
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Critic Reviews

21 Total Reviews

21 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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1UP May 12, 2024
I've selected these examples at near-random to avoid spoiling truly standout showpieces. Episode Two's entire five-hour experience -- vivid, emotionally engaging, and virtually unsurpassed -- is full of them.
Thunderbolt May 12, 2024
Episode Two is an absolute must-purchase for any FPS fan. It’s an amazing experience from beginning to end. I truly cannot think of a way to improve this game.
PALGN May 12, 2024
Half Life 2 Episode Two equals Half-Life 2's achievements and in many cases vaults over the high bar which it created. Brimming with great story telling and excellent action it is almost a must play for anybody even remotely interested.
Armchair Empire May 12, 2024
Episode 2 is an awesome example of packing various kinds of gameplay into a compressed time span without the whole thing descending into a discombobulated mess.
IGN May 12, 2024
Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special. It may be shorter than the original, but it's a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and leave us wanting more.
PC Gamer UK May 12, 2024
Episode Two is the most sumptuous chapter of the Half-Life saga, and by a country mile. It's as if Valve's tech and art teams are trying to outdo each other: the Source engine has had a striking technical overhaul that renders textures, materials and curves uncannily well, and the artists clearly relish having a fresh palette to work with.
AtomicGamer May 12, 2024
On its own, Episode Two might not seem like much for its price tag, but as part of the Orange Box package, it becomes an excellent value that's packaged alongside two very different first-person games.
Play (Poland) May 12, 2024
A really solid add-on, as long as some full games and made like a good science fiction movie. At last the combat isn’t confined to city streets and cellars, so one can breathe freely. The only problem is the lack of new guns. But it’s an excellent sequel anyway. It has a megaton of mood, believable characters, sensible story motivating the hero and the old American clunker of a car switching gears with a wonderful grinding sound. It’s hard not to like it - and the Episode Two as well.
More great story blended with improved AI and better firefights. It's starting to retread old ground though.
Eurogamer May 12, 2024
A happy medium between the mind-blowing excess of its parent game and its somewhat compact Episode One offspring. While initially lacking in gameplay novelty or many truly 'new' elements that fans always hanker for, it more than makes up for this with its consistently engaging narrative tricks, refined set-pieces and a staggering climax.
GamerNode May 12, 2024
The emotion, presentation, story and overall action-packed gameplay cements Episode 2 as an excellent addition in the Half-Life 2 series and PC gaming in general. While playing Episode 2, I never felt detached or alienated from the game.
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 12, 2024
In fact, though a good bit shorter than the original Half-Life 2, Episode 2 quite possibly rivals it in terms of memorable sequences. These include some lengthy vehicle sections, some stunning scenery, some stand-out plotlines and a good few damned enjoyable fight sequences.
VideoGamer May 12, 2024
Half-Life fans are going to flip out over what Episode Two has to offer and FPS fans in general should find a finely crafted, lean experience.
AceGamez May 12, 2024
By staying true to the already exceptional foundation of the series and adding meaningful changes that enhance the player's experience even further, Valve have demonstrated yet again that in this ever-competitive genre they still have the ability to impress and excel.
YouGamers May 12, 2024
Fine addition to the overall storyline of Gordon Freeman. Fails to stand alone, but I guess that's episodic gaming. Bit on the short side and the weakest link of The Orange Box, but good fun as long as it lasts.
The New York Times May 12, 2024
I was less impressed by Episode 2’s story. While it sows a few seeds for the final episode of the trilogy, the game lacks the driving force of the previous episode.
As the game progresses, the initial familiar sensation disappears and we get caught up in the story again, there are many open spaces and we’ll be able to drive another car (a modified Dodge Charger) on more types of terrain.
PC Zone UK May 12, 2024
Episode Two contains some of the series' greatest moments, and it's still every bit as charming as its predecessors, but it's so similar to Half-Life 2 that despite what Valve might believe, we're really left wanting something a bit fresher.
GameSpy May 12, 2024
A worthy, entertaining addition to the Half-Life saga, even if it's a little more inconsistent than its predecessors. It's got plenty of the action, puzzles and set pieces that's made the series so successful to date, and that formula hasn't been tampered with.
Four Fat Chicks May 12, 2024
For the first time in its history, Valve has produced other than a superlative product. That's more disorienting than disappointing, as though the sky had suddenly changed color or cats started speaking. I don't dislike Episode Two. I just wish I liked it more.