August 31, 2007

Guild Wars: Eye of the North

Guild Wars: Eye of the North
Based on 9 Ratings
Based on 20 Reviews
Release date
August 31, 2007


Guild Wars players can embark on a journey that will take their existing characters into the treacherous reaches north of the Shiverpeak Mountains. There, they must stand side-by-side with both friends and enemies from the past, recruit new allies and heroes, and delve deep into perilous dungeons to face an ancient evil. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. One thing is certain; at the end of this battle, nothing will remain the same. In Guild Wars: Eye of the North, players encounter two new races: the enigmatic Asura, masters of magic who were driven from the depths by a great danger, and the fiercely independent Norn, who are more interested in contests of personal prowess than the troubles of the world around them. And as the Deldrimor Dwarves fight a desperate battle against a new evil welling up out of the earth, players once again come face-to-face with humanity's most-hated enemy—the Charr. Guild Wars: Eye of the North introduces another exciting feature to the Guild Wars legacy—multi-level dungeons. As the story of this expansion unfolds, players delve into eighteen vast dungeons to face untold enemies, search for clues about the menace facing the world, and uncover new weapons they can use in the final confrontation. These immersive, multi-level dungeons take characters deep beneath the earth and expose them to challenges the likes of which have never been seen in any Guild Wars game to date. [NCsoft]

Guild Wars: Eye of the North Trailer

Guild Wars: Eye of the North Screenshots6

Guild Wars Series Games

April 28, 2005
Guild Wars
April 26, 2006
Guild Wars Factions
October 26, 2006
Guild Wars Nightfall
August 28, 2012
Guild Wars 2
August 31, 2007
Guild Wars: Eye of the North
October 23, 2015
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
February 28, 2022
Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons
September 22, 2017
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire
August 20, 2024
Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds

Critic Reviews20

A solid add-on with a cliché-ish but consistent storyline for hardcore Guild Wars gamers. GW:EN will serve as a worthy ending to the original plot and act as a nice bridge to Guild Wars 2.
May 13, 2024
With its challenging dungeons and fun side-missions, Eye of the North comes just in time for those burnt out on Guild Wars' current PvP and PvE scene.
May 13, 2024
Although Prophecies players will benefit the most from playing the expansion, plenty of challenges await other gamers, including deep multilevel Dungeons providing near Master Quest level difficulties.
May 13, 2024

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