
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Critic Reviews

24 Total Reviews

14 Positive Reviews(58.3%)
10 Mixed Reviews(41.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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ZTGD April 1, 2013
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams looks, plays and sounds terrific. The challenge is balanced nicely with the tight controls and frequent checkpoints, and failure never became overly frustrating.
Hardcore Gamer March 24, 2013
At $15, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is well worth its cost to platforming fans.
Eurogamer Germany March 25, 2013
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams never ceases to impress. But it's not only pretty. Instead it's a very thoughtfully arranged, challenging platformer that six months after its initial release holds up just as well. This currently is, quite frankly, the jump and run of choice.
Machinima April 3, 2013
Black Forest Games revitalized its series by staying true to the game’s origins while still moving past its blatant clone gimmicks.
GameSpot March 20, 2013
Twisted Dreams combines satisfying gameplay with dazzling environments to create a worthy platformer.
Thunderbolt April 17, 2013
Fun and frustrating in equal measure, Twisted Dreams blends (rather than borrows) elements from Super Mario Bros., Sonic, and the essentials of many classic platformers that makes the experience feel fresh in an era when the genre has lost its bite.
DarkStation April 17, 2013
Art and glitches aside, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a surprisingly enjoyable platformer, and the developers have done a lot to breathe life and personality into a series that was never really allowed to live in the first place.
IGN Italia April 21, 2013
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams on Xbox 360 is still a good nostalgic platform game that offers a nice challenge. Slightly longer loading times and the absence of the two free DLCs makes this version a bit less desirable, but still good for players that don't have a gaming PC.
MondoXbox April 24, 2013
A pleasantly compelling game, with great art and that under the novelty of the dimension-shifting mechanics hides an old school platformer experience.
GamingXP May 28, 2013
With its wonderfully designed stages, the cool soundtrack, exciting boss fights and comfortable learning curve Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a whole lot of fun - only we missed a co-op mode a little bit.
4Players.de March 22, 2013
Even though the sisters show some technical shortcomings compared to the PC counterpart, this still is a charming jump & run.
Official Xbox Magazine March 19, 2013
The joy of exploration occasionally tips over into frustration, as when untouchable background scenery seems to offer a safe place to land, or during an infuriating and unnecessarily time-consuming final boss fight. But for the most part, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a charming adventure and a reasonable value.
Vandal March 31, 2013
Very recommended for those looking for an old-school platformer, with classic gameplay and difficulty.
Console Monster April 17, 2013
Overall Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a love letter to the 1980s cult classic. Sticking to its platforming roots, the game presents a classic difficulty with a new twist on the genre. While it may not be the best of its class by today’s standards, if you’re looking for a challenging platformer with a new visual twist, you may want to give this title a shot.
XGN April 16, 2013
Black Forest Games combines two beautiful worlds in one game. With an amazing concept and some challenging gameplay you would think it is ideal for platform lovers. The inaccurate controls and frustrating moment however get rid of that thought in no time.
Digital Chumps April 8, 2013
For gamers looking for a hardcore challenge then this might be the game for you. For casual gamers, this might be a frustrating experience.
Metro GameCentral March 21, 2013
They may not be directly related but Mario’s would-be siblings have some interesting ideas of their own, although they lack refinement to make the most of them.
Official Xbox Magazine UK March 26, 2013
This is a pretty, inventive platformer that demonstrates both a clear affection for the original and a willingness to try something new. It might not come close to unseating the genre's best, but if you're up for a challenge, then this is a minor gem.
Game Informer April 3, 2013
Even when Twisted Dreams is firing on all cylinders, levels inevitably devolve into a tedious hunt for gems. Some platformer fans may enjoy Twisted Dream's unabashed adherence to '80s game design, but even as a fan of old-school platformers, my enjoyment was hampered by some significant shortcomings.
Game Revolution April 1, 2013
After playing through some of the early levels, I started to enjoy myself, but when it really got down to the challenging bits, I was left wanting to hurl my 360 out the window. I think Giana Sisters as a whole is nice, with some really colorful and interesting visuals, but it just left me mad more than anything else.