
GRID Legends Critic Reviews

36 Total Reviews

31 Positive Reviews(86.1%)
5 Mixed Reviews(13.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Hardcore Gamer February 24, 2022
Codemasters has put a good amount of thought into reinventing the GRID experience. GRID Legends is no doubt the best GRID to date with the amount of new options and the power of the PlayStation 5 and added tech included. I simply had a lot of fun playing this as the racing model is as addictive as ever. The story mode deserves recognition due to its design and a solid enough story, but feels more like a tutorial to get players acclimated with the series. The visuals have highlights and lowlights, but the weather effects and the reflections are where it shines the best without having to implement ray tracing. The game needs to be experienced with a headset on this console and it also gives a possible idea of what a game that launches in a week might have in store. GRID Legends pushes the series forward with new additions while the core game remains intact.
Softpedia February 28, 2022
GRID Legends is without a doubt an evolution of the 2019 installment, even though hardcore fans of the franchise expected a bigger upgrade. The overhaul is not very obvious at first, and this is why I think you should give it some time. Try the story mode, even if it’s quite short, and pay attention to the smallest details. This is what GRID Legends is all about. It’s a more refined version of its 2019 sibling, and in many ways, it feels the racing experience even more involving. But at the end of the day, it’s essential to always know what to expect. GRID Legends isn’t by any means supposed to be a racing sim. It’s still an arcade title, and as long as you have this mind, there’s absolutely no chance you’ll end up disappointed.
IGN Portugal March 9, 2022
Grid Legends could have been left behind, having launched at same time as another fairly big name of virtual motorsports. However, Codemasters gave us one of the best simcade experiences ever. With an impressive Story Mode, the usual variety in events and classes, and an acessible Race Editor, Grid Legends honors its TOCA origins and places itself right back on the main... grid.
Game Over Online March 15, 2022
Like the original, GRID Legends aims to not only offer many kinds of racing, but do them at a fairly high level. That is a lofty goal, but one that is largely achieved albeit with a few odd sacrifices. The exciting on-track action is undercut by only the story mode having a bumping soundtrack, and that’s just a bizarre move that I don’t recall saying in a modern-day racer. Franchise fatigue is a real thing and the GRID reboot was hurt by being a series of races with no framework, while everything in GRID Legends has a sense of purpose to it that helps keep a “one more race” mentality throughout each play session. It’s an outstanding racing game and one that fans of the genre should pick up.
GamersRD March 31, 2022
Grid Legends is designed for experienced fans as well as beginners, offering the enjoyment needed to be successful in this franchise.
God is a Geek February 24, 2022
GRID Legends is a wonderful racer that dials down the simulation elements of other racers, making it accessible to everyone. It features a fair amount of modes and some stunning visuals, as well as a wide range of cars to choose from.
Gaming Nexus February 24, 2022
The Driven to Glory campaign is the big push, but is actually only a thin layer of what this package offers overall. GRID Legends has a solid career mode, with a ton of cool activities and customization options. The content gating is a bit frustrating (be prepared to grind a bit), but overall there is a mountain of fun to be had with this rock-solid arcade racer.
Hobby Consolas February 25, 2022
Codemasters delivers another great racing game. GRID Legends includes a new story mode and nemesis system, perfect controls and a wide variety of competitions, up to 22 players online. We loved climate effects such as rain or snow.
GamesRadar+ February 24, 2022
Grid Legends finds its niche alongside Forza Horizon and Gran Turismo, offering track-based thrills for all skill levels.
GameSpew February 25, 2022
With GRID Legends, Codemasters has delivered one of the most generous and inclusive racing games of recent years. Though while its moment-to-moment action is pretty much second to none, its career mode just doesn’t quite get its hooks in you like it should. Throw in limited multiplayer offerings, and you have a racing game that’s great but not spectacular. If you want to fling cars around a whole load of city-based tracks and gleefully trade paint with your competitors, this is the racing game for you. Just don’t go in expecting to get all that invested in your career exploits.
NME February 25, 2022
While the story is harmless, it’s hard to take it seriously. Thankfully the on-track action is thrilling and varied, offering a robust online setup and everything you’d want from a new Grid game, even if some of the smaller details fall a little flat.
WellPlayed February 25, 2022
It doesn't reinvent the wheel by any stretch, but there's no denying that on the track GRID Legends is a fun time.
Vandal February 25, 2022
This is a solid evolution from the previous entry, with a fun career mode and, what’s more important, plenty of virtues for racing fan games to enjoy.
PlaySense February 26, 2022
A new racer in the well-known franchise that doesn't really excel at anything, but certainly doesn't do anything wrong either. It is entertaining, varied and has enough content to keep you interested for a long time. It also looks and plays nice. It is notable that it is on the easy side and that there are some flaws here and there. Fan of arcade racers? Then this is a good choice.
IGN Adria February 27, 2022
GRID Legends is a hell of a fun arcade ride with a serious pedigree that continues the evolution started in the reboot from 2019. However, the FMV story mode is something we could easily do without.
GamingBolt February 28, 2022
GRID Legends might not blow your doors off, but it does tighten many of the core ideas from previous games while packing in a ton of content.
PLAY March 7, 2022
Providing a good time for both sim fans and arcade racing fiends, Grid Legends has plenty of content and knows how to use it. Get in and enjoy the ride.
Gamer.no March 8, 2022
GRID Legends stands out from the pack thanks to great variety, action packed racing, fallible rivals and a superbly endearing story mode.
GameCritics March 24, 2022
Playing through Grid Legends’ story mode was a treat — at times I felt like I was a part of a real team with drama and stakes. I would have liked to see it expanded, but the driving is really what players are here for, and in that regard, Grid Legends is a real winner.
The Enemy April 18, 2022
Grid Legends is a distinguished racing game, specially by its story in the "documentary" style - one of the best I've seen in games of the genre - despite being cliché and leaving the player in the background. This is a great racing game. It's a shame it was "squeezed" into a season with many equally excellent games vying for attention. Going head to head against Forza Horizon 5 and Gran Turismo 7 isn't easy, but Grid Legends brings its own identity and shows that the genre has much more to offer.