Ghostrunner 2 Critic Reviews
51 Total Reviews
48 Positive Reviews(94.1%)
3 Mixed Reviews(5.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is a perfectly executed cyberpunk slasher, providing an unmatched level of fluidity, engaging combat and a robust narrative.
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is an electric sequel that supercharges everything that was great about the original and elevates it to a whole new level. The lightning fast, skill-heavy, one-hit kill combat is as exciting as ever, packed with even more tricks that give you plenty of new options to approach every scenario. The parkour also remains as smooth as silk, and some of the new motorcycle sequences are among the most exhilarating moments I’ve had all year. Those who didn’t vibe with the intensely reflex-heavy gameplay of the first Ghostrunner probably won’t be swayed by any of these improvements, but if the original was up your alley, I can’t imagine a better sequel than this.
God is a Geek
October 23, 2023
You’ll suffer hundreds of deaths in Ghostrunner 2, but every single one is worth it to move you forward step-by-bloody-step.
Noisy Pixel
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 embodies the epitome of a well-executed sequel. It doesn’t overshadow its precursor; instead, it leverages the original as a foundation for expansion and enhancement. The world-building and character development represent a significant leap in quality, and the unwavering pace of action propels it into a class of its own. The introduction of new abilities, expanded non-linear level design, and refined movement mechanics render this game a must-play for those looking to hone their 3D platforming skills.
Finger Guns
October 23, 2023
Prepare to break free of Dharma Tower in a blaze of sword swings, exhilarating last-gasp dashes and the glory of hundreds of deaths. The new motorcycle mechanics are bombastic (if a little janky) and One More Level continues to amaze with stellar level design, visual spectacle and a booming soundtrack. Ghostrunner 2 is a worthy sequel, even if the story falls flat and you end up smashing three controllers on your way to mastering it.
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner II is an incredibly challenging and incredibly fun game that will test your every Ninja reflex and keep you coming back for more.
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 doubles down on everything that made the original so popular, and expands upon it in every conceivable way. Even if the story didn’t quite suck me in, the beauty of the stylish setting and the impeccable finesse of the challenging, fluid gameplay absolutely did. Ghostrunner 2 is the work of a team that you can tell know they’re onto a good thing, who also know that if you’re going to make a game about a slick, wall-running agent of death, you’re honour bound to make it cool as shit.
October 24, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is undoubtably excellent. While it's a tough and challenging game, the quick reloads help alleviate frustration and replace it with the "just one more try" drive to overcome it. There's a handful of small control niggles that might annoy, and if repeatedly dying is a pet video game peeve of yours, it might not be for you, but if the game gets its hooks into you, it's a sheer, visceral delight of dude slicing, shuriken flinging, laser dodging, taking a bullet to the face, reloading, and trying it all again.
PLAY! Zine
December 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 adds some new ideas and improves on the old ones, making this already high paced, high adrenaline, one-hit-kill action packed FPS even more challenging and fun. The new bike sections are great and bring something new to the game, but the open world is lackluster and empty. I hope that Ghostrunner 3, if it ever sees the light of day, will be able to improve on the open world aspect but keep the overall feel of the game.
October 23, 2023
More of the same, only better: Ghostrunner 2 is even more polished than its predecessor, even faster, even cooler and above all: even more fun.
Game Informer
October 23, 2023
With Ghostrunner 2 behind me, I’m thrilled more of this series exists. Even after rolling credits, I'm excited to tear through its levels once more to find collectibles like sword and glove skins and old-world artifacts like VHS tapes, and try my hand some more at the delectably simple roguelite minigame. Though Ghostrunner 2 falters in a few ways, like its more open-ended sections and superfluous wingsuit, what remains in the hours outside of those missteps is its best-in-class parkour action. And like its predecessor, it remains a damn treat.
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner II is an adrenaline-pumping tour de force full of brutal sword fights, challenging platformer passages and high-speed motorbike races. Apart from minor weaknesses, you can expect one of the best (and most difficult) action games of the year.
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2, ultimately, is a corrected and enhanced version of the title that had fascinated millions of players three years ago. The gameplay has been enriched with a series of structural and content features aimed at diversifying and improving the experience as a whole. In any case, it is a hardcore product, which will put even the most experienced users to the test, but capable of giving enormous satisfaction to those who decide to invest time in mastering its mechanics. If you are looking for a game capable of giving you a challenge worthy of the name and you appreciate the typical stylistic features of cyberpunk imagery, Ghostrunner 2 could be for you.
October 30, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is an upgraded sequel with several gameplay elements that make it deserve that number on the title. It has been increased in difficulty and the new narrative elements are also highly appreciated. For the most part, it has been expanded and improved compared to the first game. Even with the few tweaks the game still needs to stand out from other titles, it is as great and epic than its predecessor.
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey)
November 10, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 has managed to take over where the first game left off and make it a much better game by improving almost every feature. This game will satisfy your fast-paced, high-action needs.
Hobby Consolas
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 demands the reflexes of a speedrunner, the skill of a no-hitter and the patience of a Buddhist Monk. The difficulty might be too much for some people, but if you like this kind of challenge, here you will find an adrenaline injection enjoyable to the end.
October 29, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is a sequel that meets the expectations of fans of the first game. Features exciting first-person platform gameplay, fascinating aesthetics, an exceptional soundtrack, and challenges with remarkable difficulty.
Gaming Age
October 30, 2023
If you were a fan of the first Ghostrunner, it’s pretty much a sure thing that you’ll love the sequel. It takes everything that made the first game good and ramps it up a few notches – and, thankfully, it does it all on hardware that doesn’t have too many issues running it.
Hey Poor Player
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 is an example of a model sequel that improves on almost every facet of the first game. Yes, the dark, concrete arenas and rooftops grow stale, and there’s still more room to make the characters and story more substantial, but what’s here is refined and even more badass than what came before. If the first Ghostrunner put you off, you should give this one a slash.
PSX Brasil
October 23, 2023
Ghostrunner 2 shines with its new features, however, it sticks to the old successful formula. It has decent moments of inspiration, balanced with a familiar repetitive system. Challenging in its essence, it returns even more frenetic, fun and daring.