
Wolf Boss Battle Guide: Defeat Andrius in Genshin Impact

In the expansive world of Genshin Impact, players face myriad challenges and bosses, but few are as formidable and awe-inspiring as the wolf boss, Andrius. This encounter not only tests players’ combat skills and strategy but also immerses them in the rich lore of the game. Known officially as the Dominator of Wolves, Andrius represents a pinnacle of challenge in Genshin Impact, drawing players from across the globe to face him in battle. The significance of defeating Andrius goes beyond mere victory; it's a rite of passage that marks the mastery of game mechanics and teamwork.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the wolf boss fight, including essential boss information, preparation techniques, and detailed strategies for each phase of the battle. From understanding the foundational mechanics of the Andrius wolf boss fight to executing complex strategies in the final phase, readers will find a roadmap to success against one of Genshin Impact's most challenging adversaries. By breaking down the fight into manageable sections—initial engagement, the transition to the final phase, and the culmination of the battle—this guide aims to arm players with the knowledge and tips needed to defeat Andrius and claim the rewards that await the victorious.

Boss Information

Andrius, also known as Lupus Boreas, serves as a formidable weekly boss in Genshin Impact, located within the mystical bounds of Wolvendom, Mondstadt. This wolf spirit, once a guardian under the Anemo Archon Barbatos, now challenges players in his ice and wind form. The battle with Andrius unfolds in a coliseum-like structure, accessible by teleporting to the Cecilia Garden domain and heading south.

Players encounter Andrius after completing Razor's Story Quest Lupus Minor Chapter: Act I - The Meaning of Lupical. This quest unlocks the Wolf of the North Challenge, where defeating Andrius yields valuable rewards once per week. The rewards include weapon billets, artifact sets, and items essential for character enhancement.

Key Characteristics

Andrius manifests formidable ice-based attacks, with abilities that can significantly impact players' strategies. His attacks mostly target the area around him, with icy winds and sharp icicles that pose a constant threat. Notably, most attacks from Lupus Boreas will only affect those standing on frozen ground, a tactical detail players must heed to avoid significant damage.

Attack Patterns

Cryo and Anemo Attacks

Andrius employs a variety of attacks that players must learn to anticipate and counter. His primary attacks include:

  • Cryo Slash: Andrius slashes towards his front, dealing Cryo damage.
  • Tail Sweep: A quick sweep of his tail while shooting icicles, dealing Cryo damage and leaving a dangerous icy residue.
  • Ice Spin: Creates circular ice surfaces around him before spinning rapidly, dealing wide-reaching Cryo damage.
  • Icicle Rain: Summons icicles from above, which cannot be dodged using Dash i-frames, adding a layer of complexity to the battle.

Once Andrius' health is reduced by half, he transitions into a more aggressive phase, incorporating Anemo attacks that cover larger areas and require swift movements and strategic positioning from players.

Strategic Tips

Players are advised to use characters with ranged attacks or to dash in and out of Andrius' attack range effectively. Utilizing elemental advantages, such as Pyro for increased damage against Cryo, is crucial. Additionally, staying close can help in dodging attacks that are more challenging to evade from a distance.

Co-op Mode

Engaging in this battle in co-op mode can ease the difficulty, allowing friends to bring complementary characters to balance the team's elemental strengths and weaknesses. This strategy not only enhances the group's overall damage output but also distributes the boss's focus, reducing individual player risk.

By understanding these elements and preparing adequately, players can tackle the challenge posed by Andrius, turning a daunting battle into a manageable and rewarding engagement.

Boss Fight Preparation

Preparing effectively for the battle against Andrius, the wolf boss in Genshin Impact, involves strategic team composition, choosing the right weapons, and utilizing food and potion buffs to enhance your characters' abilities. Here’s a breakdown of each aspect to help ensure your success.

Suggested Team Composition

It's highly recommended to include both Pyro and Electro characters in your team to exploit Andrius' vulnerabilities. A strong Pyro DPS character can deal significant burst damage, which is crucial for quickly reducing Andrius' health. Characters like Amber, Xiangling, or even better, a high-damage dealer like Diluc, can be very effective. Electro characters such as Fischl or Keqing can trigger elemental reactions that debuff Andrius, making him more susceptible to physical attacks.

Additionally, having characters that can provide shields and healing is essential, especially for surviving the more challenging second phase of the fight. Noelle is an excellent choice as she can both heal and shield your party members, allowing you to maintain offensive pressure without worrying too much about incoming damage.

Weapon Recommendations

For bow users, characters like Fischl and Amber can benefit greatly from specific weapons that enhance their damage output. For Fischl, the Stringless bow is ideal as it enhances Elemental Skill and Burst damage, which can be pivotal in weakening Andrius. Amber and other Pyro archers can see significant benefits from using weapons that boost attack power or energy recharge, enabling more frequent use of their powerful Pyro skills.

Food and Potion Buffs

Before engaging in the fight with Andrius, it's advisable to consume food and potions that boost your characters' attack, defense, and elemental resistance. Foods that increase attack power and defense can be crucial for enduring the tougher parts of the fight and dealing more damage. Specifically, dishes that enhance Pyro damage or reduce Cryo damage taken are particularly effective.

Consuming a Frostshield Potion is also recommended as most of Andrius' attacks deal Cryo damage. This potion can significantly reduce the Cryo damage taken, allowing your characters to stay in the fight longer and maintain their offensive strategies.

By carefully selecting your team, equipping the right weapons, and utilizing appropriate food and potion buffs, you can tilt the odds in your favor and stand a better chance at defeating Andrius, earning the valuable rewards he guards.

Phase 1: Initial Engagement

In the initial engagement with Andrius, the wolf boss in Genshin Impact, players must be vigilant and strategic to effectively manage the battle's first phase. This stage is crucial as it sets the tone for the remainder of the fight, and understanding Andrius' attack patterns is key to surviving and advancing to the next phase.

Key Attacks to Watch Out For

During the first phase, Andrius employs a variety of attacks that players need to be aware of:

  1. Front Swipe Attack: This can be avoided by stepping back to get out of its range. Observing the frozen ground can help determine if you are within the attack's reach.

  2. Pounce Attack: A slow yet powerful attack. Players can see the frozen ground in advance, indicating where Andrius will land, allowing them to move out of the way.

  3. Charge Attack: Andrius charges quickly, and players should move left or right to dodge this attack.

  4. Ground Slam and Ice Attack: This attack sends out an ice shockwave in a straight line. Running to the left or right is the best way to avoid this due to its long charge-up time.

Dodging Strategies

Dodging effectively is critical in Phase 1 to maintain health and stamina:

  • Always stay alert and ready to move as Andrius' attacks can cover a wide area and are relatively fast.
  • Keep an eye on stamina levels; running out can prevent dodging subsequent attacks, leading to significant damage.
  • Utilize the environment, such as rocks or terrain features, to create barriers between the player and Andrius, potentially causing him to pause or redirect an attack.

Optimal Times to Deal Damage

Finding the right moments to attack Andrius is as crucial as defense:

  • After dodging the front swipe or charge attack, players have a brief window to counter-attack. This is when Andrius is momentarily vulnerable.
  • When Andrius performs the ground slam, he remains stationary for a few seconds, providing an opportunity to deal damage.
  • Utilizing bursts and elemental skills during these windows not only inflicts damage but also builds up elemental reactions for additional effects.

By mastering the timing of dodges and attacks, players can effectively reduce Andrius' health, making the transition to the next phase smoother and more manageable. Remember, the key to success in this phase is patience and precision in both defense and offense.

Phase 2: Final Phase

As the battle with Andrius, the wolf boss in Genshin Impact, progresses into its final phase, players must adapt to new challenges and heightened intensity. Here's a breakdown of the new attack patterns, dodging strategies, and the best times to use burst abilities to ensure victory in this climactic part of the fight.

New Attack Patterns

In the final phase, Andrius introduces several new attack patterns that players must be aware of:

  1. Icicle Storm: This attack marks the beginning of Phase 2, summoning icicles continuously above players. Unlike other attacks, these cannot be dodged using dash i-frames, requiring players to continuously move to avoid them.

  2. Ice Waves and Wind Blades: Andrius alternates between these two attacks. For Ice Waves, players need to dodge swiftly to avoid the Cryo effect, while Wind Blades require careful positioning between waves to avoid cumulative damage.

  3. Anemo Slash and Tail Sweep: The familiar Slash attack from Phase 1 now inflicts Anemo damage and is complemented by a Tail Sweep that affects the area around Andrius, rather than projecting outward.

  4. Howl: Every 2.5 minutes, Andrius unleashes Anemo waves. Staying close to him during this attack minimizes damage, as distance increases the attack's potency.

  5. Phantom Wolves: When Andrius' health drops to about 15%, he summons Phantom Wolves that lock onto players' positions and attack. The frequency of these summons increases as his health decreases, necessitating constant movement.

Dodging Strategies in Phase 2

Effective dodging is crucial to surviving this final phase:

  • Maintain Stamina: Ensure that stamina is conserved for critical moments, especially to move away from the icicles and dodge the Ice Waves and Wind Blades.
  • Use the Environment: Positioning around terrain features can provide necessary cover or narrow the angles of attack from Andrius, especially useful during his Howl and Phantom Wolves attacks.
  • Anticipate and React: Learning the cues for each of Andrius' attacks allows players to react in time, minimizing damage and maintaining control over the battle's pace.

Best Times to Use Burst Abilities

Utilizing burst abilities effectively can turn the tide of the battle:

  • After Dodging Major Attacks: Once players successfully dodge an attack like the Ice Waves or Howl, Andrius often pauses, providing a perfect opportunity to unleash powerful bursts.
  • During Phantom Wolves Summoning: Using bursts can clear multiple wolves quickly, reducing the pressure and allowing players to refocus on Andrius.
  • When Andrius is Stationary: Any moment Andrius is stationary, such as after his Tail Sweep or during the summoning of icicles, is ideal for landing heavy-hitting bursts.

By mastering these new attack patterns, refining dodging techniques, and strategically deploying burst abilities, players can effectively conquer the final phase of the Andrius wolf boss battle in Genshin Impact, securing victory and reaping the rewards of their hard-fought battle.


Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have navigated the challenging waters of battling Andrius, the Dominator of Wolves in Genshin Impact, by dissecting the crucial strategies, character compositions, and preparation necessary to overcome this formidable foe. From understanding Andrius' ice and wind-based attacks to mastering the timing of dodges and the strategic use of burst abilities, we've uncovered the keys to not only surviving but thriving in this epic confrontation. The journey through Andrius' phases—from initial engagement to the climactic final stand—demands precision, patience, and adaptability, highlighting the importance of strategic planning and real-time decision-making in achieving victory.

Defeating Andrius is not just a testament to mastering Genshin Impact's combat mechanics; it signifies a deeper understanding of teamwork and the effective utilization of character abilities and elemental advantages. This victory paves the way for players to not only earn valuable in-game rewards but also to claim a sense of accomplishment in overcoming one of the game's most challenging adversaries. As players continue to explore the vast world of Genshin Impact, the lessons learned from facing Andrius will undoubtedly empower them to tackle future challenges with confidence and strategic finesse, further enriching their adventure in the game's captivating universe.


1. What are some strategies to defeat Andrius with ease? To beat Andrius easily, focus on using characters that can withstand his powerful attacks and have abilities that counter his strengths.

2. Which elements are most effective against Andrius in battle? Andrius has immunity to Cryo and Anemo attacks, making him a challenging opponent. It is advisable to use characters with Pyro and Electro abilities, ensuring they are at a high level and possess substantial HP to survive Andrius's intense attacks.

3. What is the optimal team composition to defeat Andrius? A well-rounded team to take down Andrius would include Noelle for her defensive shielding and healing capabilities when she lands hits, Fischl for her ranged attacks and elemental reactions, Yanfei for additional firepower, and Jean as a strong healer and damage dealer.

4. How can you successfully defeat the wolf boss in Genshin Impact? Defeating the wolf boss, Andrius, requires a strategic approach with a team that includes characters capable of high damage and healing, while being resistant to his powerful attacks.

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