February 10, 2006

Full Auto

Full Auto
Based on 63 Reviews
Release date
February 10, 2006


Full Auto combines fully-automatic, weapon-equipped vehicles with highly detailed urban landscapes, offering the most destructive environments ever featured in the racing genre. In Full Auto, the city of Staunton is held hostage by a mysterious group known only as The Shepherds. As a retired driver, you are coerced by the Shepherds into a series of lethal street races, where the cost of competing is far greater than anyone ever expected. 'Unwreck', a new feature that makes mid-race "restarts" a thing of the past, allows players to rewind short periods of time. Botch a turn? Correct it. Miss a shortcut? Go back and take it. Under heavy fire? Use a second chance to evade the competition. And Xbox Live support ensures significant replay value for gamers itching to take on human opponents in both grand-scale arena modes and full-throttle races. Full Auto allows players to choose from a wide selection of unique vehicle designs and arm them with any combination of machine guns, cannons, and other deadly weapons before taking to the streets. The rules of the road don't apply in this high-octane, no-holds-barred competition. [Sega]

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Critic Reviews63

Full Auto may not push the boundaries of in-depth, innovative gameplay, but for all intents and purposes it is a blast of a game to play nonetheless and delivers non-stop explosive thrills from start to finish.
June 8, 2024
This is pure, unadulterated four-wheeled destruction on an epic scale, and I haven't had this much fun playing a racing game in ages.
June 8, 2024
Full Auto may be viscerally stimulating and strangely soothing, but the real reason to buy this game is the overwhelming amount of content presented in the game's different modes.
June 8, 2024

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