August 20, 2021

Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island

Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island
Based on 10 Reviews


If you’re a history buff, you may know that in addition to Tsushima, the neighboring island of Iki was also invaded during this time period. This island serves as the setting for a whole new chapter in Jin’s journey. In this new story, Jin travels to the island to investigate rumors of a Mongol presence. But soon, he finds himself caught up in events with deeply personal stakes that will force him to relive some traumatic moments from his past. [Sony]

Ghost of Tsushima Series Games2

July 17, 2020
Ghost of Tsushima
August 20, 2021
Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island

Critic Reviews10

Where some expansions expand on the gameplay with core changes and new systems, Ghost of Tsushima's Iki Island acts more like an extension of the main game loved by so many - with only minor yet appreciated tweaks. For the most part, in conjunction with changes to enemy combat skills and exploration, along with turning your horse into a weapon, playing through Iki fits wonderfully into this originally three-act epic as a welcome fourth. Ever so slightly dusted with imperfections, the captivating story, combat, graphics, and soundtrack are all still among the very best PlayStation exclusives have to offer, mostly overshadowing any grievances.
September 20, 2021
The care present in Ghost of Tsushima’s design makes its undercooked take on its own ideas harder to forgive. Take its themes seriously, and it becomes a story about a feudal landlord learning that maybe life isn’t about him, but centering on him anyway. The Jin Sakai that players engage with through play — the Jin Sakai that composes haikus, loves animals enough to play them little tunes on his flute, who never met a row of bamboo he did not want to cut for fun — seems to have the interiority that the Jin Sakai of Ghost of Tsushima’s narrative does not. One is a thoughtful guy you might want to hang around. The other is not. He’s kind of embarrassing.
August 31, 2021
If you’re looking for 10-15 hours more of Ghost of Tsushima but with a greater emphasises on the inner struggles of Jin and an exploration of his backstory coupled with some meaty side quests, cat petting and disgustingly stunning scenery, you really can’t go wrong with taking on the island of Iki.
August 30, 2021

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