
Troublesome Work Genshin Impact: Complete Guide and Tips

Navigating the enchanting world of Genshin Impact presents players with numerous challenges and quests, among which the "troublesome work Genshin Impact" story quest, featuring the beloved character Lisa, stands out due to its unique demands and rewards. This particular quest not only deepens the player's engagement with the captivating lore of Genshin Impact but also tests their problem-solving skills and understanding of character preferences, specifically through the task of selecting Lisa's favorite food and gifts. Completing this quest not only contributes to a player's progress within the game but enhances their bond with the character of Lisa, making it a crucial component of the Genshin Impact experience.

This comprehensive guide will walk players through the essential stages of the "troublesome work Genshin Impact" quest, beginning with a clear breakdown of the quest requirements to ensure readiness for the challenges ahead. It will then guide them through each phase of the quest, highlighting key strategies and tips for navigating the tasks with ease. Special attention will be given to the selection of gifts for Lisa, a critical element of the quest that can greatly influence its outcome. Completing the quest not only promises valuable rewards but also enriches the player's journey in the sprawling world of Genshin Impact.

Understanding the Quest Requirements

Adventure Rank Necessity

To embark on the "Troublesome Work Genshin Impact" quest, players must first achieve Adventure Rank 15. This rank is crucial as it unlocks the quest automatically, allowing players to begin their journey with Lisa, the librarian of Mondstadt.

Previous Quest Completion

Additionally, players are required to have completed Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind. This prior completion is essential to access the quest line and engage with the story's progression involving Lisa.

Locating the Quest Giver: Lisa

Once the prerequisites are met, players should head to the Knights of Favonius’ headquarters and find Lisa in the library. Here, the quest begins as players encounter Lisa, who is notably annoyed by the overdue library books. She will task the player with helping her retrieve these books, setting the stage for the adventures that follow in the quest.

Guiding Through the Quest Phases

Initial Encounter with Lisa at the Library

Upon achieving the necessary Adventure Rank and completing the prerequisite quests, players find Lisa at the Knights of Favonius’ headquarters. Here, Lisa, visibly distressed by overdue library books, enlists the player's help in retrieving them, setting the stage for the subsequent phases of the quest.

Selection of Gifts and Right Choices

During the quest, players are prompted to select gifts for Lisa at various vendor stops. Key choices include selecting a Ragged Old Scroll at the souvenir shop, opting for Radish Veggie Soup at the food stall, and choosing Cecilia flowers from the florist. Each choice reflects Lisa’s preferences and influences the quest's progression positively.

Retrieving the Overdue Library Books

Players assist Lisa in tracking down overdue books by following elemental traces left on them. The journey leads them across Mondstadt, engaging with NPCs who have borrowed the books. Each interaction requires players to use their problem-solving skills to persuade the NPCs to return the books.

Dealing with Elemental Marks to Find the Lost Book

The quest culminates in a search for a particularly elusive book, marked by Lisa with an elemental trace. Players use their Elemental Sight to follow these traces, which eventually guide them to an Abyss Mage’s stronghold. After overcoming this challenge, they return the book to Lisa, completing the quest.

Best Gift Selection for Lisa

Analyzing Gifts Option

In the "Troublesome Work" quest in Genshin Impact, players are faced with the task of choosing gifts for Lisa. The options include a variety of items like Bloomers, Voodoo Doll, Rusty Sword, and a Ragged Old Scroll. Each choice presents a unique response from Lisa, but it's crucial to select items that align with her character and preferences.

Why Old Ragged Scroll is the Ultimate Choice

The best choice among the gifts is the Ragged Old Scroll. Given Lisa's role as the librarian of Mondstadt, this gift resonates with her scholarly nature. Players can find this item readily available at the With Wind Comes Glory shop, eliminating the need for additional inquiries. The scroll not only pleases Lisa but also enhances the player's experience by aligning with her intellectual persona.

Impact of Gift Choice on Quest Progress

Choosing the right gifts like the Ragged Old Scroll and Radish Veggie Soup, which Lisa prefers due to her vegetarian diet, positively influences the quest's progression. These selections lead to more favorable interactions with Lisa and smooth progression to subsequent quest stages. Although the choice of gifts doesn't alter the quest's rewards, making thoughtful selections can enrich the gameplay experience and deepen the player's engagement with Lisa's character.

Completing the Quest and Reaping Rewards

Upon successfully tracking down the stolen book by following the elemental marks, players should return to the library to complete the quest. Here, they engage in a final conversation with Lisa, where they hand over the Teyvat Travel Guide, officially concluding the "Troublesome Work" quest.

Final Steps to Complete the Quest

Players conclude their adventure by clearing the Domain where the book was located and speaking with Lisa in the library. This interaction not only completes the quest but also solidifies the bond between the player and Lisa, enhancing the narrative experience.

Understanding the Rewards

Upon completion of the quest, players are rewarded generously. They receive 425 Adventure EXP, 60 Primogems, 9475 Mora, 5 Teachings of Ballad, 5 Adventurer's Experience, and 3 Mystic Enhancement Ore. Additionally, they are gifted a unique book, "1000 Years of Loneliness," which adds a special touch to the quest's conclusion.

Additional Quests and Storyline Progression

Completing "Troublesome Work" opens up new possibilities within Genshin Impact's expansive world. Players may find themselves exploring further quests and storylines that build upon the events of this quest, continuing to enrich their journey through Teyvat.


Through the comprehensive journey of the "Troublesome Work" quest in Genshin Impact, players not only deepen their connection with the character of Lisa but also enhance their understanding of the game's dynamics and character preferences. Successfully navigating this quest by making strategic gift choices and retrieving overdue library books solidifies the player's role in the rich tapestry of Teyvat’s lore. The quest, with its unique challenges and storytelling, exemplifies the intricate design of Genshin Impact and highlights the importance of paying attention to character dialogue and preferences for successful gameplay progression.

The significance of this quest extends beyond the immediate rewards it offers, serving as a cornerstone for players seeking to immerse themselves deeper into the world of Genshin Impact. By focusing on the specific preferences of characters like Lisa and engaging with Mondstadt’s storyline, players unlock new dimensions of interaction and storytelling within the game. As such, the "Troublesome Work" quest stands as a testament to the thoughtful construction of Genshin Impact's world, encouraging players to explore, engage, and empathize with its vibrant characters and their stories, laying the groundwork for future adventures in the enchanting world of Teyvat.


Completing the Lisa Quest in Genshin Impact

Q: How do I finish the quest involving Lisa?
A: To successfully complete the quest with Lisa, maintain your Elemental Sight active and follow the trail to the perpetrator's hideout. Lisa will handle the magical barrier, allowing you to enter the Abyss Mage's Stronghold. After clearing the Domain, return to the library and converse with Lisa once more. To finalize the quest, remove the Teyvat Travel Guide from the shelf.

Choosing the Right Dish for Lisa

Q: Which meal should I choose for Lisa?
A: When selecting a dish for Lisa, opt for the Radish Veggie Soup. The chef will hint that Lisa prefers vegetarian dishes but isn't keen on salads, making this soup an ideal choice. Lisa will express her delight and consider the soup an excellent selection.

Selecting a Gift for Lisa

Q: What is the best gift to select for Lisa?
A: When it comes to gifting Lisa, the Ragged Old Scroll emerges as her favorite among the available options. This choice is accessible from the start, allowing players to select it upon first encountering the gift selection.

Dating Lisa in Genshin Impact

Q: Is it possible to date Lisa in Genshin Impact?
A: Regardless of the choices you make or the items you give to Lisa, the outcome remains unchanged. Even unconventional actions like spitting in her salad won't unlock any secret romance. The Troublesome Work quest, as designed by the developer MiHoYo, does not lead to a romantic relationship with Lisa.

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