
God Mode Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

3 Positive Reviews(18.8%)
13 Mixed Reviews(81.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gamers' Temple May 7, 2013
God Mode is great mindless entertainment, until you start paying attention and are left wanting more...
Destructoid April 22, 2013
God Mode is the type of game that grows on you. The biggest complaint I have is a lack of variety, which is to be expected of a budget title. What Old School Games did include in this straightforward, arcade-centric shooter shows promise of a more fleshed-out project. There's also a hint of personality with a goofy narrator, but the execution isn't quite there.
Multiplayer.it April 26, 2013
God Mode is a simple, fun third person shooter for up to four players via co-op. Shooting zombies, skeletons and ghosts is nice as it should be, but after a few hours the game becomes a little boring.
IGN April 23, 2013
If you keep in mind that this is a budget release when setting expectations of how many maps, guns, and customization options it should contain, there’s plenty of fast-paced action to be had gunning all the way through Hades – one weeping classicist at a time.
ZTGD April 26, 2013
If you can convince your buddies to join in, there is a lot of fun to be had. If solo is the name of your game, you might want to wait for a sub $5 sale.
CD-Action June 4, 2013
God Mode is a likable run-of-the-mill effort that can offer a couple of enjoyable hours, but nothing more.
EGM April 22, 2013
If you’re looking for a fun way to spend a few hours on the cheap, then God Mode is a decent investment. The gameplay is solid, and there are plenty of little extras to keep things fun and interesting—though the meager selection of maps means there’s a good chance the game will become stale after a few hours.
Hardcore Gamer April 25, 2013
God Mode may be a shallow action romp that’s got the longevity of a fruit fly, but with a decent group of allies and some proper teamwork, there’s a good bit of run & gun gaming in there while it lasts.
Armchair Empire April 26, 2013
At the end of the day, though, there are simply better games to spend one's time with than God Mode. Sure it's ten bucks, but for the same amount one could just wait for something like Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor to go on sale, and have a much more enjoyable experience.
GameSpot April 26, 2013
God Mode may not be divine, but it delivers buckets of flawed fun for a few hours.
DarkStation May 8, 2013
God Mode is a game that’s fun for about an afternoon, if that. Because of how dull the game is, there’s no real incentive to play for long stretches of time.
GameStar April 26, 2013
Quotation forthcoming.
Gameblog.fr April 23, 2013
God Mode tries to find some kind of Painkiller gameplay, but it can't really make it. It is to much repetitive and limited. The whole experience would deserve some refinements... like changing this damn "standing still" sensation.
Riot Pixels June 10, 2013
God Mode feels like a free-to-play game that somehow got released without a trace of microtransactions. If you want to kill tons of monsters in co-op, better get Serious Sam 3: BFE.
Gamer.nl May 13, 2013
God Mode tries to vary, but fails to do so completely. It comes down to being a game in which you'll shoot a lot of enemies, mindlessly running towards you. Which is as exciting and original as it sounds: not at all.
Cheat Code Central April 24, 2013
The aesthetics of the game create an illusion of quality. God Mode, at its core, feels as cheap as the price tag might suggest. The one-note shooting can’t sustain the game through all five maps.