
Gerda: A Flame in Winter Critic Reviews

10 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(100%)
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Adventure Gamers October 25, 2023
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is an unforgettable adventure. Its compelling graphics and evocative music provide a backdrop for a powerful World War II narrative, which builds to an unusually suspenseful finale.
TheGamer September 1, 2022
It will never not be uncomfortable to see genocide and any kind of game mechanics on screen at the same time. But Gerda avoids this as best it can, offering us a game that puts history at the forefront, understanding that nothing else is more important. It’s an uncomfortable journey, but one that shows what RPG-lites are capable of.
Hey Poor Player September 6, 2022
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a masterful work of art in both the gaming and storytelling spheres; both aspects enhanced by the other, their impact reduced should they be somehow disconnected from each other. Every moment I spent with it was simultaneously energizing and exhausting, as I was emotionally drained on Gerda’s behalf after each level but couldn’t stop myself from continuing the story, desperate to know what happened next. If you’ve ever wondered what you would do as a civilian in WWII, Gerda: A Flame in Winter gives you the ability to see through the Danish resistance’s eyes.
PC Invasion September 1, 2022
Buoyed by consistently strong writing, Gerda: A Flame in Winter handles its compelling narrative with aplomb.
Checkpoint Gaming September 1, 2022
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a must play if you’re a fan of well-thought out choices matter RPG games like Disco Elysium. Not only will you get a nail-biting story with high stakes, you’ll come out knowing a plethora of historical details and challenges of the Danish people during WW2. You will come to love or hate the cast of characters, depending on what pathway you choose, but there are endless possibilities because of the games re-playability. Persevere if your first playthrough is not everything that you imagined, because Gerda: A Flame in Winter gets better and better the more you play.
Multiplayer.it September 1, 2022
https://multiplayer.it/recensioni/gerda-a-flame-in-winter-recensione.html Gerda A Flame in Winter is an interesting and well-written graphic adventure that takes us to one of the lesser-known and lesser-treated World War II fronts in the video game market. Its only limitations are basic animations and a not particularly long running time, but these are elements that may go by the wayside given the overall quality of the narrative and the variety of situations we will encounter.
RPG Fan September 1, 2022
Though the game can be completed in under ten hours, Gerda: A Flame in Winter contains multitudes beneath its exterior. I was held in suspense even when I had to shut the game down to go about my life. The choose-your-own-adventure gameplay style made me feel responsible for Gerda’s well-being and the people around her, even as her life was spinning out of control. Though not everything works and the narrative feels slightly too short, it’s also a wild ride that should satisfy those who enjoy the twists and turns of a hearty spy story. The world was a cold and cruel place during the Second Great War, and Gerda: A Flame in Winter provides an intense glimpse of how it felt to live back then.
NME September 1, 2022
Gerda: A Flame in Winter is a brilliant adventure game that’s not always as exciting as it is interesting. Simple and approachable mechanically, the same can’t be said for its themes. But if you’re fine with feeling bad for a Nazi while constantly reminded of the damage their ideology did, or if you want to be presented with two horrible choices and be convinced, each time, that you took the worst one, then Gerda is for you.
New Game Network September 7, 2022
Gerda: A Flame in Winter offers a somewhat optimistic glimpse at the lives of ordinary folks caught in the war. It will push players to decide where their loyalties lie, though the drama of conversation is often lost for the sake of an RPG point system.
GameSpace September 19, 2022
In Gerda: A Flame In Winter, you have six hours to live a small but eventful life, full of contradictions and moral torment. It is the life of a person who did not participate in his own war but who understands that it will not work to stay away anyway.