
Half-Minute Hero Critic Reviews

41 Total Reviews

40 Positive Reviews(97.6%)
1 Mixed Reviews(2.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Play Magazine May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero is an example of what gaming can be when games are at their best; simple in concept, carefully crafted in design, and utterly excellent in execution.
Cheat Code Central May 20, 2024
A fun, fast, frenetic game that is truly unique.
The A.V. Club May 20, 2024
Timing is the key to comedy, after all, and few games are as well-timed as this one.
Gaming Age May 20, 2024
It's a great spin on a tired formula, with some fantastic art design and a quality soundtrack to go along with it. Definitely pick this one up and you won't be disappointed.
GamePro May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero is an absolute blast, and a decidedly original (and hilarious) take on the fantasy RPG genre.
Though many of Half-Minute Hero's whopping 120-plus quests fly by in the blink of an eye, you'll get a ton of mileage and many hours of enjoyment out of this gem.
Gamer Limit May 20, 2024
A charming, self-deprecating, retro-steeped homage to classic gameplay conventions set to a rockin' speed metal soundtrack. At only ten hours, the ride is short, but each second of gameplay is packed with an immediacy unmatched in current games on any console.
Worth Playing May 20, 2024
The title's bite-sized action will hook you right from the start, and once you start playing, this is really one of those games that's extremely difficult to put down (especially since you know that the next level is only 30 seconds long).
Destructoid May 20, 2024
If you love RPGs, you'll love Half-Minute Hero. If you don't love RPGs, you may still love Half-Minute Hero. Fans of the genre will love the jokes and parody, while haters of the genre may love it for the very same reasons. Even moreso, the puzzling gameplay is addictive and perfectly suited for portable play.
GameCritics May 20, 2024
It's extremely smart, has a great sense of humor, a bold design and fantastic art direction.
My Gamer May 20, 2024
With a perfect sense of humor, a new bold design, a vintage graphical style and gameplay perfectly suited for a portable system, Half Minute Hero is one game that cannot be missed by PSP owners or any fan of an RPG.
IGN May 20, 2024
If you like RPGs, Half-Minute Hero is a refreshing take that mixes in all the quirks the genre is known for, and if you've never been into RPGs, it's light enough for any noob to get behind and enjoy; plus, there are a bunch of other gameplay types to get behind the controls of.
Gamervision May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero is, simply put, brilliant.
GameTrailers May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero moves like a bullet train, with non-stop laughs and light speed gameplay. There's more depth to it than you'd expect, but its bite-sized chunks make it great to play in short bursts. If you've ever wanted your RPGs to pick up the pace, don't pass this one by.
Gamer 2.0 May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero does a great job of being a refreshing experience that combines unique takes on four very different genres to tell an epic story into one of the most interesting PSP games we’ve played in a long time.
Play UK May 20, 2024
A fantastic package, covering multiple genres and raising more smiles than it has any right to.
Digital Chumps May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero is a stunning example of why all games don’t have to follow the same rules, but, even with as much as I loved playing it, I'm well aware of its limited appeal.
PSM3 Magazine UK May 20, 2024
The concept is charming and well executed, meaning you'll probably sink over 50 hours into it. Ironic.
PlayStation Universe May 20, 2024
Half-Minute Hero is a throwback to the 8-bit RPG genre coupled with a unique take that only feels possible on the PSP. Some of the game modes on offer leave a lot to be desired, however.
Kombo May 20, 2024
Simply put, Half-Minute Hero is the perfect game to take on the go. You can play in very short spurts, or you can sit down and play for a good hour and still feel satisfied either way.