
Hulk Critic Reviews

28 Total Reviews

17 Positive Reviews(60.7%)
11 Mixed Reviews(39.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Playboy May 1, 2024
Best of all, the game's environments are destructible, so if it exists, Hulk can smash it.
Cheat Code Central May 1, 2024
Playing as the green thing is incredible fun. He's not only easy to control but he's got a good variety of moves... My biggest complaint is that the game isn't long enough.
Gamezilla! May 1, 2024
To be fair, there are a few simple puzzles to solve but nothing that is going to cause any great deal of thought. For Hulk fans however, destroying things on The Hulk missions will make up for its other shortcomings.
GameNow May 1, 2024
What I like most about The Hulk is the fact that the Hulk plays the way you'd expect him to.
Gamers' Temple May 1, 2024
Well worth a rental to get out all your pent up hostilities.
Entertainment Weekly May 1, 2024
We would love to see an open-world game with less linearity and an even richer story. But for now, this action brawler delivers loads of mindless mayhem.
GameZone May 1, 2024
It offers a ton of bonus goodies that will keep players coming back for more! My only complaint with the game is the camera, because at times it becomes more of a hamper than help, but players can get used to it.
PSM Magazine May 1, 2024
Truly immersing players into the role of their gamma-powered Hercules, Hulk successfully combines tough boss battles, unique visuals, and beat-'em-up gameplay into one satisfying package.
IGN May 1, 2024
Using the proper "destroy everything" approach that a game of this nature needs in conjunction with an easy to learn combo system, the Hulk doesn't steer action fans wrong too often.
PSX Nation May 1, 2024
The destruction-oriented Hulk levels, killer graphics, good audio and a wealth of bonus goodies, however, make "The Hulk" a blast to complete.
Sealth missions excepted, you're in for a genuinely fun eight hours of gameplay in The Hulk.
Cincinnati Enquirer May 1, 2024
The Hulkster follows commands easily, the camera gives you an excellent view of the action and you don't need to mash 20 buttons for every combat move you make.
Play Magazine May 1, 2024
One thing I didn't expect from such a mainstream game was intense boss battles, but they're in here too. The first few are easy enough, but they're in here too. The first few are easy enough, but the last couple are a real bitch.
Game Over Online May 1, 2024
Purists of the comic should take heart, because the infamous sonic clap and ground smashing jump are included, along with a number of other moves that take advantage of his fury. In fact, attacking builds up a rage meter, which allows you to boost your damage or unleash a super-powerful attack towards your enemies.
GameShark May 1, 2024
Even times when you have up to 8-10 enemies on screen at once the game stays as smooth and flowing with no slow downs whatsoever.
GameSpot May 1, 2024
At its core, The Hulk is a simple beat-'em-up action game that delivers an enjoyable comic book experience with plenty of wanton destruction, as well as its fair share of flaws.
Total Video Games May 1, 2024
Whilst the games 10 missions won’t last long, the game certainly chucks it at you with dozens of enemies incessantly attacking you. A variety of boss encounters provide some challenge, however they’re not the most memorable encounters that you’ll ever come across.
GameSpy May 1, 2024
Too simple for its own good, yet somehow likable in the end.
TotalGames.net May 1, 2024
Then you meet the game’s other personality, the ‘stealth’ bits, thrown in to remedy the aforementioned mindless repetitiveness. And it’s an unpleasant little turd whom you won’t be wanting to spend much time with.
The boss battles, too, seem to borrow a page from the messy showdowns that spoiled "X2: Wolverine's Revenge." They're so infuriatingly cheap, you'll want to Hulk-smash your controller.