Homeworld Remastered Collection Critic Reviews
49 Total Reviews
49 Positive Reviews(100%)
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March 1, 2015
Gearbox has set the bar for how to update an old game for a modern audience. The slick new UI, the minor control improvements, and the updated graphics make these two strategy masterpieces into an experience even greater than the originals.
Digital Spy
March 5, 2015
There might have been some worries when the series ended up in the hands of new developer Gearbox, but they've proven to be unfounded; Homeworld Remastered Collection has been handled with the care and attention it deserves, and is worth a place in the library of any self-respecting fan of strategy games, spaceships or little things flying around going pew pew pew.
March 11, 2015
Homeworld Remastered Collection not only brings two classic games back for longtime fans, it will surely capture a new generation with its unique perspective, brilliant storyline, and engrossing gameplay.
April 1, 2015
Years go by and Homeworlds remain the best real-time space strategies ever created.
Cheat Code Central
March 4, 2015
Homeworld Remastered Collection is a testament to game development done right, both in its original form and in the meticulously updated version, and one that should not be overlooked by any fan of the genre.
PC Gamer
March 23, 2015
A worthy upgrade to one of the best strategy games ever, featuring the best space battles in the business.
Gaming Age
April 2, 2015
Homeworld was, at the time, my favorite RTS. With the release of Homeworld Remastered Collection, this game has crawled back into my heart and is now firmly planted there for quite some time to come.
February 24, 2015
Homeworld: The Remastered Collection does a fantastic job of polishing up and reintroducing these formerly hard-to-experience classic real-time strategy games.
God is a Geek
February 24, 2015
Gearbox has taken two of the finest RTSs ever made and turned them into something you’d be proud to show off on any modern gaming PC. Fans of the originals will fall in love with this, and if you missed them the first time around you’re getting two of the very best RTSs ever made with this.
February 24, 2015
An essential pair of games for your collection, beautifully remastered and enhanced.
Gaming Nexus
February 24, 2015
The epic scale of space battles and awe-inspiring backdrops they take place in make the Homeworld Remastered Collection a must own for real-time strategy fans.
February 24, 2015
The Homeworld Remastered Collection offers players access to two of the best space based strategy titles ever created and to do so on modern machines, with no worries about compatibility or other hardware problems, which means that the fan community should be grateful for the work that Gearbox has put in.
Attack of the Fanboy
February 24, 2015
Homeworld Remastered Collection simultaneously lives up to the legacy of the series while forging ahead with updated graphics and UI elements. Genre fans will love this collection, while others should be able to find something to enjoy with all that it contains.
February 24, 2015
The Homeworld collection is a fantastic and complex RTS that will challenge players with an almost intimidating amount of depth of choice.
Eurogamer Poland
February 26, 2015
An excellent remaster: this real-time strategy gem is now available with beautiful, breathtaking graphics.
Metro GameCentral
February 26, 2015
A near perfect remastering of a classic strategy game, that succeeds not just because of nostalgia but because there’s never been anything else quite like Homeworld.
Eurogamer Italy
February 27, 2015
An act of love coming from the past to give a future to real time strategy games.
March 1, 2015
A "remastered" done really well that provides dozens of hours of gameplay and not only caters to the nostalgics, but winks to anyone who is looking for a great real-time strategy game.
March 2, 2015
Gearbox Software today owns the Homeworld IP and remastering the originals might seem a ‘cash grab’ at first glance, but considering the enormity of their effort to bring Relic’s space RTS masterpiece of the late 90s and early 2000s into today’s gaming arena, they more than prove their commitment.
March 3, 2015
Homeworld Remastered Collection is so good that you shouldn't let it go. It's an amazing piece of work to honor one of the best strategy game series ever.