October 9, 2012

Harry Potter for Kinect

Harry Potter for Kinect
Based on 15 Reviews
Release date
October 9, 2012


Harry Potter for Kinect allows you to join Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger as they embark on a harrowing journey.

Harry Potter for Kinect Trailer

Harry Potter for Kinect Screenshots30

Critic Reviews15

At the end of the day, Harry Potter Kinect provides a fun but short main campaign that is great in small bursts.
April 1, 2013
Looks like Potter has lost its magic.
January 27, 2013
The Harry Potter series has had its fair share of the spot light with the films and the books but for the games then that is something else. If you want to get this game in the shops then it would be best to wait for it to go on sale in the bargain bin. Once at the end of this game, you feel like a muggle more than a wizard and going to Hogwarts was a waste of time.
December 19, 2012

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