
Gamedec Critic Reviews

38 Total Reviews

23 Positive Reviews(60.5%)
13 Mixed Reviews(34.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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But Why Tho? September 16, 2021
Overall, Gamedec is an excellent attempt to do the impossible. Tabletop games are as popular as they are today because they can’t be replicated anywhere else, but Gamedec comes as close as possible to making it a reality. I felt like my choices truly mattered, and that’s not something that happens often in games. While some of the virtualias can feel a bit tedious, the overall narrative they serve makes the experience worth it.
KeenGamer September 27, 2021
Gamedec should be an essential play for fans of isometric, story-driven titles. The detective work is paced and executed in a way that makes you feel like you're actually solving crimes, rather than following scripted conversations. The environments are varied and interesting, and the music absolutely slaps. This is a title that deserves your time and attention.
CD-Action November 15, 2021
Here’s a proof that it’s possible to create an engaging game based mainly on dialogues (comparisons to Disco Elysium work in Gamedec’s favor, but there’s a lot less text to read here). Gamedec’s world is original and immersive, the investigations are interesting, the detective’s unique skill system works great and the deduction mechanic is brilliant.
Impulsegamer September 27, 2021
The deduction mechanic reminds me a little bit of L.A. Noire but perhaps a bit more forgiving here. I found it to be a fun world to jump into and I can only imagine what it would be like as a real VR game. For the variety of game worlds you get to play in (to an extent)… it’s pretty good value for money and if you enjoy a good detective story and the chance to solve problems via deductions, this should be right up your dark alley.
Ragequit.gr September 17, 2021
Despite being a little rough around the edges, Anshar Studios' first RPG attempt in the cyberpunk world of Gamedec manages to hold its own against even AAA ventures in the genre.
Softpedia January 23, 2023
Gamedec is ambitious and fun for the adventure game fan who is willing to put up with some issues. I like the variety of the cases and the way the main character has options when it comes to dealing with NPCs. I enjoyed the mysteries, despite the sometimes convoluted way that leads to an answer. The future it envisions is also a pretty plausible and weird one. I wanted the developer to have the resources to deliver the amount and quality of writing to match their ambitious universe. But for players looking for a smart cyberpunk narrative and willing to overlook some problems, Gamedec is a good way to spend 10 or so hours.
GameStar September 16, 2021
A captivating detective narrative that fascinates with its unusual tech-noir setting and a myriad of ways to solve the game.
RPG Fan September 27, 2021
There’s a lot in Gamedec that’s praiseworthy. I love how the game constantly evolves based on decisions made throughout it, and the story itself developed into something truly memorable as it progressed. Those who want to play an engaging cyberpunk sci-fi RPG with an emphasis on decision-making may very well want to try Gamedec out, especially now that it is updated and more polished.
Adventure Game Hotspot June 9, 2023
It’s a shame there isn’t more opportunity to explore the world at large, but Gamedec is a rewarding and immersive role-playing adventure that offers a satisfying amount of player agency in the direction of this cyberpunk detective mystery.
The Games Machine September 16, 2021
Gamedec was a nice surprise: a cyberpunk detective story with a progression system that rewards intuition and perseverance without holding the player's hand. The dense network of questions and answers, together with the different endings available, guarantees robust replayability.
Gamepressure September 16, 2021
Gamedec’s worlds are fascinating, albeit silent at times, and are made even more absorbing knowing there is a lingering feeling of dread in the air. It touches on some dark subject matter that makes for an interesting read and its branching narrative gives you multiple ways of enjoying the overarching story. Like a sci-fi novel, Gamedec requires your full attention otherwise you may get overwhelmed or bored of it before you turn the final page.
Shacknews September 16, 2021
GameDec does right by the cyberpunk genre by using it as a backdrop to an excellent detective story. The series of virtual worlds makes for a diverse range of environments, filled with characters that all have their own unique characteristics and motivations. The lack of a fail state raises the stakes, and makes it important to learn the ins and outs of dialogue and deduction. Though some bugs and missing functionality can make it rough around the edges, GameDec is still an overall quite enjoyable experience.
PLAY! Zine October 6, 2021
Gamedec is one weird Polish gem that comes both unpolished (pun intended) and innovative and creative. It truly is a true role-playing game with great and interesting mechanics that incentivize player choice, although it suffers from various tiny gameplay design problems and lack of finishing touches that would make it a truly defining video game that can rival paragons of the genre like Disco Elysium.
Worth Playing November 15, 2021
Overall, Gamedec delivers on its premise. It's a fun and intriguing story with plenty of choices to make and cases to solve. It never gets remarkably deep in lore, world-building, or character development, but it pulls off the decision-driven storytelling quite well. The limited scope hurts the experience, though. Environment maps can be small and feel on rails even when they're not, and some cut corners distract from what is a thoroughly entertaining narrative experience.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) February 18, 2022
If you've dreamed of a game where you will become a noir detective in the cyberpunk world, Gamedec is just for you. Interrogating suspects, searching for evidence, deducing and difficult decisions make from this title a detective nirvana that no fan of the genre should miss. The only flaw in the beauty is the shallow sound design and the overall deafness of the game world.
IGN Italia October 4, 2021
Gamedec is very much focused on its setting, story and investigation-based gameplay, which are for the most part properly executed.
Gamersky December 2, 2021
Gamedec is a regular detective game, the creation of the world view and the design of the case is unique. However, some lack of details also reduce the game experience.
GRYOnline.pl September 17, 2021
Give Gamedec a chance if you want to experience something different in the isometric RPG genre. This is an original cyberpunk creation, a well-constructed experiment that may not look or sound the best, but allows you to become engrossed in the story of a detective spending time on investigations inside video games. And that's pretty cool.
Eurogamer Italy September 16, 2021
Gamedec is a good and ingenious crpg. Unfortunately, despite being also a good cyberpunk detective story, there are sequences that feel underdeveloped and unpolished.
COGconnected September 17, 2021
Gamedec has a lot of interesting ideas and mechanics, and its hardboiled- detective-in-the-22nd-century story is a great premise. Either the developers had ambitions beyond their ability to deliver, or maybe the game just needs a few more passes with the random orbital sander to smooth down the rough edges, but in its present state Gamedec’s flaws definitely detract from an otherwise intriguing experience.