G.I. Joe: War on Cobra Critic Reviews
2 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
1 Mixed Reviews(50%)
1 Negative Reviews(50%)
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February 10, 2020
G.I. Joe: War On Cobra is a well crafted mobile game and it has some interesting mechanics, but all its micro-transactions and grinding hinders its true potential.
Screen Rant
January 27, 2020
It's hard to pin down who exactly G.I. Joe: War On Cobra is for, let alone who to recommend it to. Players who have nothing else to do with their phones, perhaps, or hardcore Joe fans just looking for any fix they can find, may discover some enjoyment in the mobile title. However, for the majority of the gaming public, there's nothing here which hasn't been done before, better, and less predatory, in many other games already.