing we could complain about is the 3D graphics, which we consider should have been better, but still it leaves us with a feeling of almost perfection.
Eurogamer Italy
October 29, 2012
Football manager 2013 is a must-buy for all the Josè Mourinhos out there. It's a deep, compelling and time consuming simulation, but thanks to the new and simplified Classic Mode, even new players and old fans will enjoy the game.
October 29, 2012
Football Manager offers the most detailed and in-depth management experience ever made, as it does every year.
October 30, 2012
Sports Interactive wins again. Football Manager 2013 renew itself with all-new "Classic" mode to satisfy all type of players. Challenge mode are another great addition.
October 31, 2012
There's no better opportunity for FIFA fans that are looking for a deeper managing experience to get involved in the Football Manager franchise. The new gameplay additions and a slicker presentation make Football Manager 2013 a much more mainstream and simpler experience, but this will work in the game's favour.
November 1, 2012
For 2013, there's more than enough to keep fans happy, and while it sometimes seems worth it to skip the latest version of Football Manager, the overhauled multiplayer and game mode variation makes this an essential purchase as ever.
Metro GameCentral
November 1, 2012
The most significant update for Football Manager since its revival, with a suite of options to suit everyone from dedicated veterans to complete newbies.
November 2, 2012
Although some editions of Football Manager are defined by including improvements in dribs and drabs, this is not the case at hand. The new game cares for both traditional users and those who seek an experience equally comprehensive but willing to sacrifice some complexity in exchange for a faster management. Football Manager 2013 is a complete network of choices that allow us to simulate the most realistic behavior of clubs and competitions, ever seen. It should be mandatory for almost every football coach.
November 4, 2012
Football Manager's relentless strive for realism is sometimes its biggest fault, but with new modes and now new ways of playing it's also managed to get that light touch back.
Gamereactor Denmark
November 5, 2012
The implementation of Football Manager Classic is a stroke of genius, as it serves the needs of players short on time, while still providing the core experience in a new and more accommodating packaging. The fully-fledged manager experience remains the star of the show, though.
November 7, 2012
The new Football managers sparks some controversy - for the first time in the series's history you can use real money to buy things. For a couple of euro/dollars you can lift restrictions in the scouting network, do away with job permits or lock the possibility of being fired. Fortunately, all in all, FM 2013 is still the same, great game. No competition in this genre is a good thing, because SI Games can test and experiment as they please - without having to look at others. The direction of progress is sound and each new game is closer to real world of football.
November 12, 2012
Sports Interactive probably told each other: If it ain't broke, don't fix it; therefore the main mode has been primarily face-lifted. Thanks to its new look the game is still the football management-simulation video game cream of the crop. Even the series newcomers and novice managers are lured into the football management-simulation experience because of the simplified and sped-up Classic mode.
November 12, 2012
Football Manager 2013 is an innocent drug that is always in the back of your mind, processing the possibility of a match outcome after another click of the mouse. When you are mesmerised to that level, it's hard to say anything other than this is a brilliant piece of videogame entertainment for fans of the beautiful game.
November 12, 2012
Football Manager 2013 is the best Football Manager released at this stage in many ways. New modes arrive just in time to renew interest in the game (with the Challenges) and give an easier access to it for the newcomers (with the Classic mode). GUI improved a lot, every information you need is at your disposal. Forget about playing with the 3D engine by the way : it hasn't evolved since last year, unlike training sessions, which are simpler and more logical to organize. FM has never been so deep, so real and each decision you make will have an impact on your manager.
Gamereactor Sweden
November 13, 2012
Managing a virtual team doesn't get any more fun than this.
Eurogamer Portugal
November 15, 2012
Football Manager 2013 is still the best experience of a football simulator available in market.
Eurogamer Sweden
November 16, 2012
Football Manager 2013 is more polished than ever – its surface as well as its core. The right things are highlighted, which facilitates gameplay considerably. New games modes, such as the streamlined FM Classic, make for more fast-paced play, suited for those with too little time on their hands to immerse themselves head over heels in the game. That, on the other hand, is the way it should be played, isn't it?
November 16, 2012
Looking critically at the game, its developers probably realized that you can sometimes go too far in your quest for perfection. The result is a mode that brings the franchise back to the essence of a manager game. Football Manager 2013 is all about tweaking your players and humiliating your opponents tactically, and we're loving it.
PC PowerPlay
December 2, 2012
The most comprehensive football aim on the market just got a little less comprehensive - and is all the better for it.