
Headhunter Critic Reviews

24 Total Reviews

17 Positive Reviews(70.8%)
7 Mixed Reviews(29.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Game Chronicles May 8, 2024
Aside from a few camera quirks and some excessive load times, Headhunter is almost a perfect gaming experience from the opening movie to the closing credits. The clever mix of VR training, cycling through town, stealth, and weapons combat all combine for one great action title.
With an engaging storyline, solid visuals, and great action sequences, most gamers won’t want to pass Headhunter up.
IGN May 8, 2024
A fun and atmospheric sleeper that rises up and engages your imagination.
GameNow May 8, 2024
Ever wanted to play an action movie? Here's your chance.
Games Radar May 8, 2024
We've had our problems with an aiming system continually hampered by a camera that doesn't give you a free look...it's enough - along with the bleached-clean looks and cramped levels - to knock this out of the realms of "Devil May Cry."
GameZone May 8, 2024
While never reaching the same heights as Metal Gear Solid 2, Headhunter is still a solid action game with a lot of bite.
Play Magazine May 8, 2024
Here's the sleeper hit of the season.
PSM Magazine May 8, 2024
While it doesn't bring anything truly groundbreaking to the genre, it's executed pretty damn well, overall.
Yahoo! May 8, 2024
The combat sections of the game are great and you have so much freedom of movement with your on-screen, bearded lovely!
GamerWeb Sony May 8, 2024
Sadly, many people will pass this title up for something with a bit more "flash" instead of going for substance – something Headhunter definitely has.
Game Informer May 8, 2024
The combat isn't super-innovative, with lots of ducking behind things and corner creeping, it does the job, however, and is complemented by some clever puzzles.
Game Over Online May 8, 2024
The visuals, while not at all enhanced, look good and the play control, once mastered, is silky smooth.
GameSpot May 8, 2024
Its graphics fall short of the best the console has to offer, but its blend of action, stealth, and driving manages to keep things interesting throughout.
TotalGames.net May 8, 2024
Add to this some slightly suspect enemy AI and a series of horribly misguided cut-scenes (these attempt to ape the dark humour of Robocop and fail) and you’ve got a fairly mediocre release.
Electric Playground May 8, 2024
If you're a fan of action games and don't mind a dense storyline and some hunt and peck adventure-style clicking, you'll get a thrill or two out of Headhunter.
GameSpy May 8, 2024
One of the game's biggest deficiencies is the camera, which doesn't work well when you're in attack mode.
Adrenaline Vault May 8, 2024
This is still a pure adventure game: rigidly linear, heavy on plot and exposition, and not immune to the bad habits of the genre, like switch pulling and fetch questing.
Because the controls are overly ambitious (read: complex), instead of being a crack shot with mad skillz, Jake Slade is about as easy to control as a 6-year old kid.
Armchair Empire May 8, 2024
While Headhunter does well to borrow from games like "Metal Gear Solid 2" and the sort of comically futuristic world found in movies like Robocop, it falls short with it’s blandly typical story and constant cliché rip-offs that cheapen the experience.
netjak May 8, 2024
Oh the controls, in my opinion they sucked a$$. The rolling technique and all was cool in conjunction with the ducking and aiming aspect; but the way it was executed was horrible.