
Hidden Agenda Critic Reviews

47 Total Reviews

21 Positive Reviews(44.7%)
24 Mixed Reviews(51.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Gaming Age January 11, 2018
As I said up top, there are certainly reasons to be wary of Hidden Agenda. It’s hard not to search a crime scene for clues with your unresponsive PlayLink app and come away wishing that you were just using a plain controller. But that’s more than outweighed by the fact that the game also does a better job of capturing what makes mystery novels so compelling than nearly anything else I’ve ever played. Hidden Agenda may not be perfect, but it knows how to keep you hooked right to the very end.
GamingTrend October 27, 2017
Hidden Agenda is like stepping into a crime drama and influencing how it plays out. The branching narrative is a welcoming aspect and makes me want to play it multiple times. It's fun to play alone, but taking it on with friends is a treat all on it's own.
Meristation November 9, 2017
Innovative, Original, satisfying. Supermassive Games knows how to create interactive stories and proves it with a very interesting title that you and your friends can play together or against each other.
Hobby Consolas November 20, 2017
Hidden Agenda is an innovative experience that opens up new possibilities in the world of interactive adventures. The title of SuperMassive Games proposes us live a party of crime with friends and influence all together in the history. It is not perfect, but it is a great alternative for entertainment.
Game Informer October 24, 2017
As someone who has grown increasingly wary of the rote formula most modern adventure games cling to, Hidden Agenda is another fresh and worthwhile experience from Supermassive. It may not have the same impact or polish as its predecessor, but it provides an evening of solid entertainment and a great alternative to the standard choose-your-own-adventure fare.
Twinfinite October 25, 2017
There are so many things you can do differently over the course of the story, and the game has incredible replay value. And should you ever get tired of replaying the same mystery, you could always invite a few friends over for an intense night of distrust and suspicion.
CGMagazine November 2, 2017
Supermassive Games brings players another unique adventure in the multiplayer, action-adventure, thriller Hidden Agenda.
Areajugones November 20, 2017
Hidden Agenda shows the success of PlayLink. A game developed by Supermassive Games that gathers the best of Until Dawn with a dark story with some funny moments. Great to play with family and friends, since it can have 6 simultaneous players.
Multiplayer.it November 21, 2017
Hidden Agenda is a great thriller, where players are determined to determine the outcome of the story.
Digitally Downloaded December 11, 2017
Games like Hidden Agenda are what we need to see more of. The game itself isn’t perfect, but it is a perfect example of games that try new ways to tell a story. Full credit to Sony for trying something new with the mobile phone linking system.
New Game Network November 2, 2017
Hidden Agenda isn't very deep, but it's a fun and creative game that you're going to want to share with all of your friends. It's an interesting showcase of making a typical adventure title into a party experience that takes advantage of the PlayStation’s PlayLink platform.
3DJuegos November 22, 2017
A very interesting interactive movie with a very distinctive party game on it. A true achievement for Supermassive Games.
JeuxActu November 28, 2017
In spite of a few story weaknesses, Hidden Agenda is a very good interactive movie that makes a cleaver use of the PlayLink technology by allowing multiple players to join in. A perfect pick for an evening with non-gamer friends, but we would have loved a bit more interaction, while the app uses a lot of energy from your phone.
PLAY! Zine December 28, 2017
Hidden Agenda is a couch co-op adventure game played with a smartphone. It has some narrative issues, but was still fun to play with friends.
DarkZero November 2, 2017
Hidden Agenda is a game built to be played with friends, but ultimately I found the most fun in single player. It is also a game made to be finished in one sitting, but I grew to like it more after two playthroughs. Wrapping the adventure up in the guise of a party game does it no favours, but it proficiently overcomes these issues to be a worthwhile experience. I’d love to see this series have another outing, and hope for a more ambitious sequel if it were to continue.
Hardcore Gamer November 10, 2017
Playlink doesn’t get enough credit. At first it seemed like PlayStation simply trying to get on the Jackbox bandwagon, but they seem to be invested in the program and it’s working out well for them. Supermassive has done impressive things with the technology and thought of a new way to take advantage of it. Hidden Agenda tells a good story and is great for a fun night in with friends. It has problems in the graphics and writing areas, but it’s a fun and entertaining game in the end. $19.99 is a great value for the quality of the content throughout the five chapters and it signals exiting things to come for Playlink.
God is a Geek November 20, 2017
It's doing something different as part of Play Link, and there is no better studio to do a crime story using this service, even though some of the gameplay elements are a bit dull.
GamePro Germany November 23, 2017
Hidden Agenda is a nice interactive thriller, but it lacks finetuning regarding story and gameplay mechanics.
Everyeye.it November 26, 2017
A somewhat embarrassed and mechanical, cooperative and competitive script that sometimes clashes with the thoughtful, reflective and weighted nature typical of an interactive thriller.
Not exactly family-friendly Christmas fare, but definitely worth a look with friends.