
Gunpoint Critic Reviews

33 Total Reviews

33 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Destructoid June 3, 2013
Leaping over buildings, smashing through windows, uncovering police corruption, and rewiring security systems is likely to be a lot more worthwhile than whatever else you were planning on doing.
Hooked Gamers June 25, 2013
Gunpoint is fun, innovative, simple, engaging and a whole host of adjectives that would take far too much time to write out. So I will say this instead: Play this game because you won’t regret it.
The Escapist June 3, 2013
Gunpoint is a short, well-crafted title that combines film noir, stealth, and hacking puzzles into a incredibly fun gaming experience. No one mechanic or playstyle takes precedence over the others, but all are equally balanced and fun to play around with.
VideoGamer June 3, 2013
What makes Gunpoint so good, is how it makes the player feel like a genius. Each solution feels like your own. The game hands you a Swiss Army Knife made out of other, smaller Swiss Army knives and lets you loose in the shed, with ALL the wood.
GameTrailers June 10, 2013
Quotation forthcoming.
Polygon June 18, 2013
Gunpoint isn't a long game - for $10, it doesn't have to be - but it's a delightfully lean experience. From the mechanics to the artistic direction, any trace of bloat has been done away with (if it was ever there to begin with).
IGN June 20, 2013
Gunpoint is a refreshingly welcome addition to the burgeoning stealth genre. It nails player movement, puzzles, and storytelling in games, and completely removes anything that stands in the way of these three.
Joystiq June 26, 2013
At $10, Gunpoint is a proudly lean product, and its clever blend of stealth, puzzles and film noir humor is worth exploring, though you may want to avoid enhancing your real-life spy skills by following Conway's lead. Unless consistently hurling yourself through windows is already a hobby.
GameFront July 3, 2013
It’s great, affordable fun, and a lesson in how far smart design, good writing and respect for players’ intelligence can take a game.
Game Informer June 5, 2013
Gunpoint is short, but it feels like the right length. You can get through the whole game in about three hours. The story is dense and the dialogue choices are varied, offering incentive to replay the game.
Games Master UK July 29, 2013
An ingeniously crafted puzzler with surprising depth to its levels.
Pelit (Finland) October 7, 2013
Stealth, puzzles and film noir mix beautifully. The only criticism is that it’s over too soon.
3DJuegos June 26, 2013
Gunpoint probes that you don't need complex settings for an amazing puzzle game. Industrial espionage with unique visuals and great posers that mix brain testing with action and platforming.
4Players.de June 21, 2013
Sneaking, hacking and puzzles: Gunpoint is rather short but very entertaining with its wild and unique mix of funny dialogue, challenging jump sequences and stealth elements.
Eurogamer June 3, 2013
Just mucking around in these little sandboxes is a blast - and in that sense, it's the best sort of game, where play is its own reward. More snack than feast, it would be nice if there was slightly more of it to enjoy, but Gunpoint comes highly recommended all the same.
Digital Spy June 3, 2013
Gunpoint is a game with tremendous respect for the player, essentially giving you a toolbox of spy gadgets and a new stealth playground in every level, then letting you have at it at your own pace.
Guardian June 3, 2013
Like all great detective stories, Gunpoint isn't quick to give up its secrets. And like all great games, its elements build up into a system as alluring as it is surprising. You're left wanting more; which is a small criticism, but much higher praise.
Edge Magazine June 4, 2013
Even in its current form, there’s a wealth of ideas and a set of powers that few games twice this length manage to pack in.
Eurogamer Italy June 5, 2013
Smart, fun and challenging enough without being punishing: Gunpoint is a brilliant indie game that every nostalgic of the Amiga and PC “golden age” of gaming shouldn't miss.
Multiplayer.it June 9, 2013
Gunpoint is a puzzle game brilliantly executed, that encourages creativity without punishing mistakes.