Gray Matter Critic Reviews
27 Total Reviews
23 Positive Reviews(85.2%)
4 Mixed Reviews(14.8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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The A.V. Club
March 13, 2011
Misdirection, manipulation, and an inventory filled with objects are the tools of the stage magician, but they're also the basics of the adventure-game genre. Why it's taken so long for the two to be combined is anyone's guess, but in Gray Matter, the fit is so natural that it seems like it's the way adventure games always should have been.
Eurogamer Italy
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter is probably the best adventure game of the last years: it provides new ideas and fresh experiences, finally treating players as adult people. Perfection is not of this world, but this game goes very close to it.
PC Games (Russia)
March 21, 2011
The best adventure game of the last five years. Possibly, of the next five years as well.
April 19, 2011
Overall, this is an exceptional game that will grab hold of your senses while you play and put you in a state of immersion that few games can match, much like the very best of its spiritual predecessors. A few audio/visual foibles and a slow, methodical pace might drive some players away, but for anyone who is interested in quality adventure titles or relaxing, contemplative gameplay experiences, I couldn't recommend this game more.
February 12, 2011
This game would have been an oasis in the desert had it been released four or five years ago, but it still achieved to stand out in a genre with many other great adventures, thanks to its great story and puzzles.
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter is a great adventure. Lovely graphics, an engaging story, and logical puzzles make this game a great pastime for those looking for a funny point and click adventure.
February 12, 2011
What do you expect from an Adventure Game? Is it the story, the immersion? Then Gray Matter will be perfect for you. But if you prefer great graphics and presentation, you should rather skip it, unless you are an Xbox 360-only adventure gamer.
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter entails thanks to a very good story from Jane Jansen, with good characters and rich situations. But the gameplay will be a disappointment for point & click fans. Too easy, it also suffers from some real flaws in design, shortcomings that have a knack for killing an atmosphere that the production values already have trouble to maintain... If the story is all that matters to you, then it's well worth playing.
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter is a typical point & click adventure with a deep storyline and a stunning atmosphere. Apart from the lack of action it's a game which is worth a try.
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter is an serious and amazing adventure in a simple but well-organized development and a surprising plot. It would be one of that titles that everyone remember with special affection if published 20 years ago, but unfortunately it comes at a very weak moment for its genre. Required for all lovers of adventure games.
February 12, 2011
Jane Jensen has done it again. Her brand new adventure has a great atmosphere, characters to remember and a classy graphic design. It may no be the new Gabriel Knight, but Gray Matter it's definetly worth your money.
March 7, 2011
Gray Matter presents an exciting, intriguing and well researched mystery, which coupled with memorable characters and enjoyable puzzles makes this game a "must have" for every point & click adventure game fan out there.
March 10, 2011
The puzzles could use some polish, and in the case of the final chapter, they're downright annoying, but the compelling narrative and strong characters are more than enough to keep most gamers playing right through to the surprisingly satisfying conclusion.
Gamereactor Sweden
March 14, 2011
Jane Jensen, creator of the Gabriel Knight-series, aims high and has created a incredible game that proudly takes place amongst the greatest adventure games of all time.
February 12, 2011
What a game Gray Matter could have been if the developers would have been able to deliver more than second rate puzzles. Still, if you like adventures, you should give it a try.
March 17, 2011
I still find it refreshing that in a time where so many games assume the "more is more" addage, there are still a lot of thoughtful games out there that take their time to build atmosphere and story, and give players a bit of pondering time, rather than relying on reflexes (or frequent use of the autosave function). Gray Matter is definitely one of these games.
April 27, 2011
Gray Matter's winding story and masterful presentation captivate enough to hold everything together, particularly as the tale reaches its bizarre climax in the final chapters.
Absolute Games
February 12, 2011
Gray Matter makes the most of its small scale. There are no mad supervillains, and no one here wants to plunge the world in the eternal darkness. This is a convincing, emotionally mature story about grief, estrangement, and longing to be with a beloved person.
PC Gamer UK
February 16, 2011
A welcome return for one of adventure gaming's patron designers, if not quite a glorious return to form.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
February 12, 2011
It took seven years to create this remarkable game. The story and characters are written so well it would have been better if Gray Matter was made into a novel or movie rather than a videogame.