
Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland Critic Reviews

3 Total Reviews

1 Positive Reviews(33.3%)
2 Mixed Reviews(66.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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XGN July 10, 2011
The new Partisan system and Theatre Interface are just a few good improvements this expansion has to offer. However, only few of the older problems get fixed and the extra options will only make it harder for a newcomer to get into Hearts of Iron III. Gamers that are familiar with the franchise will however be happy that the most realistic WWII game ever, just got a little bit better.
Da Gameboyz July 29, 2011
As such, if you're not a hardcore turn based strategy buff, stay away.
Gaming Nexus September 12, 2011
This is an end-of-life expansion for the HOI3 franchise. It adds some (minor) new features to the original, but does not do much to fix any major flaws. It is not worth 20 bucks to anybody but an HOI3 completist.