Ghostrunner Critic Reviews
68 Total Reviews
64 Positive Reviews(94.1%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Hooked Gamers
October 26, 2020
With its beautiful visual design, quality voice acting, tight controls, interesting mechanics, and engaging world-building, I have absolutely no hesitation adding Ghostrunner to my exclusive club of top marks. It’s rare to find a game that succeeds so well in everything it does, and the result is a game that absolutely everyone should check out.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
January 4, 2021
Fast first-person action game, where parkour rules. Ghostrunner is full of surprises, which help to keep the game frest and fun. There is really nothing more you can ask for.
God is a Geek
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner is built for that subset of gamers who enjoy the steepest challenge. The story is solid, the world is beautiful, and the precision insane - but this is a hardcore experience from start to finish.
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner is a superb experience. Blending the core mechanics and philosophies of games like Mirror's Edge and Dishonored, it manages to become one of the best games of 2020, and one of the greatest representations of cinematic gameplay done absolutely right. A true kinesthetic, visual and auditory spectacle.
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner will set your adrenaline racing and won’t let up until you’ve mastered its systems. And when you do reach that zen-like moment of precision and elegance, dancing on the edge of a blade between life and death, you’ll ask yourself, “Can I do better?” And that’s when Ghostrunner will have you, truly and deeply.
October 26, 2020
As long as you know what you’re getting yourself into with Ghostrunner, it might just prove to be your favourite game of the year. It’s certainly the most action-packed and exciting. It absorbs you in a world that’s dripping with atmosphere thanks to its stellar visuals, and its pumping soundtrack makes you uncontrollably tap your feet. The gameplay, though, is what will ultimately make you love it. It might take a few attempts, but when you finally clear a room of enemies in one continuous motion as if it was choreographed for a blockbuster movie, you can’t help but feel a great sense of accomplishment and awe. And Ghostrunner has so many of these moments that you can’t help but love it.
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner is a very pleasant surprise for anyone who likes to keep gameplay at the center of their experience - to the detriment of the narrative side. Accurate in 99% of cases, it challenges both your sagacity and your reflexes. Those are what you will need to sharpen in order to be able to improve your scores on your second run and to benefit from all the capacities of your character. If you like Super Meat Boy and/or Mirror's Edge and adhere to the Cyberpunk worlds, don't miss Ghostrunner.
IGN Spain
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner is one of the best surprises of 2020. A must-have for lovers of fast skill experiences but not for the impatient ones.
Game Revolution
October 26, 2020
And even though that world is a broken dystopian nightmare, Ghostrunner‘s gameplay is just the opposite. Slicing and sprinting through each dilapidated factory and string of sharply lit billboards is a rush because of how satisfying it is to control as well as how it, through its design, pushes players to play well enough to get the most out of its systems. A seasoned ninja strikes perfectly without any fatal faults; an apt summary of the gameplay loop and Ghostrunner as a whole.
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner answers the age old question of “What if the combat was actually good in Mirror’s Edge?” It perfectly pairs parkour style free-running with frantic, but precise combat to create movie-like action sequences. This is all backed up by a fun narrative that drives the gameplay forward at a blistering pace. Ghostrunner is honestly a must-have for PC players and the most fun I’ve had reviewing a game this year.
The Digital Fix
October 30, 2020
Ghostrunner is a high-octane adrenaline rush of a game with exciting gameplay, a great soundtrack and creative level design, however performance issues and inconsistent platforming keep it from being perfect.
November 3, 2020
While we would have loved more lore and a more consistent set of boss experiences, these are small pickings for a game that delivers a Cyberpunk dystopia that we loved tearing down.
Game Rant
November 5, 2020
Ghostrunner feels like an extended challenge that manages to never get repetitive or frustrating. Whether it's traversing a narrow hallway full of laser traps or slicing through a bipedal robot sentry, this title will have players feeling satisfied as if they had accomplished these feats in real life.
PC Games
November 8, 2020
Ghostrunner is fast, hard and unforgiving. But in a good way! It’s also beautiful, has an interesting world, a great soundtrack and the gameplay is just on point. The combat-system is with all the enemy-types rich in variety and pure fun, especially for speedrunners. Sometimes the world-design is a bit repetitive and not every enemy-type gets the screentime they deserve, but everything else is just great.
IGN Japan
November 12, 2020
Ghostrunner is a masterful pure-parkour video game that has you athletically traverse through dangerous environments. The only downside is that you’ll be so busy maneuvering your way through that there’s no time to pay attention to the story.
November 14, 2020
Ghostrunner is a game that elevates developers from One More Level to a completely new level. The project on display here is something truly special, something you can compare to the never-ending hard rush of adrenaline with great cyberpunk aesthetic design and soundscape.
October 26, 2020
I couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing the unholy union of Hotline Miami and Mirror's Edge that I didn't know I was missing in my life.
Press Start Australia
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner might be standing on the shoulders of games like Mirror’s Edge, and even Dishonored, in terms of inspiration with its parkour and slick swordplay. But it also separates heads from those shoulders and stands proud as the far better application of both disciplines—Ghostrunner is a sleek, fun exercise for deft hands.
October 26, 2020
Ghostrunner brilliantly succeeds in combining supercharged and demanding action with equally demanding platforming phases.
Game Debate
October 26, 2020
All in all, Ghostrunner mixes all the best parkour elements from Mirror’s Edge and introduces it to the chaotically symphonic combat of orchestral violence that is Hotline Miami. Run, die, run, and die again; it’s brutal in all the best ways and will have you aching for a perfect run. Whilst it does have some issues and can feel a little short, your time in Ghostrunner will be wholly enjoyable, and filled with so many ecstatic moments of blissful victory.